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Bulid Vaa3D on CentOS

linglizhangllec edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 1 revision



Supported Qt versions:

  • Qt 4.7.3
  1. Recommende download Google Cloud Disk precompiled Qt 4.7.3.

  2. After downloading, the decompression command is tar -zxvf Qt-4.7.3.tar.gz.

  3. Unzip file to get Trolltech,put it in /usr/localwith root previleges.

  4. There is a compiled qmake in/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.3/bin. Open the terminal and use ./qmake -v to check whether the compilation is successful.

  • Qt Possible problems: if your PC report bash: ./qmake: No such file or directory, just restart the system.

  • Qt path:Go to your/homedirectory to choose Show Hidden Files, then you will see.bash_profile.

    Using root privileges, then add export PATH="/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.7.3/bin:$PATH" in it. The steps are shown below:

  • After git clone is finished,there is a build.linux file in v3d_external, you should add following in it.
  • Please follow the rules to use different paths :
  • The step is shown below:

Git Clone

  • Go to Terminal, use sudo yum install git

  • ATTENTION :Operation in git cannot be copied from other systems ,such as Windows

Boost 1.57.0

  • After downloading, runtar -xf boost_1_57_0.tar.gz to unzip the file.

  • Enter the decompressed filecd boost_1_57_0

  • Search script in advance, then execute./bootstrap.shin the file.

  • Check if./b2 --without-python stage debug


  • After finishing git clone,you can go home to find the vaa3d_external and vaa3d_tools files.

  • At the same time, libraries such as gcc g++ need to be installed for native centos, and the corresponding instructions vaa3d_wiki are there the following:

sudo yum install gcc
sudo yum install gcc-c++
sudo yum install libXext-devel.x86_64
sudo yum install libXrender-devel.x86_64
sudo yum install libpng12-devel.x86_64
  • Soft connection process after installation :
cd vaa3d_tools
ln -s ../v3d_external/v3d_main v3d_main
ln -s ../v3d_external/bin bin
cd ../v3d_external
ln -s ../vaa3d_tools/released_plugins released_plugins_more
  • To avoid errors, it is recommended to make this modification:
  • Change #include "v3d_core.h" to an absolute path inIPmain4NeuronAssemble.h.

  • Change#include "tiffio.h"to an absolute path in stackutil.h.

  • Open v3d_external file and run./build.linuxin Terminal.
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