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Xiaoxiao Liu edited this page Apr 10, 2015 · 2 revisions


What you need before you start

Before you read this page, we suppose you have known what Vaa3D plugin is. For a brief introduction and description of plugin project structure, please see here. For an instruction of how to compile plugins and run on Vaa3D platform, please see here.

  1. Qt. Download at if you don't have on your system.

  2. Check out Vaa3D source code from the page

  3. a c++ compiler.

How to write a Vaa3D plugin

The structure of a Vaa3D plugin project

The structure of a Vaa3D plugin project is very simple. It contains a list of at least 3 files:

  • plugin.h
  • plugin.cpp
  • tells Qt how to compile to plugin. The header file and cpp file organize the major functions that are used by the plugin interface.

The key concept you should remember is that Vaa3D Plugin creates a interface that gives you a framework. After a Plugin class inherited from V3DPluginInterface is created, you can define your own items and functions in domenu and dofunc.

Plugin Creator: a simple way to create a plugin

For beginners who are not familiar with the coding styles of Vaa3D plugins, an easy way to create a Vaa3D plugin is to use another plugin called Plugin Creator, which provides basic template and examples for you to customize your plugin.

The Plugin Creator is now available in our Existing Plugin List. You can download and run it in the same way as any other plugin, described here.

An example plugin

Once you have built the necessary template of a plugin (either by Plugin Creator or manually), you can move on to add your own functions in it. This section describes a typical example of plugin project, which is designed to perform binary thresholding on an image. You can use it as a demo. Reading the example may also help you learn more about the function organization in Vaa3D plugins.

If you already know how to write a simple plugin and want to extend it, you can skip this part and go directly to advanced fucntions, where you can find a complete list describing the input and output from the interface. Also, reading our existing plugins will also be very useful in your development.

In order to build a clear framework, we show a typical project consisting of 5 files, in which the plugin framework (example_plugin.h, example_plugin.cpp) is separated from the functions (example_func.h, example_func.cpp). You are not required to do so--remember previously we have stated that a plugin can consist of only 3 files--but you are strongly encouraged to do so to better arrange your project structure. Also, the example shown here has an organization consistant with the project created by Plugin Creator.

Plugin interface/framework

The following 2 files set up the framework of Vaa3D plugin interface:

The key concept here is to construct a list of menu and func items, and link the function with the item you want to activate.


/* example_plugin.h
 * This is a header file of plugin, you can use it as a demo
 * 2012-02-10 : by Yinan Wan
#ifndef __EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_H__
#define __EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_H__

#include <QtGui>
#include <v3d_interface.h>

class ExamplePlugin : public QObject, public V3DPluginInterface2_1

	float getPluginVersion() const {return 1.1f;}

	QStringList menulist() const;
	void domenu(const QString &menu_name, 
                    V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, 
                    QWidget *parent);

	QStringList funclist() const ;
	bool dofunc(const QString &func_name, 
                    const V3DPluginArgList &input, 
                    V3DPluginArgList &output, 
                    V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, 
                    QWidget *parent);



/* example_plugin.cpp
 * This is an example plugin perform binary thresholding on an image. You can use it as a demo
 * 2012-02-10 : by Yinan Wan
#include "v3d_message.h"

#include "example_plugin.h"
#include "example_func.h"

// 1- Export the plugin class to a target, the first item in the bracket should match the TARGET parameter in the .pro file
Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(example, ExamplePlugin);

// 2- Set up the items in plugin domenu
QStringList ExamplePlugin::menulist() const
	return QStringList() 

// 3 - Set up the function list in plugin dofunc
QStringList ExamplePlugin::funclist() const
	return QStringList()

// 4 - Call the functions corresponding to the domenu items. 
//     The functions may not necessarily be in example_func.cpp, but you are strongly recommended to do so
//     to seperate the Interface from the core functions, and it is consistant with the form in plugin_creator
void ExamplePlugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
	if (menu_name == tr("image_thresholding"))
	else if (menu_name == tr("about"))
		v3d_msg(tr("This is a demo plugin to perform binary thresholding on the current image.\n"
			"Developed by Yinan Wan, 2012-02-10"));
		v3d_msg(tr("This is a demo plugin to perform binary thresholding on the current image.\n"
			"Developed by Yinan Wan, 2012-02-10"));

// 5 - Call the functions corresponding to dofunc
//     The functions may not necessarily be in example_func.cpp, but you are strongly recommended to do so
//     to seperate the Interface from the core functions, and it is consistant with the form in plugin_creator
bool ExamplePlugin::dofunc(const QString & func_name, const V3DPluginArgList & input, V3DPluginArgList & output, V3DPluginCallback2 & callback,  QWidget * parent)
	if (func_name == tr("image_thresholding"))
		image_threshold(input, output);
	else if (func_name == tr("help"))

Plugin functions: domenu and dofunc

The following 2 files are the virtual functions you run to perform binary thresholding. It shows you how to acquire image (both from windows and from file), to do simple manipulations, and to save or present the result. Note the functions used here are only a small proportion of all the functions provided in the interface. Please refer to the complete list of our functions for your own use.


/* example_func.h
 * This is an example plugin, the header file of plugin functions.
 * 2012-02-10 : by Yinan Wan
#ifndef __EXAMPLE_FUNC_H__
#define __EXAMPLE_FUNC_H__

#include <v3d_interface.h>

int image_threshold(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent);
int image_threshold(const V3DPluginArgList & input, V3DPluginArgList & output);
void printHelp();



/* example_func.cpp
 * This file contains the functions used in plugin domenu and dufunc, you can use it as a demo.
 * 2012-02-13 : by Yinan Wan

#include <v3d_interface.h>
#include "v3d_message.h"
#include "stackutil.h"
#include "example_func.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

/* function used in DOMENU typically takes 2 inputs:
 * "callback" - provide information from the plugin interface, and 
 * "parent"   - the parent widget of the Vaa3D main window
const QString title="Image Thresholding";
int image_threshold(V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent)
	// 1 - Obtain the current 4D image pointer
	v3dhandle curwin = callback.currentImageWindow();
		QMessageBox::information(0, title, QObject::tr("No image is open."));
		return -1;
	Image4DSimple *p4DImage = callback.getImage(curwin);

	// 2 - Ask for parameters
	//     asking for the subject channel
	bool ok;
	int c = -1;
	c = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Channel Number", "Set the subject channel number:", 0, 0, p4DImage->getCDim()-1, 1, &ok);
	if (!ok) return -1;
	//      asking for threshold
	int thres = -1;
	thres = QInputDialog::getInteger(parent, "Threshold", "Set threshold:", 0, 0, 255, 1, &ok);
	if (!ok) return -1;

	// 3 - Create a new image and do binary thresholding
	V3DLONG sz[3];
	sz[0] = p4DImage->getXDim();
	sz[1] = p4DImage->getYDim();
	sz[2] = p4DImage->getZDim();
	unsigned char * inimg1d = p4DImage->getRawDataAtChannel(c);
	V3DLONG tb = sz[0]*sz[1]*sz[2]*p4DImage->getUnitBytes();
	unsigned char * nm = NULL;
	try {
		nm = new unsigned char [tb];
	} catch (...) {
		throw("Fail to allocate memory in Image Thresholding plugin.");
	for (V3DLONG i=0;i<tb;i++)
		if (inimg1d[i]>=thres) nm[i] = 255;
		else nm[i] = 0;

	// 4 - Set and show the thresholded image in a new window
	v3dhandle newwin = callback.newImageWindow();
	p4DImage->setData(nm, sz[0], sz[1], sz[2], 1, p4DImage->getDatatype());//setData() will free the original memory automatically
	callback.setImage(newwin, p4DImage);
	callback.setImageName(newwin, QObject::tr("Image Thresholding"));
	return 1;

/* functions in DOFUNC takes 2 parameters
 * "input" arglist has 2 positions reserved for input and parameter:
 *   returns a pointer to vector<char*> that pass the arglist following the input option '-i'
 *                                  items are splitted by ' ', which is often used as input data 
 *                                  [required]
 *   returns a pointer to vector<char*> that pass the arglist following the input option '-p'. 
 *                                  items are splitted by ' ', it is reserved for you to define your own parameters 
 *				    [not required, if '-p' is not specified, input only contains one member]
 * "output" arglist has a size of 1:
 *   returns a pointer to vector<char*> that pass the arglist following the input option '-o' 
 *                                  items are splitted by ' ', which is often used as output data 
 *                                  [required]
int image_threshold(const V3DPluginArgList & input, V3DPluginArgList & output)
	cout<<"Welcome to image_threshold function"<<endl;
	if(input.size() != 2 || output.size() != 1) 
		cout<<"illegal input!"<<endl;
		return -1;

	// 1 - Read input image
	vector<char*>* inlist = (vector<char*>*)(;
	if (inlist->size() != 1)
		cout<<"You must specify 1 input file!"<<endl;
		return -1;
	char * infile = inlist->at(0);
	cout<<"input file: "<<infile<<endl;
	unsigned char * inimg1d = NULL;
	V3DLONG * sz = NULL;
	int datatype;
	if (!loadImage(infile, inimg1d, sz, datatype)) return -1;

	// 2 - Read color channel and threshold parameter
	vector<char*>* paralist = (vector<char*>*)(;
	if (paralist->size() != 2)
		cout<<"Illegal parameter!"<<endl;
		return -1;
	int c = atoi(paralist->at(0));
	int thres = atoi(paralist->at(1));
	cout<<"color channel: "<<c<<endl;
	cout<<"threshold : "<<thres<<endl;
	if (c < 0 || c>=sz[3])
		cout<<"The color channel does not exist!"<<endl;
		return -1;
	loadImage(infile, inimg1d, sz, datatype, c);

	// 3 - Read output fileName
	vector<char*>* outlist = (vector<char*>*)(;
	if (outlist->size() != 1)
		cout<<"You must specify 1 output file!"<<endl;
		return -1;
	char * outfile = outlist->at(0);
	cout<<"output file: "<<outfile<<endl;

	// 4 - Do binary segmentation
	V3DLONG tb = sz[0]*sz[1]*sz[2]*datatype;
	unsigned char * nm = NULL;
	try {
		nm = new unsigned char [tb];
	} catch (...) {
		throw("Fail to allocate memory in Image Thresholding plugin.");
	for (V3DLONG i=0;i<tb;i++)
		if (inimg1d[i]>=thres) nm[i] = 255;
		else nm[i] = 0;

	// 5 - Save file and free memory
	sz[3] = 1;
	saveImage(outfile, nm, sz, datatype);
	if (nm) {delete []nm; nm=NULL;}

	return 1;

void printHelp()
	cout<<"\nThis is a demo plugin to perform binary thresholding in an image. by Yinan Wan 2012-02"<<endl;
	cout<<"\nUsage: v3d -x <example_plugin_name> -f image_thresholding -i <input_image_file> -o <output_image_file> -p <subject_color_channel> <threshold>"<<endl;
	cout<<"\t -i <input_image_file>                      input 3D image (tif, raw or lsm)"<<endl;
	cout<<"\t -o <output_image_file>                     output image of the thresholded subject channel"<<endl;
	cout<<"\t -p <subject_color_channel> <threshold>     the channel you want to perform thresholding and the threshold"<<endl;
	cout<<"\t                                            the 2 paras must come in this order"<<endl;
	cout<<"\nDemo: v3d -x libexample_debug.dylib -f image_thresholding -i input.tif -o output.tif -p 0 100\n"<<endl;

Project configuration

Addtionally, you will need a Qt project file to build the project. Please make sure to include all files and libraries used in your plugin program.

#an example plugin project file
CONFIG	+= qt plugin warn_off
#CONFIG	+= x86_64

#set the Vaa3D main path
V3DMAINPATH     =  ../../../v3d_external/v3d_main

#include necessary paths
INCLUDEPATH     += $$V3DMAINPATH/common_lib/include
LIBS += -L. -lv3dtiff -L$$V3DMAINPATH/common_lib/lib

#include the headers used in the project
HEADERS	+= example_plugin.h
HEADERS	+= example_func.h

#include the source files used in the project
SOURCES	= example_plugin.cpp
SOURCES	+= example_func.cpp
SOURCES	+= $$V3DMAINPATH/basic_c_fun/v3d_message.cpp
SOURCES += $$V3DMAINPATH/basic_c_fun/stackutil.cpp
SOURCES += $$V3DMAINPATH/basic_c_fun/mg_image_lib.cpp
SOURCES += $$V3DMAINPATH/basic_c_fun/mg_utilities.cpp
SOURCES += $$V3DMAINPATH/basic_c_fun/basic_memory.cpp

#specify target name and directory
TARGET	= $$qtLibraryTarget(example)
DESTDIR	= ../../v3d/plugins/example/
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