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shengdian jiang edited this page Mar 13, 2021 · 12 revisions

Install from USB flash driver

PREREQUISITES: USB flash driver,UltraISO and centos7

1.You should have an empty usb flash driver which is better more than 8GB.

2.You should have a software (UltraISO or any other softwares which have the ability to do so) to burn the CentOs7 system to the usb flash driver.

3.A CentOs system also is needed (you can get the .iso file at this CentOS7_DVD.iso).

Install Detail:Burn the centos7 system to usb flash driver

1.Install the UltraISO software to another computer after you downloaded the UltraISO.

2.Insert the USB flash driver to the computer which you intend to install the centos system. the computer and F12 (depend on the model of your computer) to the BIOS setup interface. After that,chose the way to run system from your usb flash driver (better in UEFI model).

4.Make sure the computer to identify the usb flash driver , you need to rename the usb driver(like CENTOS).

chose the first option which is "Install Centos 7" after you enter the installtion interface.

Then press "Tab" or "e" to edit the sentence “inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207... quiet” to

"inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=<usb-driver-name,like CENTOS>"

At the last, press "Ctr+x" to continue the intalltion.

5.So far,So good.

After entering the Centos 7 Installtion interface, following the flow of the Installtion (chose language "English" and chose "GNOME Desktop" in sorware selection).

In "Installation destination" section, chose all local standard disks except usb flash drivers,then in "Partitioning",chose "I will configure partitioning" to configure the disks.

in "Manual partitioning" section, remove all the file in disks and click "Click here to create them automatically".

6.Done After all this , set the password and username.

7.Reboot the computer


Remember not to pull out the usb flash driver in the first reboot.

After the first reboot,you can pull out the usb flash driver and the centos system is on your computer now!

Install NVIDIA drivers

  1. Download drivers (named from here, and select "Linux 64-bit" option.
  2. Update system and build tools.
yum update
yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers gcc make
  1. Blacklist Nouveau
  • Edit /etc/default/grub. Append "rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau nouveau.modeset=0" to “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX”
  • Generate a new grub configuration to include the above changes.
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
  • Edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and append "blacklist nouveau"

(Note: if the computer don't have blcklist.conf in /etc/modprobe.d/,you should edit /usr/lib/modprobe.d/dist-blacklist.conf
disable the nvidiafb #blcklist nvidiafb
then append

blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0
  • Backup your old initramfs and then build a new one
mv /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r)-nouveau.img
dracut /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r)
  1. Install NVIDIA driver
init 3
chmod +x
init 5
  1. QA
    if Error:
    The Nouveau kernel driver is currently in use by your system.This....
    choose Yes when the system ask if add the .conf file to disable nouveau .
    there will be two file (nvidia-installer-disable-nouveau.conf) added in computer.
    delete the command or # the command
    #blacklist nouveau
    #options nouveau modeset=0

Install office

install openoffice or wps for linux

you can download wps for linux in here.
choose a .rpm version file to download.
after this,use the code below to install wps for linux.
rpm -ivh file.rpm (eg.rpm -ivh wps-office-

problem:wpp may not use for centos 7

error:./wpp: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
solution:While ‘’ is not there, ‘’ is there and it is very likely it works well as for ‘’. We can make a symbolic link to pretend there is a ‘’.
ln -s /lib64/ /lib64/
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