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HOWTO use Mutationpp

Andrea Lani edited this page Apr 10, 2019 · 25 revisions

Once you have downloaded the latest release version of Mutation++ from the official website, unpack it inside a folder of your choice (YOUR_DIR) and install it by doing:

cd mutation++ ; mkdir build ; cd build ; cmake .. ; make -j8 ; make install

This by default will install it inside the folder YOUR_DIR/mutation++/install.

Then set the following environmental variables (and/or place them directly in your .profile or .bashrc ready for the next use) by adding:

export MPP_DATA_DIRECTORY=YOUR_DIR/mutation++/data

export PATH=YOUR_DIR/mutation++/install/bin:$PATH

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=YOUR_DIR/mutation++/install/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

To activate the usage of Mutation++ in COOLFluiD (only LTE models are supported at the moment), you need to add the following to your coolfluid.conf:

with_mutationpp = 1

mutationpp_dir = YOUR_DIR/mutation++

mutationpp_includedir = YOUR_DIR/mutation++/install/include/mutation++

mutationpp_librarydir = YOUR_DIR/mutation++/install/lib

lib_MutationppI = on

You will then have to reconfigure and compile (check here for detailed instructions) the whole thing, after having removed completely your BUILD (e.g. optim) directory.

An example of COOLFluiD testcase using Mutation++ is available here.

NOTE: the old stable version of Mutation++ (available from here) is outdated and it won't compile with the current version of COOLFluiD. In order to compile, you need to manually apply the following modifications inside the file MutationLibrarypp.cxx:

  1. MutationLibrarypp::setup(): substitute m_gasMixture->mixtureHMass(T0) with m_gasMixture->mixtureHMass();
  2. MutationLibrarypp::sigma(): substitute m_gasMixture->electricConductivity() with m_gasMixture->sigma().





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