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Lasse Schuirmann edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 13 revisions

Every contributor with write access to the coala-analyzer repositories is a full member of the coala group. With this membership the contributor gets some abilities. To get write access the member must agree to the conditions at

Including New Members

If you think a contributor might be helped with a membership and he is trustworthy, any current member may vouch for him. If two members vouch for a contributor, he will be given write access. However, if somebody disagrees with this judgement he can speak up and the terms declared in Conflict Resolution apply if no agreement can be made between the parties directly.

Because of some scary technical circumstances only @sils1297, @fneu, @AbdealiJK and @Makman2 can promote people. They don't have special rights as a member though.

Conflict Resolution

In case of any conflict where no agreement between the parties (possibly two members) is possible, the conflict can be put up for a vote. A decision is then possible if more than 50% of all members decide for one party.


Members may receive financial help from funds available to coala for conferences.

Members are also encouraged to register on and take a cut when (if) any donations are coming in.

You will get an email address. To configure it with your mailbox or e.g. get your mails right into GMail or any local mail client consult this page. Use the full email address as username.

You can login at


We'd love it if you look at Pending Pull Requests on GitHub and Pending Pull Requests on GitLab from time to time :).

Userscript to unsubscribe from repos on access grant

Add this to Tampermonkey and load the subscription pages from the email if you want to unsubscribe from the repos.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Thanks Lasse
// @author       ChauffeR
// @match*/subscription
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    $('#do_included').prop('checked', true);
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