Bug Fixes
amplify: custom headers break with tokens (#20395 ) (765f441 )
apigateway: arnForExecuteApi fails on tokenized path (#20323 ) (f7732a1 ), closes #20252
assets: parallel docker image publishing fails on macOS (#20117 ) (a58a803 ), closes #20116
cfn-include: allow CFN Functions in Tags (#19923 ) (4df9a4f ), closes #16889
cli: allow SSO profiles to be used as source profiles (#20340 ) (a0b29e9 ), closes #19897
cloudwatch-actions: stack partition is hardcoded 'aws' in action arn (#20224 ) (0eb6c3b ), closes #19765
eks: Cluster.FromClusterAttributes ignores KubectlLambdaRole (#20373 ) (7e824ab ), closes #20008
iam: AccountPrincipal accepts values which aren't account IDs (#20292 ) (d0163f8 ), closes #20288
pipelines: specifying the Action Role for CodeBuild steps (#18293 ) (719edfc ), closes #18291 #18291
rds: tokens should not be lowercased (#20287 ) (5429e55 ), closes #18802
secretsmanager: automatic rotation cannot be disabled (#18906 ) (c50d60c ), closes #18749
You can’t perform that action at this time.