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Backend Team Meeting #2

Burak edited this page Oct 18, 2023 · 1 revision

Backend Team Meeting 2


🗓️ Date: 18/10/2023
🕖 Time: 22.00 - 23.00
📍 Location: Zoom
📝 Note Taker: Ramazan Burak Sarıtaş


  • Begüm Arslan
  • Mehmet Kuzulugil
  • Aziza Mankenova
  • Ramazan Burak Sarıtaş
  • Buse Tolunay


  1. Backend team issues and planned tasks in the PP will be reviewed
  2. Backend team job assignments on members update

Members can check these before the meeting

Project Plan Items on backend (Only upto end of Milestone 1)

Tasks of this week from weekly report

Description Issue Assignee Due Estimated Duration
Backend - Profile edit-create-delete endpoint implementation #324 Mehmet, Burak 26.10.2023 5h
 Backend - Authentication related endpoint implementation #327 Begüm, Aziza 25.10.2023 5h
 Backend - Resource CRUD endpoint implementation #325 Burak, Buse 25.10.2023 5h
Backend - Need CRUD endpoint implementation #326 Buse, Aziza 25.10.2023 5h

Meeting Notes

  1. All backend job assignments are as planned in the project plan. No modifications were necessary.
  2. Mehmet and Begüm have started working on the authentication endpoint and profile models. They raised concerns about the initial database configuration, particularly regarding how to obtain bearer tokens and if it's necessary to provide a username and password for database connection at this point. Begüm will consult Merve about this subject in the first opportunity.
  3. The work on the authentication endpoint will be accelerated as the frontend team is waiting for its completion. Profile and user databases will be constructed to support this.
  4. There were confusions related to the CRUD implementations of Needs & Resources. Burak inquired about how to represent the subtypes of needs and resources since the subclasses are the same, but parent classes have varying fields. A meeting for the entire team is proposed to resolve this matter. The following item strucutre is one of the considerations:
            “Resourceid”: 102020,
            “itemType”: “cloth”,
            “itemsubtype”: “Ayakkabı”,
            “Quantity” : “100”,
            “Unit”: “Adet”,
            “Iteminfos”: {
                      “Size”: “36”,
                      “Color”: “Siyah”,
                      “Quality”: “Kışlık çizme”
            “Resourceid”: 102021,
            “itemType”: “food”,
            “itemsubtype”: “Un”,
            “Quantity” : “100”,
            “Unit”: “Kg”,
            “Iteminfos”: {
                      “Type”: “Buğday Unu”,
                      “SKT”: “01.01.2024”

Action Items

Action Issue Assignee Due Estimated Duration
Database configuration concers will be resolved - Begüm 22.10.2023 1h
Additional team meeting with all members will be arranged for database convention - All team 22.10.2023 2h
Profile edit-create-delete endpoints will be implemented #324 Mehmet, Burak 26.10.2023 5h
Authentication related endpoints will be implemented #327 Begüm, Aziza 25.10.2023 5h
 Resource CRUD endpoints will be implemented #325 Burak, Buse 25.10.2023 5h
Need CRUD endpoints will be implemented #326 Buse, Aziza 25.10.2023 5h

Group 2 Disaster Response Platform


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