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Meeting Notes

Yasin ATLI edited this page May 18, 2024 · 62 revisions

May 12, 2024 - Mobile Meeting-2

⏰ Time:

  • 14.00 - 15.00

👥 Channel:

  • Discord

✏️ Note taker:

  • Yasin ATLI

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Yasin ATLI
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Meet and discuss the overall status of the project.
  • Second meeting of mobile team.
  • Do the distribution of tasks.

💬 Discussion:

  • Discussed the status of the mobile app.
  • Discussed the design of the pages.
  • Reviewed the web front-end codes to check the similarities between mobile and web development.
  • Discussed the necessary pages to implement.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
#157 Gülşen Sabak 16.05.2024
#147 Yasin ATLI 16.05.2024

May 11, 2024 - Backend Meeting

⏰ Time:

  • 10:00 - 10:30

👥 Channel:

  • Discord

✏️ Note taker:

  • Melih Akpınar

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas

📝 Agenda:

  • Distribute the tasks.

💬 Discussion:

  • Melih will push password encryption and authorization update today. (Done)
  • We separated the tasks by their entities.
  • Melih will implement endpoints about posts.
  • Omer Faruk will implement endpoints about comments.
  • Onur will implement endpoints about likes/dislikes.
  • Yusuf Kagan will implement endpoints about bookmarks.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
#134 Melih 13.05.2024
#135 Omer Faruk 13.05.2024
#136 Onur 13.05.2024
#137 Yusuf Kagan 13.05.2024

May 9, 2024 - Frontend Meeting

⏰ Time:

  • 22:00-23:00

👥 Channel:

  • Discord

✏️ Note taker:

  • Nazlıcan Aka

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı

📝 Agenda:

  • Specify milestone-3 tasks.
  • Select a next face-to-face meeting time

💬 Discussion:

  • Create post screen page.
  • Feed page and home pages should be connected to backend.
  • To do comment, like, dislike, and bookmark features wait backend.
  • The page a user sees other users' s page should be done.
  • Do the password control in register page.
  • Face-to-face meeting on 12/05/2024, at 8 pm.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
  • Will be assigned at the face-to-face meeting.

May 9, 2024 - Milestone-2 Feedback Meeting

⏰ Time:

  • 22:00-23:00

👥 Channel:

  • Discord

✏️ Note taker:

  • Nazlıcan Aka

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Specify to do list for the final milestone
  • Review the second milestone

💬 Discussion:

  • Every Group should do own meetings and specify their needs.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
  • Every Group will do their own meetings.

April 26, 2024

⏰ Time:

  • 22.00 - 23.30

👥 Channel:

  • Discord

✏️ Note taker:

  • Yasin ATLI

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Yasin ATLI
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Meet and discuss the overall status of the project.
  • First meeting of mobile team.
  • Take the first step of mobile part of the project.
  • Do the distribution of tasks.

💬 Discussion:

  • Created the mobile app.
  • Created navigation mechanism.
  • Discussed the design of the pages.
  • Reviewed the web front-end codes to check the similarities between mobile and web development.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
#87 Gülşen Sabak 27.04.2024
#85 Yasin ATLI 27.04.2024
#86 Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ 27.04.2024

April 24, 2024

⏰ Time:

  • 22.00 - 22.40

👥 Channel:

  • Discord

✏️ Note taker:

  • Ali Bartu Konca

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas
  • ⬛ Melih Akpınar

📝 Agenda:

  • Meet and discuss the overall status of the project.
  • Discuss the expectations of the backend team from the database team.
  • Discuss how to implement searching.

💬 Discussion:

  • We discussed possible implementations of a filter system in the search bar.
  • Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ informed the new member of the mobile team, Gülşen Sabak, on environment initialization for mobile implementation.
  • We discussed certain questions that should be clarified by the teaching staff.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Ask the assistant if we can add or remove requirements Attendees 25.04.2024
Ask the assistant if there are certain design choices that we should follow in the search bar implementation Attendees 25.04.2024

April 21, 2024

⏰ Time:

  • 21.30 - 22.45

👥 Channel:

  • Discord and Zoom

✏️ Note taker:

  • Ali Bartu Konca

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu

📝 Agenda:

  • Meet and discuss the overall status of the project.
  • Start coding the table scripts for the database.

💬 Discussion:

  • We discussed how to properly commit, push, pull and clone.
  • We shared resources for learning mySQL to the attendee (Ali Bartu Konca) who doesn't take the relevant course.
  • We examined Gülşen Sabak's example code.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Code the relations of the entities #69 Attendees 24.04.2024
Discuss the format of the queries with the backend group Attendees 24.04.2024

April 21, 2024 - Backend Meeting

⏰ Time:

  • 13:00 - 14:00

👥 Channel:

  • Discord

✏️ Note taker:

  • Melih Akpınar

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas

📝 Agenda:

  • Initialize the project repository and set up initial push.
  • Discuss the division of tasks for implementing Java classes from the ER diagram.
  • Plan the implementation of user authentication features like registration and login.

💬 Discussion:

  • Melih Akpınar will create the project repository and push it directly to backend-main.
  • We agreed to share the entities from the ER diagram and implement them as Java classes. Each member will work in separate branches and create pull requests to merge with backend-main.
  • We discussed the review process for pull requests to ensure code quality and consistency.
  • The implementation strategy for registration and login endpoints was planned.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Create and push the project repository to backend-main Melih Akpınar ASAP
Implement Java entity classes and open pull requests All attendees
Implement registration and login endpoints All attendees

April 19, 2024

⏰ Time:

  • 16.00 - 18.00

👥 Channel:

  • Discord and face to face

✏️ Note taker:

  • Nazlıcan Aka

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Frontend team lead is Hüseyin Karataş.
  • First meeting of frontend team.
  • Take the first step of frontend part of the project.
  • Do the distribution of tasks.

💬 Discussion:

  • Created Project skeleton.
  • Set up React.
  • Created routing mechanism.
  • Created navbar.
  • Created mainLayout in order not to repeat navbar.
  • Distribution of tasks are done at the first step, related issues are assigned.
  • Created temporary basic styles.
  • Created mock data to facilitate creation of pages.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
#58 Nazlıcan Aka 26.04.2024
#59 Oğuzhan Tuncer 26.04.2024
#60 Yasin Atlı 26.04.2024
#61 Hüseyin Karataş 26.04.2024

April 8, 2024

⏰ Time: 12.00 - 13.20

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Gülşen Sabak

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ⬛ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu

📝 Agenda:

  • Frontend team lead is Gülşen Sabak.
  • First meeting of database team.
  • Take the first step of database part of the project.
  • Do the distribution of tasks.

💬 Discussion:

  • We had a template for ER diagram. Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ have done some part of it.
  • Selecting the application to draw ER diagram
  • With the help of the template we have created ER diagram, determined the entities and attributes
  • Writing SQL code for creating tables not for relations.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Rewise the entities and their attributes Every subteams' leaders ASAP

April 6, 2024

⏰ Time: 16.00 - 17.30

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Hüseyin Karataş

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ⬛ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Selecting the framework and database for the project.
  • Task distributions for Mobile Development, Database Design, Backend Design and Web Development.

💬 Discussion:

  • Distributions of tasks among the team mates.
  • Considered cons and pros of the Mysql over Postgre and Spring Boot over Django.
  • Determined lead for each of the following teams: Backend Dev, Frontend Dev, Mobile Dev and DB Management.
  • Agreed to select Spring as backend framework and MySql as the project database.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Edit the team issues properly Every subteams' leaders ASAP

March 29, 2024

⏰ Time: 17.00 - 17.30

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Yasin ATLI

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ⬛ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ⬛ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ⬛ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Make the coding plan for the project.
  • Create sequence diagrams for important interactions.
  • Review the existing ER diagrams and schemas.

💬 Discussion:

  • Established a roadmap for the project's coding phase, focusing on database setup as the initial step.
  • Reviewed existing ER diagrams and project schema.
  • Agreed to submit inquiries to the assistant regarding specific aspects of sequence diagrams needing clarification.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Learn basic SQL Every group member ASAP
Submit inquiries to the asistant Ali Bartu Konca ASAP

March 11, 2024

⏰ Time: 22.00 - 23.30

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Ali Bartu Konca

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ⬛ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Conduct the requirement specification for the project.
  • Assign teams for mockup and scenerio for the project.

💬 Discussion:

  • As a group we have written the requirements, the glossary and some questions that should be asked to the customer for clarification.
  • We will ask for clarification about the mockup, then assign the teams.
  • We have created a roadmap for our project.
  • Reminded everyone to change their personal webpages and favorite repositories according to our templates until the deadline for submition.
  • Reminded everyone the deadline for submitting our repository.
  • We will meet before the deadline to check what we have done.

🛠️ Action Items:

Groups will be assigned tomorrow so no action items for now.

March 7, 2024

⏰ Time: 22.00 - 22.30

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Oğuzhan Tuncer

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ⬛ Melih Akpınar
  • ⬛ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ⬛ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ⬛ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ⬛ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Progress of the researches.
  • Analysis of the assignment description.

💬 Discussion:

  • Requirement analysis will be done individually.
  • Analysis results from each team member will be discussed in the next meeting.
  • Researches part of the wiki needs to be improved.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Choose a domain for the project Every member of the team 11.03.2024 22.00
Identify the requirements Every member of the team 11.03.2024 22.00
Identify a list of questions that should be clarified by the customer Every member of the team 11.03.2024 22.00
Help with the research of WikiData and SPARQL Ali Bartu Konca 11.03.2024 22.00

March 4, 2024

⏰ Time: 21.00 - 21.35

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Gülşen Sabak

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas
  • ⬛ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • General progress update.
  • Discuss the topics covered in class.

💬 Discussion:

  • Research topics are seperated among us.
  • Talking about the last modifications that is mentioned in the previous lecture
  • Talking about the general terms in domain analysis part

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Research about linked data Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu 05.03.2024
Issue template configuration Ali Baru Konca 05.03.2024
Research about Wikidata API Melih Akpınar 05.03.2024
Research about Application Programming Interface (API) use and development Onur Kafkas 05.03.2024
Research about SPARQL semantic queries Nazlıcan Aka 05.03.2024
Research about Mobile application development Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ 05.03.2024
Research about Web application development Gülşen Sabak 05.03.2024
Research about Wikidata Yasin Atlı 05.03.2024

February 29, 2024

⏰ Time: 17.00 - 18.00

👥 Channel: We met at a cafe near the campus

✏️ Note taker: Oğuzhan Tuncer

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ⬛ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Gather to meet face to face.
  • Get to know each better.

💬 Discussion:

  • More informal meeting to know each other better.
  • First ever face to face meeting of the team.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Get to know your team members Every member of the group ASAP

February 22, 2024

⏰ Time: 21.00 - 22.00

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Nazlıcan Aka

✅ Participants:

  • ⬛ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ⬛ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ⬛ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ⬛ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ⬛ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • General progress update.
  • Discuss how to improve the wikipage.
  • Discuss the topics covered in class.
  • Unfortunately a suitable time couldn't be found for this week so some group members couldn't attend to the meeting.

💬 Discussion:

  • Reminded some of the group members to finish their personal pages.
  • Discussed our wikipage's shortcomings and how to make it better based on feedback in class.
  • Decided that every week different person will take notes during the meeting and upload them to wiki page.
  • Reminded everyone to write a conclusion on the issue before closing it.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Add necessary labels Yasin Atlı 25/02 23.59
Create meeting note template Gülşen Sabak 25/02 23.59
Create issue template Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu 25/02 23.59
Create favorite repository template Oğuzhan Tuncer 25/02 23.59
Fix the favorite repository explanation according to its git features Everyone 25/02 23.59

February 19, 2024

⏰ Time: 21.00 - 22.00

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Discuss what should be done about the assignment.
  • Review our work based on the PS.

💬 Discussion:

  • Reviewed what everyone has done.
  • Made some changes to the wiki according to the assignment.
  • Got to know each other better.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Create a sidebar Mesut Melih Akpınar 19/02 23.59
Change the personal pages based on the discussions Everyone 19/02 23.59

February 18, 2024

⏰ Time: 21.10 - 22.15

👥 Channel: Discord

✏️ Note taker: Onur Kafkas

✅ Participants:

  • ✅ Ali Bartu Konca
  • ✅ Gülşen Sabak
  • ✅ Hüseyin Karataş
  • ✅ Melih Akpınar
  • ✅ Nazlıcan Aka
  • ✅ Onur Kafkas
  • ✅ Oğuzhan Tuncer
  • ✅ Ömer Faruk Erzurumluoğlu
  • ✅ Yasin Atlı
  • ✅ Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ

📝 Agenda:

  • Meet for the first time
  • Discuss organization and communication plan
  • Discuss what each member knows about the general topics of the course.

💬 Discussion:

  • Introduced ourselves.
  • Decided on a meeting plan and organization.

🛠️ Action Items:

Action Assignee Deadline
Create personal pages Everyone 19/02 23.59
Ask questions about the format of the personal pages Yusuf Kağan Çiçekdağ 18/02 17.00
Creating basic issues for practice Everyone 18/02 23.59
Research on Git Everyone 21/02 23.59
Clone this wiki locally