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Configuring server datasources

dbeaver-devops edited this page Dec 4, 2024 · 10 revisions

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This article explains how to set up and manage pre-configured database connections for the CloudBeaver server. These connections are defined by the administrator and stored on the server, making them unmodifiable by end users. Users can choose from these pre-configured connections directly through the main CloudBeaver toolbar and only need to provide their username and password to access the datasource; no other parameters are necessary.

For information about server and workspace configuration, see Server configuration.

Datasources configuration file

All project-level configurations are located in the ${CLOUDBEAVER_WORKSPACE}/GlobalConfiguration/.dbeaver folder. The datasources themselves are defined within the data-sources.json file.

This file contains the settings for each pre-configured connection, allowing the CloudBeaver server to manage and display these connections.

Example configuration:

  "folders": {
  "connections": {
    "dbeaver-sample-database-sqlite-1": {
      "provider": "sqlite",
      "driver": "sqlite_jdbc",
      "name": "DBeaver Sample Database (SQLite)",
      "save-password": true,
      "show-system-objects": true,
      "configuration": {
        "database": "/Users/user/Library/DBeaverData/workspace6/.metadata/sample-database-sqlite-1/Chinook.db",
        "url": "jdbc:sqlite:/Users/user/Library/DBeaverData/workspace6/.metadata/sample-database-sqlite-1/Chinook.db",
        "configurationType": "MANUAL",
        "type": "dev",
        "closeIdleConnection": true

Tip: This file follows the same format as the DBeaver datasources configuration file. You can create this configuration in DBeaver and then copy it to your CloudBeaver server.

CloudBeaver Documentation

User Guide

Server configuration

CloudBeaver editions



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