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tmc meeting minutes 20230503

Stephan Reichhelm edited this page May 3, 2023 · 1 revision

TMC Meeting Minutes 2023-05-03

(17:01) <StephanR>Hi
(17:01) <stenger>Hi
(17:01) - copierrj joined
(17:01) <copierrj>hi
(17:01) <StephanR>Hi
(17:01) <StephanR>
(17:02) - tfr42 joined
(17:02) - tfr joined
(17:02) - Kate4 joined
(17:03) <stenger>
(17:04) <tfr>Hi everybody
(17:04) <tfr>What do we have on our agenda for today?
(17:04) <StephanR>Meeting notes from last meeting
(17:05) <stempler>Open deegree-ogcapi Pull Requests
(17:06) <tfr>Code Sprint next week
(17:06) <tfr>Pull requests for infrastructure
(17:10) <tfr>Code Sprint in Essen will take place from Thursday to Saturday next week
(17:10) <tfr>Additional founding request has been sent to FOSSGIS -
(17:11) <tfr>Wiki page updated
(17:13) <tfr>Let's start with the PR for OGC API
(17:13) <stempler>
(17:13) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#93 Support configuring additional links for collections [enhancement]
(17:13) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#93 stempler wants to merge 3 commits (9 files) from wetransform-os:pr/configure-links
(17:17) <stenger>For the protocol: deegree webservices 3.5 and deegree ogcapi 1.3 were updated on the deegree cite server, all OGC CITE tests were executed successfully and compliance renewal of reference implementation is in work.
(17:18) <copierrj>+1
(17:19) <StephanR>+1
(17:20) <tfr>+1
(17:22) <tfr>an example in the workspace for OGC API would be nice
(17:22) <stenger>+1
(17:23) <copierrj>emrged
(17:23) <copierrj>merged
(17:23) <stempler>
(17:23) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#80 NOT-MERGEABLE feat: add "openapi" alias for api endpoint [enhancement]
(17:23) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#80 stempler wants to merge 2 commits (3 files) from wetransform-os:pr/openapi-alias
(17:29) <stenger>+1
(17:29) <tfr>+1
(17:29) <StephanR>+1
(17:29) <copierrj>0
(17:30) <copierrj>merged
(17:30) <stempler>
(17:30) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#82 NOT-MERGEABLE feat: serve OpenAPI description also as YAML [enhancement]
(17:30) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#82 stempler wants to merge 3 commits (8 files) from wetransform-os:pr/openapi-yaml
(17:31) <copierrj>merge conflict
(17:34) <tfr> needs a review if it is compliant to the project guidelines
(17:35) <tfr>it is a test dependency which might be ok since we do not redistribute that library
(17:36) - Kate4 quit (Quit: Client closed)
(17:36) <StephanR>
(17:37) <StephanR>In General it can be done in Before/After with:
(17:37) <StephanR> TunableParameter.resetCache();
(17:37) <StephanR> System.setProperty( RasterCache.DEF_RASTER_CACHE_MEM_SIZE, "4m" );
(17:38) <stempler>
(17:38) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#94 NOT-MERGEABLE Dockerfile health check fix and small improvements [build]
(17:38) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#94 stempler wants to merge 2 commits (3 files) from wetransform-os:pr/fix-docker-healthcheck
(17:38) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#94 build success at 2023-04-12 12:50 see
(17:43) <tfr>+1
(17:43) <StephanR>+1
(17:43) <stenger>+1
(17:43) <copierrj>+1
(17:45) <copierrj>merged
(17:46) <stenger>
(17:46) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#95 NOT-MERGEABLE Fix link relation type to OpenAPI specification [bug]
(17:46) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#95 julianzz98 wants to merge 2 commits (3 files) from lat-lon:serviceDoc-163-8876
(17:46) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#95 build success at 2023-04-19 16:50 see
(17:47) <stenger>
(17:47) <stenger>Abstract test 40
(17:48) <tfr>+1
(17:48) <StephanR>+1
(17:48) <stenger>+1
(17:49) <copierrj>+1
(17:49) <copierrj>merged
(17:49) <stenger>
(17:49) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#96 Add itemType in collection HTML [enhancement]
(17:49) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#96 julianzz98 wants to merge 1 commits (1 files) from lat-lon:itemType-165-8877
(17:49) <log-bot>deegree-ogcapi#96 build success at 2023-04-19 16:50 see
(17:50) <copierrj>+1
(17:50) <tfr>+1
(17:50) <StephanR>+1
(17:50) <stenger>+1
(17:50) <copierrj>merged
(17:51) <tfr>I have to leave now
(17:51) - copierrj quit (Quit: Client closed)
(17:51) <tfr>See you all in Essen next week on Thursday in the UPH
(17:51) <tfr>We will start at 10:00 CEST
(17:52) - copierrj joined
(17:52) <copierrj>bye
(17:52) <StephanR>bye
(17:52) - copierrj quit (Client Quit)
(17:52) <stempler>Bye
(17:53) - stempler left
(17:53) <stenger>Bye

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