NOTE: This is a release pre apache incubation
This release features several major improvements. Some of the highlights are: Arbitrary bits quantization algorithm; High-level auto-differentiable programming IR--Relay(NNVMv2).
The community welcomes new reviewers @nishi-t @were @siju-samuel @jroesch @xqdan @zhiics @grwlf @ajtulloch @vinx13 @junrushao1994 @FrozenGene @liangfu , new committers @srkreddy1238 @eqy @masahi @nhynes @phisiart @merrymercy @Laurawly @adityaatluri @Huyuwei
Change List
- Fully featured 8-bit network support
- 8bit quantizer
- Arbitrary bits quantization algorithm
- Intel cpu support
- NVidia GPU 8-bit kernel
- int8 gemm recipe
- int8 conv2d
- Autotvm integration
- Automated tuning and scheduling
- AutoTVM optimizations for mobile GPUs
- AutoTVM optimizations for CUDA
- AutoTVM optimizations for x86
- Initial release of the differentiable programming IR, Relay
- Generic & informative Relay error reporting #2408
- Relay IR text format support #1781
- Support control flows
- A Normal Form Canonicalization #2251
- Type system support
- End to end compilation
- FoldScaleAxis #2020
- SimplifyInference #2033
- CombineParallelConv2D #2089
- InstrumentBoundCheckers pass #2079
- Bind & FoldConstant #2100
- Alter Op Layout #2150
- General OpFusion #2090
- CodeGen
- Runtime
- Language Binding
- Rust frontend #2292
- Improved RPC for VTA #2043
- Hybrid python programming model
- Tutorials and docs
Code reviewers
- @tqchen
- @liangfu quantization, relay, topi, frontend
- @zhiics relay, runtime, frontend
- @nhynes quantization, rust
- @Huyuwei frontend
- @yzhliu relay, frontend, perf
- @xqdan hybrid script, tvm/lang
- @ZihengJiang relay
- @vinx13 relay/pass, topi
- @masahi relay/pass, frontend, doc, topi
- @grwlf frontend, topi, relay, quantization
- @tmoreau89 vta, relay, backend, runtime
- @kazum frontend
- @nishi-t frontend, topi
- @PariksheetPinjari909 frontend
- @jroesch relay, frontend, doc
- @srkreddy1238 relay/op, frontend
- @siju-samuel relay/op, frontend
- @junrushao1994 relay
- @icemelon9 relay, perf, tvm/lang, codegen
- @ajtulloch relay, frontend
- @alex-weaver relay
- @kevinthesun hybrid script, topi, relay
- @Laurawly topi
- @were hybrid script, topi
- @FrozenGene frontend, topi, relay/pass
- @eqy relay, topi, runtime, rust
- @zhreshold frontend, relay/op
- @merrymercy relay/op, topi, runtime, frontend
- @derisavi-huawei symbolic integers
Code contributions
- @tqchen tvm
- @vinx13 relay/pass, topi
- @siju-samuel topi, relay/op
- @merrymercy autotvm, topi, relay/pass
- @srkreddy1238 relay/op, frontend/tf
- @MarisaKirisame relay
- @slyubomirsky relay, docs
- @jroesch relay
- @nhynes rust
- @wweic docs, relay/pass
- @yzhliu perf, frontend
- @zhiics relay/pass, relay/op, runtime
- @were hybrid script
- @icemelon9 perf, relay/pass, relay/op
- @joshpoll relay, docs
- @sgrechanik-h codegen
- @kazum frontend/keras, topi
- @masahi relay/op, docs
- @FrozenGene perf, frontend/tf
- @liangdzou docs
- @junrushao1994 relay/op
- @eqy autotvm, runtime
- @apivovarov docs
- @ajtulloch runtime, nnpack
- @kevinthesun relay/op, perf
- @ZihengJiang relay/pass, quantization
- @hlu1 nnpack, frontend/caffe2
- @lixiaoquan nnvm
- @imorinaga frontend/mxnet
- @liangfu topi, docs
- @xqdan codegen
- @PariksheetPinjari909 frontend/darknet
- @alexeyr frontend/tensorflow
- @Rasterer topi
- @yangchen-MS codegen
- @anijain2305 relay/op
- @grwlf topi
- @Huyuwei topi, frontend/keras
- @denis0x0D runtime/trace, relay/pass
- @Mutinifni codegen
- @derisavi relay/pass
- @tmoreau89 vta
- @Laurawly topi, perf
- @zhreshold frontend, topi
- @kun-zh codegen
- @reminisce relay/op
- @ehsanmok rust
- @cnuernber perf
- @cowanmeg topi, codegen
- @yuruofeifei topi