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Summary: Class

Maira Wenzel edited this page Aug 1, 2019 · 7 revisions


The following table provides wording guidelines, boilerplate text, and examples of Summary sections in class pages. For event-related classes, such as EventArgs and event-handler delegates, see the Event-related section.

Item Wording Examples
General class, interface, or struct <Begin with a present-tense third-person verb.> DataGrid class summary:
Displays XDO data in a scrollable grid.

TimeSpan struct summary:
Represents a time interval.
Interface Defines..., or Provides..,. or Exposes... IComparable interface summary:
Defines a generalized type-specific comparison method that a value type or class implements to order or sort its instances.

IFormattable interface summary:
Provides functionality to format the value of an object into a string representation.
Abstract base class Defines the core behavior of <class name or feature> and provides a base for <derived classes or derivations>. BaseNotificationEventType class summary:
Defines the core behavior of notification events and provides a base for derived classes.

MessageQuery class summary:
Defines the core behavior of classes that are used to search for specific correlating data in a message.
Class that represents a standard Windows control (for example, a button or check box) Represents a Windows <control> control. Windows.Forms.Button class
Represents a Windows button control.
Exception class The exception that is thrown when/for/by <condition>.

This summary does not begin with a verb.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException class summary:
The exception that is thrown when the value of an argument is outside the allowable range of values as defined by the invoked method.

ComponentModel.Win32Exception class summary:
The exception that is thrown for a Win32 error code.

Reflection.TargetInvocationException class summary:
The exception that is thrown by methods invoked through reflection.
Sealed or static class <Begin with a present-tense third-person verb.> This class cannot be inherited.

Note: we'll try to automate the addition of the boilerplate "This class cannot be inherited." to all summaries. For now, we need to add it manually.
AppDomain class summary:
Represents an application domain, which is an isolated environment where applications execute. This class cannot be inherited.