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Summary: Enum

Maira Wenzel edited this page Apr 23, 2019 · 1 revision

The following table provides wording guidelines and boilerplate text for Summary sections in enum pages and its members.

Item Wording Examples
Enum <Begin with a present-tense third-person verb, such as Specifies or Describes.> FormBorderStyle enum summary:
Specifies the border styles for a form.

MouseButtons enum summary:
Specifies constants that define which mouse button was pressed.
Enum member <Noun phrase. Begin with an introductory article, if appropriate.> BorderStyle.FixedSingle enum member summary:
A single-line border.
Enum member used as a mask A mask used to retrieve <noun phrase>.

If the enum member will be used as a mask, call this out, and specify the information to be retrieved using the mask.
MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask enum member summary:
A mask used to retrieve the scope of a method.