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Summary: Method

Genevieve Warren edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 5 revisions

The following table provides wording guidelines and boilerplate text for Summary sections in method pages. For guidelines about On<Event> methods, see the Event-related section. For guidelines about documenting overloaded methods, see Overloaded member.

Item Wording Examples
General method <Begin with a present-tense third-person verb.> Application.DoEvents method summary:
Processes Windows messages that are currently in the message queue.
Task-returning or async method Asynchronously <present-tense third-person verb> <XXX>. HttpClient.GetStringAsync method summary:
Asynchronously sends a GET request to the specified Uri.
Dispose method, general overload Releases the resources used by the current instance of the <class> class. ComponentDesigner.Dispose method summary:
Releases the resources used by the current instance of the ComponentDesigner class.
Dispose() method Releases the resources used by the current instance of the <class> class. Timer.Dispose method summary:
Releases the resources used by the current instance of the Timer class.
Dispose(Boolean) method Called by the Dispose() and Finalize() methods to release the managed and unmanaged resources used by the current instance of the <class> class. DocumentDesigner.Dispose method (Boolean):
Called by the Dispose() and Finalize() methods to release the managed and unmanaged resources used by the current instance of the DocumentDesigner class.
ShouldSerialize <Property> method Indicates whether the <Property> property should be persisted. DataGrid.ShouldSerializeBackgroundColor method summary:
Indicates whether the BackgroundColor property should be persisted.
Reset<Property> method Resets the <Property> property to its default value. Control.ResetText method summary:
Resets the Text property to its default value.
Method that always throws an exception Throws a/an <ExceptionType> exception in all cases.

In the Remarks section, explain why the member is not supported.
DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection.Clear method summary:
Throws a NotSupportedException exception in all cases.
Explicit interface method implementation <Copy from the interface member if appropriate>