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larjona edited this page Nov 21, 2015 · 3 revisions

Call for meeting

Public call:

When: 2015/11/19, 18:00 UTC Convert to your timezone

Where: channel on IRC (, you can attend also via XMPP/Jabber, since we have a bridge (MUC: ), or via web ( )


Agenda for the case Evan Prodromou can come:

  • pump.node adoption
  • fundraising
  • roadmap
  • Social WG (and Activipy) mini-update
  • Decide date/time for next meeting

Agenda for the case Evan Prodromou cannot attend:

  • Informal meeting, talk/hack on bugs/tests/documentation


[19:06] <larjona> #############################################################

[19:06] <larjona> BEGIN LOG

[19:06] <larjona> #############################################################

[19:06] <larjona> Dear all, welcome to this community meeting!

[19:06] <larjona> Info URL:

[19:06] <larjona>

[19:06] <larjona> If anybody wants their nick redacted just say here or direct message to me.

[19:06] <larjona> #topic roll call. Who is here? Say hello!

[19:06] <paroneayea> hello!

[19:06] <Nemno> hi

[19:06] <paroneayea> I'm here

[19:07] <Sazius> hello!

[19:07] -*- larjona is here

[19:09] <larjona> people in xmpp seem not to be here

[19:10] <Sazius> bridge!shutdown

[19:11] <larjona> yes

[19:11] <Sazius> maybe it's completely offline

[19:12] <larjona> Jan adviced about it

[19:12] <larjona> I have no news from Evan, so I think this meeting is informal chat/hack

[19:13] <larjona> I couldn't advance about logging the meetings (I didn't look at it, but probably I need a channel owner to do it)

[19:13] <paroneayea> :)

[19:14] <Sazius> it's a bit annoying that there is a flurry of activity and then Evan goes "underground" again for a long time :-)

[19:14] <paroneayea> larjona: about logging the meetings, you could use a bot :)

[19:14] <strugee> I'm vaguely here :)

[19:14] <paroneayea> there's not much to report from the social working group this week

[19:14] <paroneayea> but there is an upcoming face to face meeting which will be applicable

[19:15] <larjona> paroneayea We talked in the last meeting about logging the whole channel with and there were no objections, and it seems you (I ) only need to be channel operator do to it, but I think it's good to wait for Evan to also agree. But I didn't talked about this in the mail that I sent last week (only suggested about scheduling this week meeting)

[19:17] <larjona> I have no other news; I didn't put time on working on documentation/selfhosting_info, this/last week has been though in many areas of larjona's life

[19:18] <larjona> I don't know if strugee and Nemno have news about the tests or hacking at the code

[19:19] <Nemno> I did put up my vows-volkwagon branch on github for the test.. it's a lot try and error stuff

[19:19] <Nemno> I use it more as a backup to do diffs against

[19:19] <strugee> I haven't had a lot of time

[19:19] <strugee> and I've been assuming that Nemno was also working on it so

[19:19] <Nemno> I'm trying to make some clean fixes on my workarounds

[19:21] <Nemno> Got back to the basics with an online course to get some more understanding about the javascript fundamentals

[19:21] <strugee> I've been working with Vows on a personal project and it seems a little busted :/

[19:21] <strugee> obviously we can't reasonably move away now, but...

[19:22] <Nemno> Maybe I can help. Or is it a zombie problem?

[19:23] <strugee> nah, nothing to do with Zombie

[19:23] <strugee> just weird stuff

[19:23] <paroneayea> (it's a-okay also for this to e a shorter meeting if there's not as much to discuss this week too)

[19:23] <strugee> tests hanging, tracebacks being suppressed, etc.

[19:23] <strugee> paroneayea++

[19:25] <larjona> ok, so I only have one more thing to say

[19:26] <larjona> anybody can add dates/times to the poll for deciding the day/time of the meeting each week. Just press the "+" symbol in the right upper area of the table, and add your preferred day/time

[19:27] <paroneayea> are we going to eventually settle on a regular meeting time

[19:27] <paroneayea> or have regularly changing times?

[19:27] --> JanWen (2585f515@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined

[19:27] <JanWen> o/

[19:27] <paroneayea> or do we want to rotate between two times?

[19:27] <-> JanWen is now known as JanWeb

[19:27] <paroneayea> hi JanWen !

[19:27] <JanWeb> hi

[19:27] <JanWeb> :D

[19:27] <paroneayea> is that Jan Kusagi(sp?)

[19:27] <larjona> I don't know, ideally we should set a date/time that suits to evan, but without him giving any hint, it's difficult #larjonatroll

[19:27] <JanWeb> Kusanagi, yes

[19:28] <larjona> I'll post the log for Jan, give me a second

[19:28] <paroneayea> larjona: I agree that setting a time that suits Evan is good, but that it's not possible without input to do that :)

[19:28] <paroneayea> JanWeb: thanks, and hello!

[19:29] <JanWeb> hi!

[19:29] <JanWeb> thx larjona =)

[19:29] <detrout> Oh who should one contact to submit minor fixes to pump?

[19:30] <JanWeb> strugee and others have commit access

[19:31] <detrout> strugee: could you merge this pull request?

[19:32] <detrout> it's one character and although I don't know javascript I'm pretty sure its correct

[19:32] <strugee> I've been waiting to merge non-test related PRs

[19:32] <detrout> Ah ok

[19:32] <strugee> or documentation

[19:32] <strugee> if it's just one character I'll look though :)

[19:32] <Sazius> although that's a pretty trivial one :-)

[19:32] <detrout> Though adding a missing { from declaring a dictionary should be pretty obvious

[19:33] <Sazius> yes, exactly

[19:33] <detrout> though I did then go and commit a fix to a different issue which is showing up as attached to that pull request

[19:33] <detrout> which is also simple but not as simple

[19:34] <detrout> I don't know how github would seperate them

[19:34] <strugee> if you committed to the same branch it would show up in the PR

[19:34] <detrout> Ahhh ok

[19:34] <detrout> oops

[19:35] <detrout> should i try to redo the pull request splitting them into seperate branches?

[19:37] <-- DistopicoVegan (~user@ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)

[19:37] <detrout> I need to go to a another appointment..

[19:37] <detrout> bye for now

[19:37] <larjona> detrout I suppose the answer is yes

[19:37] <larjona> bye detrout, and thanks!

[19:38] <strugee> detrout: yeah, just branch and do a cherry-pick

[19:38] <strugee> bye!

[19:38] <detrout> I'll ping you strugee after I clean that up

[19:38] <strugee> great

[19:38] <Sazius> I guess there are a lot of PR's waiting in the queue to be merged

[19:38] <Sazius> or pulled rather :-)

[19:39] --> JanWeb_ (2585f515@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined

[19:39] <larjona> Any other thing? Do you have some homework for me for next week, apart of setting the poll again, with this day and this time (minimum)? Mondays has been proven a bad day, at least for me

[19:39] <Sazius> are there any other possible days?

[19:39] <larjona> Sazius yes, there are many, we were expecting to have running tests soon,

[19:40] <larjona> Sazius of course, any other person can chair, and I can chair almost every day except wednesdays, but if it's monday, I need to remember it :)

[19:41] <Sazius> Monday might be bad since it's in the start of the week and everybody forgets it

[19:41] <larjona> If we say Monday at a fixed time now, I can set an alarm, so I'll be here

[19:41] <-- JanWeb (2585f515@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)

[19:41] <Sazius> Thu is OK for me, but normally I'd be a little late

[19:41] <Sazius> but key would be to get Evan

[19:42] <larjona> I'll try to ping him again

[19:42] <Sazius> OK, thanks!

[19:43] <larjona> So do we set a day/time now? Or do I call for the poll?

[19:43] <Nemno> poll :p

[19:43] <Sazius> Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are bad... so only Thursday remains?

[19:45] <JanWeb_> mon/tue/thu are usually ok for me

[19:47] <Sazius> so I guess we need a poll :-)

[19:48] <larjona> Ok, I'll set an alarm to close the poll on Saturday (for the case we can meet on Monday). Please visit and add your dates/times

[19:48] <larjona> (yes, you can do it right now, I'll remove this week's days later, no problem)

[19:49] <larjona> I'll send a mail to Evan about the poll, and the botbot thing, and about the tests-help needed, and maybe releasing a minor version with the already-merged stuff...

[19:50] <larjona> (let's hope I find a nice email subject)

[19:50] <larjona> Anything else?

[19:50] <larjona> (I mean, topics for this meeting, not for my email XD )

[19:51] <Sazius> nothing from me

[19:52] <Nemno> nope

[19:52] <larjona> ok so I promised appetizers

[19:53] <larjona> here some ascii cookies for you

[19:53] <larjona> (not the computer cookies)

[19:53] <larjona> ,. ,.

[19:53] <larjona> __.o o"-. .-"` o"-.

[19:53] <larjona> .-O o `"-.o O ),. ( O o)

[19:53] <larjona> ( o O o )--.-"O o"-.'-----'`

[19:53] <larjona> jgs '--------' ( o O o)

[19:53] <larjona> ----------

[19:53] <paroneayea> :)

[19:53] -*- paroneayea eats a cookie

[19:53] <Nemno> nice

[19:53] <paroneayea> thank you everyone! :)

[19:53] <larjona> thank you everybody

[19:53] <larjona> and

[19:53] <larjona> #############################################################

[19:53] <larjona> END LOG

[19:53] <larjona> #############################################################

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