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Conference call notes 20160203

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Feb 5, 2016 · 1 revision

(back to Conference calls)

Notes on the 44th EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday February 3rd 2016 (5pm - 5.30pm CEST)


Alphabetical list of attendees (6):

  • Damian Alvarez Mallon (JSC, Germany)
  • Pablo Escobar (UniBas - SIB, Switzerland)
  • Fotis Georgatos (Illumina, UK)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent, Belgium)
  • Alan O'Cais (JSC, Germany)
  • Ward Poelmans (HPC-UGent, Belgium)


  • report on EasyBuild User Meeting
  • update on RPATH support


RPATH support
  • Alan: $LD_RUN_PATH: very easy, just use $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    • better option than wrapping compilers: what if someone links with ld directly
    • doesn’t work with out of the box
    • needs patch, see
    • configure binutils with --disable-new-dtags to disable RUNPATH (and only use RPATH) may also be an option to ld
  • sanity check via readelf

  • figuring out what goes into $LD_LIBRARY_PATH may be tricky

    • recursively include all deps
    • set $LD_RUN_PATH through modules (rather than $LD_LIBRARY_PATH) ?
    • or construct $EB_LD_RUN_PATH and use that to define $LD_RUN_PATH
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