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Conference call notes 20200401

wpoely86 edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 7 revisions

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Notes on the 144th EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday Apr 1st 2020 (16:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC)


Alphabetical list of attendees (10):

  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
  • John Dey (Fred Hutch, Seattle, US)
  • Alex Domingo (VUB, Belgium)
  • Victor Rusu (CSCS, Switzerland)
  • Alexandre Strube (JSC, Germany)
  • Maxime Boissonneault (ComputeCanada)
  • Valentin Plugaru (University of Luxembourg)
  • Adam Huffman (Big Data Institute, Oxford, UK)
  • Mikael Öhman (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
  • Bart Oldeman (Compute Canada)


  • overview of recent changes, outlook to next release
  • update on 2020a update for common toolchains
  • Q&A

Overview of recent changes

Update on 2020a common toolchains

  • see project dashboard: , and see also the 2020a branch and milestone
  • foss/2020a
  • intel/2020a
  • not compatible CUDA yet, so fosscuda/2020a on hold
  • TODO:
    • more testing with (updated) intel/2020a
    • are we happy with impi 2019 update 7?
      • Alex: 2019 update 6 works in Torque with UCX 1.7
        • better perf with 2019 update 6 than with intel/2019b
        • 2019 update 7 yields more problems, can't get it to work at all...
          • different UCX, upstream libfabric, ... all fails (inter-node)
          • single node works with some providers
    • re-test foss/2020a after update to OpenBLAS 0.3.9
    • collapse 2020a branch into develop (after v4.2.0 release?)
    • potential way forward is to only collapse foss/2020a into develop


  • Victor: picking up environment variables to provide metadata
  • Victor: update on support for updating deps from eb CLI?
    • only Alan's --try-update-deps PR for now, based on available easyconfig files
  • Victor: automatically create easyconfigs for new toolchain versions
    • new MVAPICH2 version should trigger update of gmvapich/gmvolf
    • Alexandre: also interest from JSC for this
    • both to generate easyconfigs for toolchains & dependencies
    • focus on MPICH at CSCS because of compatibility with Cray MPI, similar story for JSC
  • Victor: update on containers support in EasyBuild?
    • John Dey is using (Docker) containers built with EasyBuild
      • goal is to have application-only containers (e.g. Bowtie, etc.)
    • Victor: CSCS has a script that only copies the stuff that is needed for runtime
      • works well with Spack which supports RUNPATH
        • so $LD_LIBRARY_PATH is still taken into account
        • also works with MPI OCI hooks
      • EasyBuild doesn't support using RUNPATH currently
      • similar thing can be done with only $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and ldd
      • GROMACS container can be trimmed down from 4-5GB to ~200MB
      • not available publicly, but can be shared with others
    • Mikael: providing software via CVMFS is another way of making installations available everywhere?
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