Issues and Pull Requests
[Pull 4243 ] - Fixes #4239 MediaType in method parameter not overridden by annotation
[Pull 4240 ] - Jakarta api integration
[Pull 4238 ] - Provide an Apache HttpClientBuilder configuration callback
[Pull 4236 ] - Issue 4208 - Fails to inject SecurityContext into Helloworld-CDI2-SE example
[Pull 4235 ] - Fix issue with OSGi when having package name starting with "class"
[Pull 4234 ] - Updated HK2 version
[Pull 4233 ] - Enable Spring4 integration test again
[Pull 4227 ] - Using configured executor service for client.
[Pull 4225 ] - Add an option to not register the Jackson's ExceptionMappers by JacksonFeature
[Pull 4224 ] - Upgrade of MP Rest client to 1.3.3.
[Pull 4222 ] - Fix NettyInputStream ByteBuf leak
[Pull 4221 ] - Better specify HK2 and Spring dependencies
[Issue 4214 ] - Jersey with Jackson exposes that fact to a potential attacker sending misformed JSON data
[Pull 4212 ] - Update Apache HTTP Client to 4.5.9
[Pull 4206 ] - Fixed: Various bugs in Helloworld CDI SE Example
[Pull 4204 ] - Prevent race condition in entity filtering
[Pull 4203 ] - Removed invalid email addresses
[Pull 4202 ] - Added support for Apache HTTP Client ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy and ConnectionReuseStrategy
[Pull 4201 ] - Upgrade jetty to version 9.4.17.v20190418
[Issue 4200 ] - JacksonFeature ExceptionMappers leaks implementation details
[Issue 4189 ] - Jersey Entity Filter Threads Racing issue leads to Corrupted Entity Graph and Object Graph
[Issue 4187 ] - Race condition in EntityFiltering
[Issue 4184 ] - Spring5 missing in BOM
[Pull 4178 ] - Fixes #3997 : Make SupplierFactoryBridge thread-safe.
[Issue 4177 ] - OsgiRegistry classToBundleMapping does not store classes for packages containing .class correctly
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