[7.17][EMS] Update to ems-client@7.17.2 #187672
checks-reporter / Quick commit checks
Jul 9, 2024 in 6s
!!!!!!!! ATTENTION !!!!!!!!
That check is intended to provide earlier CI feedback after we remove the automatic install for the local pre-commit hook.
If you want, you can still manually install the pre-commit hook locally by running 'node scripts/register_git_hook locally'
debg [casing] ".buildkite/pipelines/performance/daily.yml" ignored
debg [casing] ".buildkite/scripts/lifecycle/post_build.sh" ignored
debg [casing] ".buildkite/scripts/lifecycle/post_command.sh" ignored
debg [casing] ".buildkite/scripts/lifecycle/pre_build.sh" ignored
debg [casing] ".buildkite/scripts/lifecycle/pre_command.sh" ignored
debg [casing] "package.json" uses valid casing
debg [casing] "packages/kbn-pm/dist/index.js" uses valid casing
debg [casing] "yarn.lock" uses valid casing
warn [eslint] "packages/kbn-pm/dist/index.js" ignored by .eslintignore
debg Command failed with exit code 1: git config user.email
debg CIStatsReporter committerHash: undefined