[7.17][EMS] Update to ems-client@7.17.2 #187672
checks-reporter / Functional tests / Group 7
Jul 9, 2024 in 39m 8s
node scripts/functional_tests --bail --kibana-install-dir /opt/buildkite-agent/builds/bk-agent-prod-gcp-1720539735803439319/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana-build-xpack --include-tag ciGroup7
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (493ms)
└-> should show ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (499ms)
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (463ms)
└-> should show ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (512ms)
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (457ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-: date histogram with long time range
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should render a yearly area with 12 svg paths"
└-> should render a yearly area with 12 svg paths
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should render a yearly area with 12 svg paths"
└- ✓ pass (28.8s)
└-> should render monthly areas with 168 svg paths
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should render monthly areas with 168 svg paths"
└- ✓ pass (28.8s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should render monthly areas with 168 svg paths"
└-: date histogram when no date field
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show error message for field"
└-> "before all" hook for "should show error message for field"
└-> should show error message for field
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show error message for field"
└- ✓ pass (21ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show error message for field"
└-: date histogram when no time filter
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should not show error message on init when the field is not selected"
└-> "before all" hook for "should not show error message on init when the field is not selected"
└-> should not show error message on init when the field is not selected
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not show error message on init when the field is not selected"
└- ✓ pass (2.5s)
└-: interval errors
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should not fail during changing interval when the field is not selected"
└-> "before all" hook for "should not fail during changing interval when the field is not selected"
└-> should not fail during changing interval when the field is not selected
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not fail during changing interval when the field is not selected"
└- ✓ pass (7.8s)
└-> should not fail during changing custom interval when the field is not selected
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not fail during changing custom interval when the field is not selected"
└- ✓ pass (7.8s)
└-> should show error when interval invalid
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show error when interval invalid"
└- ✓ pass (5.3s)
└-> should show error when calendar interval invalid - 2w
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show error when calendar interval invalid - 2w"
└- ✓ pass (5.2s)
└-> should show error when calendar interval invalid - 3w
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show error when calendar interval invalid - 3w"
└- ✓ pass (5.2s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show error when calendar interval invalid - 3w"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should not show error message on init when the field is not selected"
└-: date histogram interval
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should update collapsed accordion label when time range is changed"
└-> "before all" hook for "should update collapsed accordion label when time range is changed"
└-> should update collapsed accordion label when time range is changed
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should update collapsed accordion label when time range is changed"
└-> "before each" hook for "should update collapsed accordion label when time range is changed"
└- ✓ pass (10.8s)
└-: expanded accordion
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should update label inside the opened accordion when scaled to milliseconds"
└-> "before all" hook for "should update label inside the opened accordion when scaled to milliseconds"
└-> should update label inside the opened accordion when scaled to milliseconds
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should update label inside the opened accordion when scaled to milliseconds"
└-> "before each" hook for "should update label inside the opened accordion when scaled to milliseconds"
└- ✓ pass (7.9s)
└-> should display updated scaled label text after time range is changed
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display updated scaled label text after time range is changed"
└-> "before each" hook for "should display updated scaled label text after time range is changed"
└- ✓ pass (11.2s)
└-> should update scaled label text after custom interval is set and time range is changed
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should update scaled label text after custom interval is set and time range is changed"
└-> "before each" hook for "should update scaled label text after custom interval is set and time range is changed"
└- ✓ pass (16.4s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should update scaled label text after custom interval is set and time range is changed"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should update collapsed accordion label when time range is changed"
└-> "after all" hook for "should show correct data"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct data"
└-: line charts - split series
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct chart"
└-> "before all" hook for "should show correct chart"
└-> should show correct chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct chart"
└- ✓ pass (3.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show correct chart"
└-> should have inspector enabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have inspector enabled"
└- ✓ pass (16ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should have inspector enabled"
└-> should show correct chart order by Term
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct chart order by Term"
└- ✓ pass (973ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show correct chart order by Term"
└-> should show correct data, ordered by Term
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct data, ordered by Term"
└- ✓ pass (3.2s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show correct data, ordered by Term"
└-> should request new data when autofresh is enabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should request new data when autofresh is enabled"
└- ✓ pass (18.5s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should request new data when autofresh is enabled"
└-> should be able to save and load
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should be able to save and load"
└- ✓ pass (31.1s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should be able to save and load"
└-: switch between Y axis scale types
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> "before all" hook: initLineChart for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> should show ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (669ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (459ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> should show ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (515ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show ticks on selecting square root scale"
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (464ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale"
└-> should show ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (522ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (437ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-: pipeline aggregations
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "pipeline aggregations"
└-> "before all" hook in "pipeline aggregations"
└-: parent pipeline
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should have an error if bucket is not selected"
└-> should have an error if bucket is not selected
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have an error if bucket is not selected"
└- ✓ pass (8.7s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should have an error if bucket is not selected"
└-> should apply with selected bucket
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should apply with selected bucket"
└- ✓ pass (7.1s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should apply with selected bucket"
└-> should change y-axis label to custom
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should change y-axis label to custom"
└- ✓ pass (606ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should change y-axis label to custom"
└-> should have advanced accordion and json input
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└- ✓ pass (100ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└-: sibling pipeline
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should apply with selected bucket"
└-> should apply with selected bucket
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should apply with selected bucket"
└- ✓ pass (6.4s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should apply with selected bucket"
└-> should change sub metric custom label and calculate y-axis title
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should change sub metric custom label and calculate y-axis title"
└- ✓ pass (566ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should change sub metric custom label and calculate y-axis title"
└-> should outer custom label
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should outer custom label"
└- ✓ pass (609ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should outer custom label"
└-> should have advanced accordion and json input
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└- ✓ pass (73ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "pipeline aggregations"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should be able to save and load"
└-: line charts - split chart
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct chart"
└-> "before all" hook for "should show correct chart"
└-> should show correct chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct chart"
└- ✓ pass (3.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show correct chart"
└-> should have inspector enabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have inspector enabled"
└- ✓ pass (16ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should have inspector enabled"
└-> should show correct chart order by Term
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct chart order by Term"
└- ✓ pass (975ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show correct chart order by Term"
└-> should show correct data, ordered by Term
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct data, ordered by Term"
└- ✓ pass (3.2s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show correct data, ordered by Term"
└-> should request new data when autofresh is enabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should request new data when autofresh is enabled"
└- ✓ pass (18.5s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should request new data when autofresh is enabled"
└-> should be able to save and load
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should be able to save and load"
└- ✓ pass (31.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should be able to save and load"
└-: switch between Y axis scale types
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> "before all" hook: initLineChart for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> should show ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (658ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (473ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> should show ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (523ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show ticks on selecting square root scale"
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (475ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale"
└-> should show ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (523ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (453ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-: pipeline aggregations
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "pipeline aggregations"
└-> "before all" hook in "pipeline aggregations"
└-: parent pipeline
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should have an error if bucket is not selected"
└-> should have an error if bucket is not selected
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have an error if bucket is not selected"
└- ✓ pass (8.5s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should have an error if bucket is not selected"
└-> should apply with selected bucket
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should apply with selected bucket"
└- ✓ pass (7.0s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should apply with selected bucket"
└-> should change y-axis label to custom
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should change y-axis label to custom"
└- ✓ pass (593ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should change y-axis label to custom"
└-> should have advanced accordion and json input
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└- ✓ pass (119ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└-: sibling pipeline
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should apply with selected bucket"
└-> should apply with selected bucket
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should apply with selected bucket"
└- ✓ pass (6.8s)
└-> "after each" hook for "should apply with selected bucket"
└-> should change sub metric custom label and calculate y-axis title
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should change sub metric custom label and calculate y-axis title"
└- ✓ pass (590ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should change sub metric custom label and calculate y-axis title"
└-> should outer custom label
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should outer custom label"
└- ✓ pass (604ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should outer custom label"
└-> should have advanced accordion and json input
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└- ✓ pass (74ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should have advanced accordion and json input"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "pipeline aggregations"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should be able to save and load"
└-: point series
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "point series"
└-> "before all" hook in "point series"
└-: secondary value axis
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct chart"
└-> should show correct chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct chart"
└- ✓ pass (86ms)
└-> should not show advanced json for count agg
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not show advanced json for count agg"
└- ✓ pass (557ms)
└-> should put secondary axis on the right
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should put secondary axis on the right"
└- ✓ pass (38ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should put secondary axis on the right"
└-: multiple chart types
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should change average series type to histogram"
└-> should change average series type to histogram
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should change average series type to histogram"
└- ✓ pass (522ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should change average series type to histogram"
└-: grid lines
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show category grid lines"
└-> "before all" hook for "should show category grid lines"
└-> should show category grid lines
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show category grid lines"
└- ✓ pass (468ms)
└-> should show value axis grid lines
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show value axis grid lines"
└- ✓ pass (565ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show value axis grid lines"
└-: show values on chart
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show values on bar chart"
└-> "before all" hook for "should show values on bar chart"
└-> should show values on bar chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show values on bar chart"
└- ✓ pass (439ms)
└-> should hide values on bar chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should hide values on bar chart"
└- ✓ pass (427ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should hide values on bar chart"
└-: custom labels and axis titles
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should render a custom label when one is set"
└-> "before all" hook for "should render a custom label when one is set"
└-> should render a custom label when one is set
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should render a custom label when one is set"
└- ✓ pass (47ms)
└-> should render a custom axis title when one is set, overriding the custom label
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should render a custom axis title when one is set, overriding the custom label"
└- ✓ pass (551ms)
└-> should preserve saved axis titles after a vis is saved and reopened
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should preserve saved axis titles after a vis is saved and reopened"
└- ✓ pass (31.4s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should preserve saved axis titles after a vis is saved and reopened"
└-: timezones
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show round labels in default timezone"
└-> should show round labels in default timezone
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show round labels in default timezone"
└- ✓ pass (39.4s)
└-> should show round labels in different timezone
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show round labels in different timezone"
└- ✓ pass (41.0s)
└-> should show different labels in different timezone
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show different labels in different timezone"
└- ✓ pass (28.2s)
└-> "after all" hook for "should show different labels in different timezone"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show different labels in different timezone"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "point series"
└-: vertical bar chart
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should save and load"
└-> "before all" hook for "should save and load"
└-> should save and load
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should save and load"
└- ✓ pass (54.1s)
└-> should have inspector enabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have inspector enabled"
└- ✓ pass (15ms)
└-> should show correct chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct chart"
└- ✓ pass (43ms)
└-> should show correct data
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct data"
└- ✓ pass (7.9s)
└-> should have `drop partial buckets` option
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have `drop partial buckets` option"
└- ✓ pass (11.5s)
└-: bar charts x axis tick labels
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show tick labels also after rotation of the chart"
└-> should show tick labels also after rotation of the chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show tick labels also after rotation of the chart"
└- ✓ pass (23.9s)
└-> should not filter out first label after rotation of the chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not filter out first label after rotation of the chart"
└- ✓ pass (23.9s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should not filter out first label after rotation of the chart"
└-: bar charts range on x axis
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should individual bars for each configured range"
└-> should individual bars for each configured range
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should individual bars for each configured range"
└- ✓ pass (23.9s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should individual bars for each configured range"
└-: switch between Y axis scale types
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> "before all" hook: initBarChart for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> should show ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (611ms)
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (513ms)
└-> should show ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (516ms)
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (445ms)
└-> should show ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (492ms)
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (447ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-: vertical bar in percent mode
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show ticks with percentage values"
└-> should show ticks with percentage values
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks with percentage values"
└- ✓ pass (607ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show ticks with percentage values"
└-: vertical bar with Split series
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series"
└-> "before all" hook: initBarChart for "should show correct series"
└-> should show correct series
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct series"
└- ✓ pass (16.1s)
└-> should allow custom sorting of series
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should allow custom sorting of series"
└- ✓ pass (12.3s)
└-> should correctly filter by legend
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should correctly filter by legend"
└- ✓ pass (12.7s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should correctly filter by legend"
└-: vertical bar with multiple splits
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series"
└-> "before all" hook: initBarChart for "should show correct series"
└-> should show correct series
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct series"
└- ✓ pass (32.1s)
└-> should show correct series when disabling first agg
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct series when disabling first agg"
└- ✓ pass (3.0s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series when disabling first agg"
└-: vertical bar with derivative
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series"
└-> "before all" hook: initBarChart for "should show correct series"
└-> should show correct series
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct series"
└- ✓ pass (11.1s)
└-> should show an error if last bucket aggregation is terms
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show an error if last bucket aggregation is terms"
└- ✓ pass (11.4s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show an error if last bucket aggregation is terms"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should have `drop partial buckets` option"
└-: vertical bar chart with index without time filter
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should save and load"
└-> "before all" hook for "should save and load"
└-> should save and load
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should save and load"
└- ✓ pass (30.4s)
└-> should have inspector enabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have inspector enabled"
└- ✓ pass (27ms)
└-> should show correct chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct chart"
└- ✓ pass (63ms)
└-> should show correct data
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct data"
└- ✓ pass (3.2s)
└-: switch between Y axis scale types
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> "before all" hook: initBarChart for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└-> should show ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (699ms)
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting log scale"
└- ✓ pass (480ms)
└-> should show ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (493ms)
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting square root scale"
└- ✓ pass (445ms)
└-> should show ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (502ms)
└-> should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└- ✓ pass (446ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show filtered ticks on selecting linear scale"
└-: vertical bar with split series
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series"
└-> "before all" hook: initBarChart for "should show correct series"
└-> should show correct series
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct series"
└- ✓ pass (17.5s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series"
└-: vertical bar with multiple splits
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series"
└-> "before all" hook: initBarChart for "should show correct series"
└-> should show correct series
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct series"
└- ✓ pass (31.3s)
└-> should show correct series when disabling first agg
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct series when disabling first agg"
└- ✓ pass (5.1s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series when disabling first agg"
└-: vertical bar with derivative
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series"
└-> "before all" hook: initBarChart for "should show correct series"
└-> should show correct series
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct series"
└- ✓ pass (12.1s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct series"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct data"
└-: pie chart
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should save and load"
└-> "before all" hook for "should save and load"
└-> should save and load
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should save and load"
└- ✓ pass (30.1s)
└-> should have inspector enabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should have inspector enabled"
└- ✓ pass (16ms)
└-> should show 10 slices in pie chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show 10 slices in pie chart"
└- ✓ pass (1ms)
└-> should show correct data
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct data"
└- ✓ pass (3.7s)
└-: other bucket
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show other and missing bucket"
└-> should show other and missing bucket
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show other and missing bucket"
└- ✓ pass (29.4s)
└-> should apply correct filter on other bucket
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should apply correct filter on other bucket"
└- ✓ pass (11.5s)
└-> should apply correct filter on other bucket by clicking on a legend
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should apply correct filter on other bucket by clicking on a legend"
└- ✓ pass (12.7s)
└-> should show two levels of other buckets
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show two levels of other buckets"
└- ✓ pass (12.7s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show two levels of other buckets"
└-: disabled aggs
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct result with one agg disabled"
└-> "before all" hook for "should show correct result with one agg disabled"
└-> should show correct result with one agg disabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct result with one agg disabled"
└- ✓ pass (14.4s)
└-> should correctly save disabled agg
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should correctly save disabled agg"
└- ✓ pass (23.2s)
└-> should show correct result when agg is re-enabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct result when agg is re-enabled"
└- ✓ pass (3.3s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct result when agg is re-enabled"
└-: empty time window
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show no data message when no data on selected timerange"
└-> should show no data message when no data on selected timerange
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show no data message when no data on selected timerange"
└- ✓ pass (39.6s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show no data message when no data on selected timerange"
└-: multi series slice
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct chart"
└-> "before all" hook for "should show correct chart"
└-> should show correct chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show correct chart"
└- ✓ pass (9.2s)
└-> should correctly filter on legend
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should correctly filter on legend"
└- ✓ pass (12.8s)
└-> should still showing pie chart when a subseries have zero data
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should still showing pie chart when a subseries have zero data"
└- ✓ pass (32.3s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should still showing pie chart when a subseries have zero data"
└-: split chart
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "shows correct split chart"
└-> "before all" hook for "shows correct split chart"
└-> shows correct split chart
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "shows correct split chart"
└- ✓ pass (9.0s)
└-> correctly applies filter
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "correctly applies filter"
└- ✓ pass (14.8s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "correctly applies filter"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show correct data"
└-: Timelion visualization
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should display correct data for specified index pattern and timefield"
└-> "before all" hook for "should display correct data for specified index pattern and timefield"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:00.615+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 420.0B\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2024-07-09T16:12:00.396Z\",\"lte\":\"2024-07-09T16:27:00.396Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"*\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"*\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1720541520396,\"max\":1720542420396},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"1s\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:01.634+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 89.4KB\nGET /_async_search/FmlRcHFFRUFPU1htVmdUN2tWaHR5UkEcaE4zQjVsX0dROS1mcVFUMm1FaEhmQToyNDQ5OA%3D%3D?wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:09.834+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 417.0B\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2015-09-19T06:31:44.000Z\",\"lte\":\"2015-09-23T18:31:44.000Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"*\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"*\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1442644304000,\"max\":1443033104000},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"30m\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
└-> should display correct data for specified index pattern and timefield
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display correct data for specified index pattern and timefield"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:10.838+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 22.2KB\nGET /_async_search/Flh3M0dhSk1yUU82Tml5ZjVoRnZmeFEcaE4zQjVsX0dROS1mcVFUMm1FaEhmQToyNDYxMw%3D%3D?wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
└- ✓ pass (6.2s)
└-> should display correct chart colors for multiple expressions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display correct chart colors for multiple expressions"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:21.668+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 1.5KB\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2015-09-19T06:31:44.000Z\",\"lte\":\"2015-09-23T18:31:44.000Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"*\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"*\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1442644304000,\"max\":1443033104000},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"12h\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
└- ✓ pass (6.2s)
└-> should display correct chart data for average, min, max and cardinality aggregations
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display correct chart data for average, min, max and cardinality aggregations"
└- ✓ pass (6.2s)
└-> should display correct chart data for expressions using functions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display correct chart data for expressions using functions"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:34.029+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 1.5KB\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2015-09-19T06:31:44.000Z\",\"lte\":\"2015-09-23T18:31:44.000Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"*\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"*\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1442644304000,\"max\":1443033104000},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"12h\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:34.040+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 1.5KB\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2015-09-19T06:31:44.000Z\",\"lte\":\"2015-09-23T18:31:44.000Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"bytes<100\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"bytes<100\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1442644304000,\"max\":1443033104000},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"12h\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
└- ✓ pass (6.2s)
└-> should display correct chart title, data and labels for expressions with custom labels, yaxis and offset
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display correct chart title, data and labels for expressions with custom labels, yaxis and offset"
└- ✓ pass (6.5s)
└-> should display correct chart data for split expression
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display correct chart data for split expression"
└- ✓ pass (6.2s)
└-> should display two areas and one bar chart items
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display two areas and one bar chart items"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:53.016+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 1.5KB\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2015-09-19T06:31:44.000Z\",\"lte\":\"2015-09-23T18:31:44.000Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"*\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"*\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1442644304000,\"max\":1443033104000},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"12h\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
└- ✓ pass (6.2s)
└-: Legend
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should correctly display the legend items names and position"
└-> should correctly display the legend items names and position
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should correctly display the legend items names and position"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:27:59.270+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 1.5KB\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2015-09-19T06:31:44.000Z\",\"lte\":\"2015-09-23T18:31:44.000Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"*\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"*\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1442644304000,\"max\":1443033104000},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"12h\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
└- ✓ pass (6.2s)
└-> should correctly display the legend position
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should correctly display the legend position"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:28:05.420+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 1.5KB\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2015-09-19T06:31:44.000Z\",\"lte\":\"2015-09-23T18:31:44.000Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"*\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"*\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1442644304000,\"max\":1443033104000},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"12h\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
└- ✓ pass (6.1s)
└-> should not display the legend
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not display the legend"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-09T16:28:11.546+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-42b93a534929add031e668becc4565463f2c4b32 \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 1.5KB\nPOST /_all/_async_search?batched_reduce_size=64&wait_for_completion_timeout=100ms&keep_on_completion=true&keep_alive=604800000ms&ignore_unavailable=true&track_total_hits=true&enable_fields_emulation=true&timeout=30000ms\n{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"range\":{\"@timestamp\":{\"gte\":\"2015-09-19T06:31:44.000Z\",\"lte\":\"2015-09-23T18:31:44.000Z\",\"format\":\"strict_date_optional_time\"}}}],\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[],\"filter\":[],\"should\":[],\"must_not\":[]}}}},\"aggs\":{\"q\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"split\"},\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"*\":{\"query_string\":{\"query\":\"*\"}}}},\"aggs\":{\"time_buckets\":{\"meta\":{\"type\":\"time_buckets\"},\"date_histogram\":{\"field\":\"@timestamp\",\"time_zone\":\"UTC\",\"extended_bounds\":{\"min\":1442644304000,\"max\":1443033104000},\"min_doc_count\":0,\"fixed_interval\":\"12h\"},\"aggs\":{\"count\":{\"bucket_script\":{\"buckets_path\":\"_count\",\"script\":{\"source\":\"_value\",\"lang\":\"expression\"}}}}}}}},\"size\":0,\"runtime_mappings\":{}}","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":4906}}
└- ✓ pass (8.6s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should not display the legend"
└-: expression typeahead
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should display function suggestions"
└-> should display function suggestions
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display function suggestions"
└- ✓ pass (762ms)
└-: dynamic suggestions for argument values
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "dynamic suggestions for argument values"
└-: .es()
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should show index pattern suggestions for index argument"
└-> should show index pattern suggestions for index argument
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show index pattern suggestions for index argument"
└- ✓ pass (588ms)
└-> should show field suggestions for timefield argument when index pattern set
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show field suggestions for timefield argument when index pattern set"
└- ✓ pass (246ms)
└-> should show field suggestions for split argument when index pattern set
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show field suggestions for split argument when index pattern set"
└- ✓ pass (471ms)
└-> should show field suggestions for metric argument when index pattern set
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should show field suggestions for metric argument when index pattern set"
└- ✓ pass (382ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should show field suggestions for metric argument when index pattern set"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "dynamic suggestions for argument values"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should display function suggestions"
└-> "after all" hook for "should display two areas and one bar chart items"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should display two areas and one bar chart items"
└-> "after all" hook in "new charts library visualize ciGroup7"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "new charts library visualize ciGroup7"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "visualize app"
│155 passing (37.0m)
│ warn browser[SEVERE] ERROR FETCHING BROWSR LOGS: This driver instance does not have a valid session ID (did you call WebDriver.quit()?) and may no longer be used.
│ proc [kibana] log [16:28:30.766] [info][plugins-system][standard] Stopping all plugins.
│ proc [kibana] log [16:28:30.767] [info][kibana-monitoring][monitoring][monitoring][plugins] Monitoring stats collection is stopped
│ info [kibana] exited with null after 2274.7 seconds
│ info [es] stopping node ftr
│ info [o.e.x.m.p.NativeController] [ftr] Native controller process has stopped - no new native processes can be started
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] stopping ...
│ info [o.e.x.w.WatcherService] [ftr] stopping watch service, reason [shutdown initiated]
│ info [o.e.x.w.WatcherLifeCycleService] [ftr] watcher has stopped and shutdown
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] stopped
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] closing ...
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] closed
│ info [es] stopped
│ info [es] no debug files found, assuming es did not write any
│ info [es] cleanup complete