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Releases: facebook/react

19.1.0 (March 28, 2025)

28 Mar 21:02
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Owner Stack

An Owner Stack is a string representing the components that are directly responsible for rendering a particular component. You can log Owner Stacks when debugging or use Owner Stacks to enhance error overlays or other development tools. Owner Stacks are only available in development builds. Component Stacks in production are unchanged.

  • An Owner Stack is a development-only stack trace that helps identify which components are responsible for rendering a particular component. An Owner Stack is distinct from a Component Stacks, which shows the hierarchy of components leading to an error.
  • The captureOwnerStack API is only available in development mode and returns a Owner Stack, if available. The API can be used to enhance error overlays or log component relationships when debugging. #29923, #32353, #30306,
    #32538, #32529, #32538


  • Enhanced support for Suspense boundaries to be used anywhere, including the client, server, and during hydration. #32069, #32163, #32224, #32252
  • Reduced unnecessary client rendering through improved hydration scheduling #31751
  • Increased priority of client rendered Suspense boundaries #31776
  • Fixed frozen fallback states by rendering unfinished Suspense boundaries on the client. #31620
  • Reduced garbage collection pressure by improving Suspense boundary retries. #31667
  • Fixed erroneous β€œWaiting for Paint” log when the passive effect phase was not delayed #31526
  • Fixed a regression causing key warnings for flattened positional children in development mode. #32117
  • Updated useId to use valid CSS selectors, changing format from :r123: to Β«r123Β». #32001
  • Added a dev-only warning for null/undefined created in useEffect, useInsertionEffect, and useLayoutEffect. #32355
  • Fixed a bug where dev-only methods were exported in production builds. React.act is no longer available in production builds. #32200
  • Improved consistency across prod and dev to improve compatibility with Google Closure Complier and bindings #31808
  • Improve passive effect scheduling for consistent task yielding. #31785
  • Fixed asserts in React Native when passChildrenWhenCloningPersistedNodes is enabled for OffscreenComponent rendering. #32528
  • Fixed component name resolution for Portal #32640
  • Added support for beforetoggle and toggle events on the dialog element. #32479 #32479

React DOM

  • Fixed double warning when the href attribute is an empty string #31783
  • Fixed an edge case where getHoistableRoot() didn’t work properly when the container was a Document #32321
  • Removed support for using HTML comments (e.g. <!-- -->) as a DOM container. #32250
  • Added support for <script> and <template> tags to be nested within <select> tags. #31837
  • Fixed responsive images to be preloaded as HTML instead of headers #32445


  • Added exports field to package.json for use-sync-external-store to support various entrypoints. #25231

React Server Components

  • Added unstable_prerender, a new experimental API for prerendering React Server Components on the server #31724
  • Fixed an issue where streams would hang when receiving new chunks after a global error #31840, #31851
  • Fixed an issue where pending chunks were counted twice. #31833
  • Added support for streaming in edge environments #31852
  • Added support for sending custom error names from a server so that they are available in the client for console replaying. #32116
  • Updated the server component wire format to remove IDs for hints and console.log because they have no return value #31671
  • Exposed registerServerReference in client builds to handle server references in different environments. #32534
  • Added react-server-dom-parcel package which integrates Server Components with the Parcel bundler #31725, #32132, #31799, #32294, #31741

19.0.0 (December 5, 2024)

05 Dec 21:05
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Below is a list of all new features, APIs, deprecations, and breaking changes. Read React 19 release post and React 19 upgrade guide for more information.

Note: To help make the upgrade to React 19 easier, we’ve published a react@18.3 release that is identical to 18.2 but adds warnings for deprecated APIs and other changes that are needed for React 19. We recommend upgrading to React 18.3.1 first to help identify any issues before upgrading to React 19.

New Features


  • Actions: startTransition can now accept async functions. Functions passed to startTransition are called β€œActions”. A given Transition can include one or more Actions which update state in the background and update the UI with one commit. In addition to updating state, Actions can now perform side effects including async requests, and the Action will wait for the work to finish before finishing the Transition. This feature allows Transitions to include side effects like fetch() in the pending state, and provides support for error handling, and optimistic updates.
  • useActionState: is a new hook to order Actions inside of a Transition with access to the state of the action, and the pending state. It accepts a reducer that can call Actions, and the initial state used for first render. It also accepts an optional string that is used if the action is passed to a form action prop to support progressive enhancement in forms.
  • useOptimistic: is a new hook to update state while a Transition is in progress. It returns the state, and a set function that can be called inside a transition to β€œoptimistically” update the state to expected final value immediately while the Transition completes in the background. When the transition finishes, the state is updated to the new value.
  • use: is a new API that allows reading resources in render. In React 19, use accepts a promise or Context. If provided a promise, use will suspend until a value is resolved. use can only be used in render but can be called conditionally.
  • ref as a prop: Refs can now be used as props, removing the need for forwardRef.
  • Suspense sibling pre-warming: When a component suspends, React will immediately commit the fallback of the nearest Suspense boundary, without waiting for the entire sibling tree to render. After the fallback commits, React will schedule another render for the suspended siblings to β€œpre-warm” lazy requests.

React DOM Client

  • <form> action prop: Form Actions allow you to manage forms automatically and integrate with useFormStatus. When a <form> action succeeds, React will automatically reset the form for uncontrolled components. The form can be reset manually with the new requestFormReset API.
  • <button> and <input> formAction prop: Actions can be passed to the formAction prop to configure form submission behavior. This allows using different Actions depending on the input.
  • useFormStatus: is a new hook that provides the status of the parent <form> action, as if the form was a Context provider. The hook returns the values: pending, data, method, and action.
  • Support for Document Metadata: We’ve added support for rendering document metadata tags in components natively. React will automatically hoist them into the <head> section of the document.
  • Support for Stylesheets: React 19 will ensure stylesheets are inserted into the <head> on the client before revealing the content of a Suspense boundary that depends on that stylesheet.
  • Support for async scripts: Async scripts can be rendered anywhere in the component tree and React will handle ordering and deduplication.
  • Support for preloading resources: React 19 ships with preinit, preload, prefetchDNS, and preconnect APIs to optimize initial page loads by moving discovery of additional resources like fonts out of stylesheet loading. They can also be used to prefetch resources used by an anticipated navigation.

React DOM Server

  • Added prerender and prerenderToNodeStream APIs for static site generation. They are designed to work with streaming environments like Node.js Streams and Web Streams. Unlike renderToString, they wait for data to load for HTML generation.

React Server Components

  • RSC features such as directives, server components, and server functions are now stable. This means libraries that ship with Server Components can now target React 19 as a peer dependency with a react-server export condition for use in frameworks that support the Full-stack React Architecture. The underlying APIs used to implement a React Server Components bundler or framework do not follow semver and may break between minors in React 19.x. See docs for how to support React Server Components.


  • Deprecated: element.ref access: React 19 supports ref as a prop, so we’re deprecating element.ref in favor of element.props.ref. Accessing will result in a warning.
  • react-test-renderer: In React 19, react-test-renderer logs a deprecation warning and has switched to concurrent rendering for web usage. We recommend migrating your tests to or

Breaking Changes

React 19 brings in a number of breaking changes, including the removals of long-deprecated APIs. We recommend first upgrading to 18.3.1, where we've added additional deprecation warnings. Check out the upgrade guide for more details and guidance on codemodding.


  • New JSX Transform is now required: We introduced a new JSX transform in 2020 to improve bundle size and use JSX without importing React. In React 19, we’re adding additional improvements like using ref as a prop and JSX speed improvements that require the new transform.
  • Errors in render are not re-thrown: Errors that are not caught by an Error Boundary are now reported to window.reportError. Errors that are caught by an Error Boundary are reported to console.error. We’ve introduced onUncaughtError and onCaughtError methods to createRoot and hydrateRoot to customize this error handling.
  • Removed: propTypes: Using propTypes will now be silently ignored. If required, we recommend migrating to TypeScript or another type-checking solution.
  • Removed: defaultProps for functions: ES6 default parameters can be used in place. Class components continue to support defaultProps since there is no ES6 alternative.
  • Removed: contextTypes and getChildContext: Legacy Context for class components has been removed in favor of the contextType API.
  • Removed: string refs: Any usage of string refs need to be migrated to ref callbacks.
  • Removed: Module pattern factories: A rarely used pattern that can be migrated to regular functions.
  • Removed: React.createFactory: Now that JSX is broadly supported, all createFactory usage can be migrated to JSX components.
  • Removed: react-test-renderer/shallow: This has been a re-export of react-shallow-renderer since React 18. If needed, you can continue to use the third-party package directly. We recommend using or instead.

React DOM

  • Removed: react-dom/test-utils: We’ve moved act from react-dom/test-utils to react. All other utilities have been removed.
  • Removed: ReactDOM.render, ReactDOM.hydrate: These have been removed in favor of the concurrent equivalents: ReactDOM.createRoot and ReactDOM.hydrateRoot.
  • Removed: unmountComponentAtNode: Removed in favor of root.unmount().
  • Removed: ReactDOM.findDOMNode: You can replace ReactDOM.findDOMNode with DOM Refs.

Notable Changes


  • <Context> as a provider: You can now render <Context> as a provider instead of <Context.Provider>.
  • Cleanup functions for refs: When the component unmounts, React will call the cleanup function returned from the ref callback.
  • useDeferredValue initial value argument: When provided, useDeferredValue will return the initial value for the initial render of a component, then schedule a re-render in the background with the deferredValue returned.
  • Support for Custom Elements: React 19 now passes all tests on Custom Elements Everywhere.
  • StrictMode changes: useMemo and useCallback will now reuse the memoized results from the first render, during the second render. Additionally, StrictMode will now double-invoke ref callback functions on initial mount.
  • UMD builds removed: To load React 19 with a script tag, we recommend using an ESM-based CDN such as

React DOM

  • Diffs for hydration errors: In the case of a mismatch, React 19 logs a single error with a diff of the mismatched content.
  • Compatibility with third-party scripts and extensions: React will now force a client re-render to fix up any mismatched content caused by elements inserted by third-party JS.

TypeScript Changes

The most common changes can be codemodded with npx types-react-codemod@latest preset-19 ./path-to-your-react-ts-files.

  • Removed deprecated TypeScript types:
    • ReactChild (replacement: React.ReactElement | number | string)
    • ReactFragment (replacement: Iterable<React.ReactNode>)
    • ReactNodeArray (replacement: ReadonlyArray<React.ReactNode>)
    • ReactText (replacement:...
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eslint-plugin-react-hooks@5.0.0 (Oct 11, 2024)

11 Oct 13:32
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This release only contains eslint-plugin-react-hooks. Notably, new violations and support for ESLint v9 were added.


  • New Violations: Component names now need to start with an uppercase letter instead of a non-lowercase letter. This means _Button or _component are no longer valid. (@kassens) in #25162
    For example, in
    function _Component() {
      ^^^^^^^^ A React Hook "useState" is called in function "_Component" which is neither a Component nor a custom React Hook function.
    _Component should be renamed to Component.

18.3.1 (April 26, 2024)

26 Apr 19:53
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  • Export act from react f1338f

18.3.0 (April 25, 2024)

26 Apr 19:48
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This release is identical to 18.2 but adds warnings for deprecated APIs and other changes that are needed for React 19.

Read the React 19 Upgrade Guide for more info.


  • Allow writing to this.refs to support string ref codemod 909071
  • Warn for deprecated findDOMNode outside StrictMode c3b283
  • Warn for deprecated test-utils methods d4ea75
  • Warn for deprecated Legacy Context outside StrictMode 415ee0
  • Warn for deprecated string refs outside StrictMode #25383
  • Warn for deprecated defaultProps for function components #25699
  • Warn when spreading key #25697
  • Warn when using act from test-utils d4ea75

React DOM

  • Warn for deprecated unmountComponentAtNode 8a015b
  • Warn for deprecated renderToStaticNodeStream #28874

18.2.0 (June 14, 2022)

14 Jun 19:54
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React DOM

  • Provide a component stack as a second argument to onRecoverableError. (@gnoff in #24591)
  • Fix hydrating into document causing a blank page on mismatch. (@gnoff in #24523)
  • Fix false positive hydration errors with Suspense. (@gnoff in #24480 and @acdlite in #24532)
  • Fix ignored setState in Safari when adding an iframe. (@gaearon in #24459)

React DOM Server

  • Pass information about server errors to the client. (@salazarm and @gnoff in #24551 and #24591)
  • Allow to provide a reason when aborting the HTML stream. (@gnoff in #24680)
  • Eliminate extraneous text separators in the HTML where possible. (@gnoff in #24630)
  • Disallow complex children inside <title> elements to match the browser constraints. (@gnoff in #24679)
  • Fix buffering in some worker environments by explicitly setting highWaterMark to 0. (@jplhomer in #24641)

Server Components (Experimental)

  • Add support for useId() inside Server Components. (@gnoff) in #24172

18.1.0 (April 26, 2022)

26 Apr 21:15
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React DOM

  • Fix the false positive warning about react-dom/client when using UMD bundle. (@alireza-molaee in #24274)
  • Fix suppressHydrationWarning to work in production too. (@gaearon in #24271)
  • Fix componentWillUnmount firing twice inside of Suspense. (@acdlite in #24308)
  • Fix some transition updates being ignored. (@acdlite in #24353)
  • Fix useDeferredValue causing an infinite loop when passed an unmemoized value. (@acdlite in #24247)
  • Fix throttling of revealing Suspense fallbacks. (@sunderls in #24253)
  • Fix an inconsistency in whether the props object is the same between renders. (@Andarist and @acdlite in #24421)
  • Fix a missing warning about a setState loop in useEffect. (@gaearon in #24298)
  • Fix a spurious hydration error. (@gnoff in #24404)
  • Warn when calling setState in useInsertionEffect. (@gaearon in #24295)
  • Ensure the reason for hydration errors is always displayed. (@gaearon in #24276)

React DOM Server

  • Fix escaping for the bootstrapScriptContent contents. (@gnoff in #24385)
  • Significantly improve performance of renderToPipeableStream. (@gnoff in #24291)

ESLint Plugin: React Hooks

  • Fix false positive errors with a large number of branches. (@scyron6 in #24287)
  • Don't consider a known dependency stable when the variable is reassigned. (@afzalsayed96 in #24343)

Use Subscription

  • Replace the implementation with the use-sync-external-store shim. (@gaearon in #24289)

18.0.0 (March 29, 2022)

29 Mar 17:22
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Below is a list of all new features, APIs, deprecations, and breaking changes.
Read React 18 release post and React 18 upgrade guide for more information.

New Features


  • useId is a new hook for generating unique IDs on both the client and server, while avoiding hydration mismatches. It is primarily useful for component libraries integrating with accessibility APIs that require unique IDs. This solves an issue that already exists in React 17 and below, but it’s even more important in React 18 because of how the new streaming server renderer delivers HTML out-of-order.
  • startTransition and useTransition let you mark some state updates as not urgent. Other state updates are considered urgent by default. React will allow urgent state updates (for example, updating a text input) to interrupt non-urgent state updates (for example, rendering a list of search results).
  • useDeferredValue lets you defer re-rendering a non-urgent part of the tree. It is similar to debouncing, but has a few advantages compared to it. There is no fixed time delay, so React will attempt the deferred render right after the first render is reflected on the screen. The deferred render is interruptible and doesn't block user input.
  • useSyncExternalStore is a new hook that allows external stores to support concurrent reads by forcing updates to the store to be synchronous. It removes the need for useEffect when implementing subscriptions to external data sources, and is recommended for any library that integrates with state external to React.
  • useInsertionEffect is a new hook that allows CSS-in-JS libraries to address performance issues of injecting styles in render. Unless you’ve already built a CSS-in-JS library we don’t expect you to ever use this. This hook will run after the DOM is mutated, but before layout effects read the new layout. This solves an issue that already exists in React 17 and below, but is even more important in React 18 because React yields to the browser during concurrent rendering, giving it a chance to recalculate layout.

React DOM Client

These new APIs are now exported from react-dom/client:

  • createRoot: New method to create a root to render or unmount. Use it instead of ReactDOM.render. New features in React 18 don't work without it.
  • hydrateRoot: New method to hydrate a server rendered application. Use it instead of ReactDOM.hydrate in conjunction with the new React DOM Server APIs. New features in React 18 don't work without it.

Both createRoot and hydrateRoot accept a new option called onRecoverableError in case you want to be notified when React recovers from errors during rendering or hydration for logging. By default, React will use reportError, or console.error in the older browsers.

React DOM Server

These new APIs are now exported from react-dom/server and have full support for streaming Suspense on the server:

  • renderToPipeableStream: for streaming in Node environments.
  • renderToReadableStream: for modern edge runtime environments, such as Deno and Cloudflare workers.

The existing renderToString method keeps working but is discouraged.


  • react-dom: ReactDOM.render has been deprecated. Using it will warn and run your app in React 17 mode.
  • react-dom: ReactDOM.hydrate has been deprecated. Using it will warn and run your app in React 17 mode.
  • react-dom: ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode has been deprecated.
  • react-dom: ReactDOM.renderSubtreeIntoContainer has been deprecated.
  • react-dom/server: ReactDOMServer.renderToNodeStream has been deprecated.

Breaking Changes


  • Automatic batching: This release introduces a performance improvement that changes to the way React batches updates to do more batching automatically. See Automatic batching for fewer renders in React 18 for more info. In the rare case that you need to opt out, wrap the state update in flushSync.
  • Stricter Strict Mode: In the future, React will provide a feature that lets components preserve state between unmounts. To prepare for it, React 18 introduces a new development-only check to Strict Mode. React will automatically unmount and remount every component, whenever a component mounts for the first time, restoring the previous state on the second mount. If this breaks your app, consider removing Strict Mode until you can fix the components to be resilient to remounting with existing state.
  • Consistent useEffect timing: React now always synchronously flushes effect functions if the update was triggered during a discrete user input event such as a click or a keydown event. Previously, the behavior wasn't always predictable or consistent.
  • Stricter hydration errors: Hydration mismatches due to missing or extra text content are now treated like errors instead of warnings. React will no longer attempt to "patch up" individual nodes by inserting or deleting a node on the client in an attempt to match the server markup, and will revert to client rendering up to the closest <Suspense> boundary in the tree. This ensures the hydrated tree is consistent and avoids potential privacy and security holes that can be caused by hydration mismatches.
  • Suspense trees are always consistent: If a component suspends before it's fully added to the tree, React will not add it to the tree in an incomplete state or fire its effects. Instead, React will throw away the new tree completely, wait for the asynchronous operation to finish, and then retry rendering again from scratch. React will render the retry attempt concurrently, and without blocking the browser.
  • Layout Effects with Suspense: When a tree re-suspends and reverts to a fallback, React will now clean up layout effects, and then re-create them when the content inside the boundary is shown again. This fixes an issue which prevented component libraries from correctly measuring layout when used with Suspense.
  • New JS Environment Requirements: React now depends on modern browsers features including Promise, Symbol, and Object.assign. If you support older browsers and devices such as Internet Explorer which do not provide modern browser features natively or have non-compliant implementations, consider including a global polyfill in your bundled application.

Scheduler (Experimental)

  • Remove unstable scheduler/tracing API

Notable Changes


  • Components can now render undefined: React no longer throws if you return undefined from a component. This makes the allowed component return values consistent with values that are allowed in the middle of a component tree. We suggest to use a linter to prevent mistakes like forgetting a return statement before JSX.
  • In tests, act warnings are now opt-in: If you're running end-to-end tests, the act warnings are unnecessary. We've introduced an opt-in mechanism so you can enable them only for unit tests where they are useful and beneficial.
  • No warning about setState on unmounted components: Previously, React warned about memory leaks when you call setState on an unmounted component. This warning was added for subscriptions, but people primarily run into it in scenarios where setting state is fine, and workarounds make the code worse. We've removed this warning.
  • No suppression of console logs: When you use Strict Mode, React renders each component twice to help you find unexpected side effects. In React 17, we've suppressed console logs for one of the two renders to make the logs easier to read. In response to community feedback about this being confusing, we've removed the suppression. Instead, if you have React DevTools installed, the second log's renders will be displayed in grey, and there will be an option (off by default) to suppress them completely.
  • Improved memory usage: React now cleans up more internal fields on unmount, making the impact from unfixed memory leaks that may exist in your application code less severe.

React DOM Server

  • renderToString: Will no longer error when suspending on the server. Instead, it will emit the fallback HTML for the closest <Suspense> boundary and then retry rendering the same content on the client. It is still recommended that you switch to a streaming API like renderToPipeableStream or renderToReadableStream instead.
  • renderToStaticMarkup: Will no longer error when suspending on the server. Instead, it will emit the fallback HTML for the closest <Suspense> boundary and retry rendering on the client.

All Changes


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17.0.2 (March 22, 2021)

22 Mar 22:00
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17.0.1 (October 22, 2020)

22 Mar 21:59
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React DOM