For changes beyond v2.0.0, look here:
This changelog attempts to gather all meaningful changes made to GregTech CE: Unofficial. However, it is definitely missing many, many things, and does not go into detail on any of the changes, so check them out in game!
- #46: Added the Terminal, a centralized place for Applications. Applications:
- #46: GuideBook App, which contains useful information and documentation of the Mod
- #104: Prospector App, for finding Ores in-world
- #115: GT Console app, providing an EnderIO-like system for configuring GT machines
- #133: A few games, for passing the time while your EBF is cooking
- #178: Virtual Tank App, for checking your Ender Fluid Link Cover stored fluids
- c09c319: Use GT5u-style Pipe models
- 5e38ba1: Wire Cutters used to connect/disconnect Cables/Wires instead of Wrench
- 53d040a: Added Config to enable GT6-style Pipe/Cable connections
- 6124c9f: Added Huge Fluid Pipes
- 7f6fab9: Added Item Pipes
- 4da3dbc: Added many more Materials of Pipes
- eb03b82: Added Native EU to FE from GT Cables. This means you can plug in RF machines into GT cables, and they will receive power normally
- 859bcb9: Reworked Fluid Pipes, added Quadruple and Nonuple Fluid Pipes
- #78: Reworked Cables and Wires to properly respect Amperage
- b59f0dc: Cables with zero loss will still have loss as wires, unless marked as "Superconductors"
- 78e37f7: Added Superconductors for all tiers
- 562b7b9: Added EBF Coil Bonuses
- 4cd59ba: Added information to TheOneProbe, displaying if a Multiblock is formed or not
- 11f2260: Allow Fluid Input Hatch on any block of the bottom layer of the Distillation Tower
- 11f2260: Renamed "Diesel Generator" to "Large Combustion Engine"
- 826556a: Large Turbines now provide a warning when the Rotor is obstructed
- #124: Added the Distinct Buses feature (seen in Gregicality, and SoG's Processing Array) for use in more GT Multiblocks
- #144: Adjust Multi-Smelter rates to make coil upgrades a smoother curve
- #169: Rewrite the JEI Multiblock page, fix many issues and make its controls much more intuitive
- #194: Added a generalized Parallel Logic, for use by the Multi-Smelter, Steam Grinder, Steam Oven, and Processing Array (as well as addons or MBT Multiblocks)
- 1382f97: Add Config for Boilers to use different fluids in place of Water (useful for mods like TFC)
- #396: Allow Fusion Reactor to Overclock (x2 EU/t, 0.5x Duration)
- #34: Added the Primitive Water Pump (from IMPACT) for collecting Water in the Steam Era
- #42: Added the Steam Grinder and Steam Oven
- #10: Added the Large Chemical Reactor
- 0c43ded: Added the Assembly Line
- 9e537dc: Added the Fusion Reactor
- #241: Fusion Reactor now has a slightly modified structure, new recipes
- #185: Added Large Miners, for mining ores in-world
- #196: Added the Central Monitor (think, ComputerCraft), with features from monitoring machines, proxying machine GUIs, displaying images and GIFs, among other things
- #318: Added the Processing Array, capable of running 16 machines at once, available at late EV/early IV
- #318: Added the Advanced Processing Array, capable of running 64 machines at once, available at late LuV/early ZPM
- #392: Added proper Multiblock Tanks, intended for the Early Game (Wood and Steel variants)
- #12: Allow Multiblock Parts to be shared across Multiblocks
- #114: Added Maintenance and Muffler Multiblock parts
- #137: Maintenance is reworked heavily from GT5u, having more beneficial mechanics rather than punishing ones
- Maintenance can be disabled fully via a Config
- Mufflers will undergo a rework in the future, but currently output Ash (at a % chance) for each recipe run (will NOT jam machines if full, will just void the Ash)
- #141: Add Multi-Fluid Hatches, which allow a single hatch to hold several fluids
- #246: Reinforced Glass re-textured and renamed to Tempered Glass
- #357: Reworked Coils
- Removed Superconductor Coil/Fusion Coil from being allowed in EBF (only Fusion now)
- Removed Naquadah Alloy Coil
- Added Trinium Coil and Tritanium Coil
- #360: Added more coil bonuses for other multiblocks, like Pyrolyse Oven and Cracker Unit
- 42e4e95: Added 4A and 16A Energy Input/Dynamo Hatches, for IV+
- 8c4f8b9: Allow the Fusion Reactor to overclock, consuming 2x the power and taking 1/2 the time per overclock
- #65: Added Computer Monitor, Crafting Station, and Item/Fluid Detector Covers
- d4b0dfa: Added the Infinite Water Cover
- 7804265: Cover GUIs can now be opened when Shift-Right-Clicking with an empty hand
- #111: Added Solar Panel Covers for MV-UV, with a config to enable them
- #178: Added the Ender Fluid Link Cover, acting like an Ender Tank as a Cover
- #23: Added Mining Hammers (like Tinkers Hammers) and Electric Drills
- #49: Allow Tools to be enchanted with Unbreaking
- e6d8481: Add Compat to the GT Wrench for BuildCraft, EnderIO, Applied Energistics, and Thermal Expansion tools
- #70: Allow Wrenches to be enchanted with Efficiency
- #96: Added NanoSuit Armor, QuarkTech Suit Armor, and Jetpacks (mimicking Simply Jetpacks behavior)
- #113: Added the Hammering Enchant, which can be given to Pickaxes to act like a GT Hard Hammer
- #314: Added Prospectors, for prospecting Ores
- 87f0feb: Added 2 more Input Slots to the Mixer (for a total of 6)
- #68: Added Gas Collectors (in place of Air Collectors), which are Dimension-based
- #118: Added the Rock Breaker, used to create Stone, Cobblestone, Andesite, etc
- a20d8c9: Added World Accelerators, which accelerate ticks of adjacent Tile Entities
- Config Option to completely remove them
- Another Config Option for whether they should affect machines
- By default, they will affect things like crops for example
- #167: Machines now have differing Fluid Tank sizes, depending on Machine and Tier
- #203: You can now click on the progress bar of a GT machine to go to its JEI page
- #21: Added the Infinite Energy Emitter, for creating infinite power in Creative
- #334: Added Creative Tank and Chest
- #24: Added Super Tanks and Super Chests
- #29: Added Aluminium Drum/Crate
- #45: Added recipes to clear the contents of Tanks/Drums
- 3c4a9cf: Added Adjustable Transformers, ranging from 2A->8A to 16A->64A
- d1bceee: Added Diodes, used to restrict amperage flow
- dc81fa8: Added the Buffer, used to Buffer Items and Fluids for easier automation
- #278: Add ability for Super/Quantum Tanks to lock fluids, void all, and void overflow
- d7dee67: Some Prefix types have different maximum stack sizes
- fa73732: Added Config to require a Wrench to break Machines
- 0201b71: Allow Multiblock Parts to be facing upwards or downwards on place, instead of requiring a Wrench
- #18: Charger slot in machines can now hold any item (like Extruder Shapes!)
- #13: Change Transformers to use 5 sides for one voltage, and 1 side for the other, instead of 1 and 1
- c7dcf5c: Allow Fluids to be taken out of Singleblock Generators
- #30: Allow Super/Quantum Tanks and Chests to Auto-Output
- #39: Energy Output Hatches (now called Dynamo Hatches) will only output on their output face (Energy Input is unchanged)
- 1107f1a: Removed ULV Overclocking, remove 2.0/2.8 Overclocking Split
- 764e084: Added Config for Overclock Duration Divisor, defaulting to 2.0
- 2fa27ff: Rebalanced Energy capacity of Energy/Dynamo Hatches
- #51: Multiblocks now lose their working progress when deformed
- 8f5ad1d: Reworked Steam Machine and Steam Boiler mechanics
- 3b90ff3: Drums can now drain automatically downwards when hit with a Wrench
- 5622122: Change some max stack sizes (like Hot Ingots)
- e8202dc: Show Fluid Amount as hovering text over Fluid Slots in machines and JEI
- 32da592: Update Chemical Composition, Not Consumed, and Chanced Output tooltips to new colors
- #16: Fusion Reactor now shows the Tier to Start (like MK1, MK2, MK3) similar to EBF temperature
- 23f9c5d: Add Configs to change default colors of Machines and Cables (like GT5u)
- 2f8d00f: Sort Not-Consumed Recipe inputs to the end of the list (for visibility)
- cc84deb: Changed TheOneProbe to display recipe progress in ticks/seconds instead of a percent completion
- 0a3929f: Progress bars now "fill" in JEI, like Vanilla Furnace page
- #37: Remove the button on Centrifuge and Electrolyzer GUIs to swap between Item and Fluid outputs, instead always show all 12
- de76ec0, #38: Cleaned up and fixed many UI issues, added many new UI textures
- 254ea67: New Coke Oven JEI Page
- #75: Crafting Station now highlights missing items in Red
- #66: Added the Material Tree JEI Page, which shows a Material and all of its possible "types" (rods, gears, etc)
- #122: Render hovering text over chanced output in JEI, indicating their chance at a glance
- #189: Render hovering text over Not-Consumed inputs in JEI
- fa21549: Add textures for the "paused" state of machines (think, yellow light instead of green or red for multiblocks)
- 3846c2b: Redo UI for Machine Controller Cover (more reworks like this to come)
- acfeb9b: Reverse animations of some covers when Import/Export is toggled
- 6bee57e: Redo most button textures (further reworks to come)
- #397: Reworked Surface Rocks slightly, more graphical changes to come
- #127: Add Emissive Textures to GT machines, with a config
- #179: Add Bloom effects (with many, many configuration options) to GT machines
- 8dcbf49, 93a296d: Many Material IconSets, Colors, and Textures were adjusted
- 448c99f: Energy Input/Output overlays have better voltage colors
- 663c2da: Adjust Glass Tube texture to be easier to see in some machines
- 06340f1: Added new textures for Programmed Circuits to display their configuration on the texture
- fea0891: Added Connected Textures to many blocks (coils, glass, fusion coils, etc)
- e9faf7c: Steam Machine "venting side" now has a custom texture to distinguish from normal Output Side texture
- ce29652: New Coil Textures (from GTNH)
- ba98780: New Super/Quantum Tank/Chest textures
- #61: Allow Fluids to have separate textures based on the IconSet, and update many Fluid Textures
- #7, #8: Adjusted many, many miscellaneous recipes
- #19: Redo GT Circuits and their recipes entirely
- #14: Redo Singleblock Distillery recipes to be more useful
- 026e786: Adjusted Frames to use the GT5u recipe
- b865be1: Added Polybenzimidazole (PBI) Process
- a807d22: Rebalance Nitric Acid production
- 2a920e2: Remove all usages of Programmed Circuit 0
- ea13d45: Rework Pyrolyse Oven recipes
- #20: Add EBF Pyrometallurgy Recipes
- #17: Add many "shortcut" recipes to the LCR for early game processes
- 114ede2: Add Wire compacting and uncompacting recipes (like SoG Bundler)
- 87f54cb: Added new (small) process for making Uranium238/235 from Uraninite
- 148fc30: Buff Electrolysis durations significantly
- 9edeed7: Fix issues with Direct Smelting and Ore crushed amounts
- #26: Adjusted Crafting Station to be cheaper, no longer requiring Bronze (and updated texture)
- #33: Perform a "greatest common denominator" function on electrolysis recipes (to minimize required input amount)
- e6fd107: Added Gasoline, High-Octane Gasoline (HOG), and Nitrobenzene
- 0e98b6a: Reworked Coil Recipes
- e09f13d: Added Coal Tar and Coal Gas processing to accompany Charcoal Byproducts
- #56: Add GT Recipes for nearly all Vanilla Items
- 60404d5: Add Config for Harder Energy Hatches (inspired by GT5u), default false
- fed56cd: Rework Dust Alloy Mixer recipes
- 9b7923a: Add new Extruder Shapes for Long Rod, Rotor, Foil, Small Gear
- #74: Added Cryogenic Air recipes, tying in with the new Gas Collectors
- 59fb179: Buff Indium Processing
- 4eb9133: Added new EV-UV Batteries
- 1cb5d49: Many "unification" recipe tweaks (such as the recipe for Rotors, Gears, etc)
- ab748d0: Added new Gem Slurry recipes for some Ores
- #223: Rework Gem processing, and add config to remove Chipped/Flawed Gems (more work to come in the future)
- #247: Added Chemical Dyes and Recipes
- #257: Added EBF Gas-Boosting Recipes
- bc1426a: Add new process for obtaining Platinum Group Metals (Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir, Os), simplified from processes that have been seen in the past
- 3de2b46, 785ad6d: Change LuV, ZPM, and UV primary materials
- #285: Rework Lenses (slightly)
- #283: Add process for Enriched Naquadah and Naquadria
- 1609815: Rework Cable Covering recipes
- #313: Change some recipes (primarily tools) to be mirrored
- #292: Added Arc Furnace recycling for Machines
- #388: Add recipes to convert Input <-> Output Hatches and Buses (item/fluid only)
- 744d321: Slightly expand Petrochemistry
- 664bd32: Added the Simple Ore Washing recipes, useful for quickly doing Ore Washer recipes without caring about byproducts
- #404: Redo Tungsten-bearing Ore electrolysis (one extra step, but no longer loses 7H per Tungsten)
- #1: Fix Electric Tool damage behavior
- #3: CraftTweaker
call can now accept an IItemStack - 09e30d7: Fix inconsistencies in GT Tool textures
- c07dab1: Fix recipes in JEI being rounded to the nearest 2 ticks (instead of nearest tick)
- db874a6: Fix Covers not properly using the texture of their tier when placed
- 0043f63: Fix Foam Sprayer having a stack size greater than 1
- af8296e: Fix issues regarding PipeNets across different dimensions
- #32: Fix issues with Right-Clicking Drums and Tanks
- f2ae391: Fix Steam Machines displaying as the icons in GT JEI pages
- 1529aae: Fix Transformers not updating their textures when Soft Hammered
- e661d3c: Fix issue with Shapeless recipe validation
- #60: Fix Machine Titles overlapping with Slots in some cases
- 72efb0a: Fix Annealed Copper Cable tier
- 0f34681: Fix issues with NBT-clearing recipes
- 2667846: Fix GT Tools being incompatible with many mods
- 0dafbf2: Fix GT Rubber Trees generating in a grid pattern
- a4634bd: Fixed Drums not displaying their Fluids in TheOneProbe
- 18c4373: Fix issues with the Distillation Tower JEI page
- fa1b388: Fix GT Item Localization on servers
- #109: Fixed Chanced Output being displayed improperly in some cases
- f911f00: Fix Wood Drums accepting Gases, despite Wood being marked as "not gasproof"
- 4fedb50: Fixed crash relating to a MTE becoming null
- f23b6e0: Fix PBF and Coke Oven GUIs appearing when unformed
- #130: Fix Redstone level issue with Machine Controller Cover
- 605ed5e: Fix lag when using GT Lighters
- c3cdf2e: Fix Disjunction Enchant not affecting Endermites
- #138: Fixed Fluid Regulator Keep-Exact Mode
- #110: Fix issues with multiple dimensions in GT worldgen JSON's
- #143: Fix some NBT issues
- #152: Fix issue with Furnace recipe removals
- #159: Fix Fusion Reactor crash when using certain energy inputs
- #175: Fix Chanced output issue when output slots are not full
- #195: Fix UI Slot grid when the number of slots is a prime number
- bae5d4a: Fix issues with GT tool
- #208: Fix issues with autogenerated Implosion Compressor recipes
- #210: Fix issues with the
/gt util hand
command - #214: Fix Singleblock Generators outputting power only once per second
- #226: Fix LCE JEI page not showing all fluids
- efd9d57: Fix issues with GT Axe and Chainsaw
- #266: Fix recipe property information overlapping in JEI
- #281: Fix issues with breaking MTEs in certain lag conditions
- This fixes the notorious bug of all GT Machines going invisible after breaking a machine, among other problems
- 5cfce5a: Fix some GT chat messages sending multiple times
- 5ebe207: Fix Cauldron tooltips saying the wrong material names
- 4e982cd: Fix HarvestLevel of Steel being lower than Iron
- 905ebba: Fix Netherrack, Endstone Ores not having a 2x crushed multiplier
- d15d791: Fix Steam Machines not venting Steam quickly, causing machine flickering
- #289: Fix Lava and Water not being localized properly in some machines
- 11b78ff: Fix GT Certus Quartz not matching the AE2 OreDict
- 69454cc: Fix Steam Boilers losing heat significantly faster than they should
- a08e228: Fix Drum tooltips being applied twice
- 681a9d1: Fix rendering issues with GT Facades
- fa21549: Fix GT machines rendering as "active" when paused by a Soft Hammer
- 213efd5: Fix covers rendering under certain textures
- 5a65647: Fix minor optifine incompatibilities
- 73ec83d: Fix GUI framerate issues
- #323: Fix many issues related to Battery Buffers
- #340: Fix Electric Tools not being faster than normal tools
- 013926b: Fix Fluids in GT slots being darker than in JEI and other mod slots
- #356: Fix Cover Grid not showing X's where connections or covers are
- e3b4e18: Fix PBF not emitting Smoke Particles when running
- #366: Fix many issues with slots not respecting normal behavior in GT inventories
- #368: Fix many Crafting Station issues
- fb69975: Many new Material-related fields exposed to CraftTweaker
- 0b9a43f: Allow Material IDs in CraftTweaker to be auto-generated
- #47: Added new Bracket Handler for RecipeMaps, like
- e58500b: Created new CraftTweaker Material API to function with the new internal API
- #150: Allow CraftTweaker to modify flags and properties of existing Materials
- 51d7474: Add
method for CraftTweaker - #213: Added ability to create and register Terminal apps in CraftTweaker
- 058db4e: Lignite has been removed
- 6612008: Removed Colored Frames
- c416e5e: Removed the Crusher Blade
- 6669b99: Removed GTCE Potion Brewing
- c7fb654: Removed GTCE Chests, in favor of Crates
- 90b8e04: Removed several Cable-related configs
- e53885d: Removed Material Blocks for Materials that are just Dusts (Ingot and Gem blocks are unchanged)
- cde0631: Removed Facade recipes from anything other than Iron Plates
- 11ecde2: Removed the Energy Field Projector and Rebreather
- c3cdf2e: Remove Methane from Food config (recipes are always added)
- c25044f: Removed Polystyrene, Polysiloxane, among other unused Materials
- #328: Removed the Scanner (used on Surface Rocks)
- #91: Fixed lag for "Idling" machines
- Machines no longer do any work when "idling," whether full of items or not
- Machines check recipes when inventories change, instead of each tick
- Additionally, improves performance of machines with no items in their inventories
- #116: Optimize Recipe Lookup
- Significantly improves general performance of GT Machines
- #245: Optimized MetaTileEntity rendering
- #2: Updated Russian Translation
- 61c6c94: Sort Recipes in JEI by duration ascending
- #26: Added Advancements from Stone Age to UV
- 7f557a9: Added config to remove in-world Concrete Powder -> Concrete in Water mechanic
- d76afa3: Added Config to disable GT Loot additions
- #105: Rubber Wood now creates custom Rubber Planks
- #106: GT Concrete now gives the player a slight speed-boost
- #119: Clean up mod priority related configs
- #335: Added Config to make Stone Types other than Stone, Netherrack, and Endstone not drop unique ores (cleans up Inventory/JEI clutter)
- #369: Added new Vein Generator to create layered veins similar to GT5u
- #234: Added Sounds to GT Tools, Machines (with configs)
- #44: Added the Clipboard, functionally similar to the Bibliocraft Clipboard
- 6155d82: UHV, UEV, UIV, UMV, and UXV tiers were added
- 1c072e5: Elements are no longer stored as an Enum
- 0a0f9d5:
class rewritten - 8307eb1: Created a "reservation" system for MetaTileEntity and Material registry IDs
- #9: Allow MTE's to be created as Explosion-proof and Wither-proof
- #43, #58: Restructured Material API:
- Can now support up to 32767 Materials instead of 1000
- Materials are created via Builders instead of Constructors
, etc are removed, and instead Materials can have properties, such asIngotProperty
- Restructured how Flags are done internally, removing Flag limit and allowing Flags to specify "dependencies" (like GENERATE_BOLT_SCREW requiring GENERATE_ROD)
- bd584ab: OrePrefix is no longer an Enum, and Addons can register new prefixes easily
- 932be0f: Added native Recipe removal methods in
, and added better debug logging - b6cad8c: Added
, for creating a single Item as if it were from a Material, without making an entire new Material - ba74b2f: Separate Tool Enchantability from the tool iconset, letting it be explicitly set
- #85: "Primitive" multiblocks (PBF, Coke Oven) now use a shared and extensible API class
- d5c0f0a: Allow MetaItems to use EnumRarity
- ba511f0: All GT registries (Materials, MTEs, Covers, etc) are now located in
- e154aa5: Moves most registration (Materials, MTEs, UI Factories, etc) to an Event-based system
- #166: Reworked
- #256: Reworked
- #263: Added logic for Multiblocks to run with multiple valid RecipeMaps
- eb10f28: Rework Steam Machine texture organization and application
- #324: Add many more registries, allowing registry lookup over reflection for many more things
- #320: Rewrote
and associated packet classes to be much easier to use - #173: Allow addons to more easily add and modify ore veins
- #379: Implemented the
flag for creating materials with no recipes generated