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EIB (European Installation Bus) items.

EIB/KNX website:

The following EIB types are supported: (MH Klassname, DPT Type, EIS Type, Description)

    EIB1:    DPT  1.001, EIS 1,      Switches
    EIB2:    NA,         EIS 2,      Dimmers
    EIB3:    DPT 10.000, EIS 3,      Time
    EIB4:    DPT 11.000, EIS 4,      Date
    EIB5:    DPT  9.000, EIS 5,      Values (weather stations etc)
    EIB6:    DPT  5.001, EIS 6,      Scaling (0 - 100%)
    EIB7:    NA,         EIS 7,      Motor drives
    EIB8:    DPT  2.001, EIS 8,      forced control 2 bit
    EIB9:    DPT 14.00x, EIS 9,      32-bit float
    EIB10:   DPT  7.001, EIS 10,     16-bit unsigned integer
    EIB10_1: DPT  8.001, EIS 10.001, 16-bit   signed integer
    EIB11:   DPT 12.001, EIS 11,     32-bit unsigned integer
    EIB11_1: DPT 13.001, EIS 11.001, 32-bit   signed integer
    EIB14:   DPT  6.001, EIS 14,      8-bit   signed integer
    EIB14_1: DPT  5.010, EIS 14.1;    8-bit unsigned integer
    EIB15:   DPT 16.000, EIS 15,     14 byte text messages

    EIBW:    NA,         NA,         summary object for 2 EIS1 Objects
                                     to define the state of a window
                                     (closed, tilt, open)




Method Description
eib_items_by_id Lookup EIB_Item with the given address
new Generic EIB_Item class. This class is not instantiated directly. It is used to inherit common EIB properties
printname Item name to appear in logs etc
set_receive detected an EIB event on the bus. Update item state to reflect the value in the event !
send_write_msg generate EIB message to set a value
send_read_msg generate EIB message to read a value
receive_write_msg process a message to set a value
receive_reply_msg process a message with a reply value (read response)
receive_msg entry point from device interface. Analyse message and call appropriate receive_*_msg handler
start_read_timer set a timeout for waiting for read response
stop_read_timer disable timer
read_timeout No reply to read request. Retry or give up.
read_request send a read request, and start timer
delayed_read_request wait a while and then send a read request. If a read request is sent too soon, the EIB actuator may not have obtained a stable value, so we want to delay before sending the request.




09/09/2005 Created by Peter Sjödin 06/01/2009 Enhanced by Ralf Klueber r(at) 08/01/2009 Listening addresses by Mike Pieper



EIB Sub-Items




Method Description
decode translate EIS 1 data to state (on/off)
encode translate state to EIS 1 data


A group of EIB1 items. Setting the value of an EIB1 group will affect all members in the group. The class is used to keep track of EIB1 group memberships. If a write message is detected, all members will be updated.


EIS 2: Dimming EIB dimmers can be controlled in three different ways:

  1. "control": brighten, dim, stop. Handled by class EIB21_Item
  2. "value": numerical value: Handled by class EIB6_Item
  3. "position": on, off. Handled by class EIB1_Item

Class EIB2_Item is a meta-item to represent dimmers, consist of the three underlying item. The main purpose is to make a dimmer appear as a single item, while the real work is done by the three underlying items.

The identifier for the EIB2_Item is composed of the concatenation of the addresses of the three underlying items, with '|' between them. For example, '1/0/90|1/0/91|1/4/1' is a dimmer with control address 1/0/90, value address 1/0/91, and position address 1/4/1.

Method Description
new create an EIB2_Item. Instantiate the three underlying items.
position return "position" sub-item
control return "control" sub-item
value return "value" sub-item
set Set EIB2 item. Parse state to determine the corresponding sub-item to call.
set_receive received an event from one of the sub_items. If it was a numerical value ("Value"), update the "Position" subitem to 'on' or 'off'. If the value was zero, also set self to 'off'. Update level (0-100) to represent dimmer position
state_level return 'on', 'off' or 'dim', depending on current setting (as obtained from "value" sub-item)


A generic class for the three dimming sub-functions

Method Description
`dimmer`` return "dimmer" meta-item
set_receive forward to meta-item


Dimming sub-function "control"

Method Description
immer_timeout dimmer should have reached stable state. Issue a read request to obtain current value
set To allow adjusting dimmer value in real-time from for example web interface: If state is set to same dim/brighten value twice before dimmer timer has expired, it means "stop". For example, first 'dim' means start dimming, second means stop dimming (This behaviour is configurable via configuration parameter "eib_dim_stop_on_repeat")
set_receive if it is a 'stop' event, generate a read request for the 'Value' sub-item, to learn the actual dimmer setting


Dimming sub-function "value". Set dimmer to a given brightness level (0-100) with 8 bit resolution Values are coded according to EIS 6

Method Description
set_receive detected a "read" or "write" message on the bus. For readable actuators, don't trust the values in "write" messages, as they may not have been accepted by the actuator. So if it is a write, and the actuator is readable, generate a read request to obtain the actual value from the actuator


Dimming sub-function "position". Set dimmer to on/off. Values are coded according to EIS 1







"scaling". Relative values 0-100% with 8 bit resolution

Method Description
set_receive detected a "read" or "write" message on the bus. For readable actuators, don't trust the values in "write" messages, as they may not have been accepted by the actuator. So if it is a write, and the actuator is readable, generate a read request to obtain the actual value from the actuator


"forced control". 2 bit

  Enforcement  ON  + Turn Device ON  (11)
  Enforcement  ON  + Turn Device OFF (10)
  Enforcement  OFF + Turn Device OFF (00)
  Enforcement  OFF + Turn Device ON  (01)


32-bit float


16-bit unsigned integer


16-bit signed integer


32-bit unsigned integer


32-bit signed integer


8-bit signed integer


"scaling". Relative values 0-255 with 8 bit resolution

Method Description
set_receive detected a "read" or "write" message on the bus. For readable actuators, don't trust the values in "write" messages, as they may not have been accepted by the actuator. So if it is a write, and the actuator is readable, generate a read request to obtain the actual value from the actuator


Drive control

  Blinds, windows, etc
  Drives can be controlled in two different ways:
  1. "move": up/down
  2. "stop": stop/step movement

NB EIS7 objects may not be read, since this can cause drive movements

Method Description
set set EIB drive item. Parse state to determine the corresponding sub-item to call. Don't modify own state here -- that will be done later, when/if the sub-items call set_receive for this item.


Generic class for drive sub-functions

Method Description
new Instantiated with last args "driveid" the id of EIS7 item to which this subitem belongs
set_receive forward to main Drive item (EIS7 item)


Dimming sub-function "move"


Drive sub-function "stop"


Drive sub-function "step-up/step-down"


14-Byte Text Message


EIBW: Windows type of object wich uses 2 underlaying EIB1 Items (Top and Bottom) Definition as follows EIBW , GA1|GA2, Name, nameforOffOf|nameOffOn|NameOnOff|NameOnOn

Method Description
new create an EIBW_Item. Instantiate the three underlying items.
set_receive received an event from one of the sub_items.


Generic class for the three dimming sub-functions

Method Description
set_receive forward to meta-item



09/09/2005 Created by Peter Sjödin 06/01/2009 Enhanced by Ralf Klueber r(at) 08/01/2009 Listening addresses by Mike Pieper



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