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Lieven Hollevoet edited this page Sep 22, 2014 · 1 revision

Enable Remote Access with SSH

As I mentioned before, the intended configuration is a headless MH box in a closet. There a number of different tools that you can use to do the remote administration tasks (from another computer on your LAN) but what I use most of the time is SSH and SFTP. In the next step we will be installing and setting up these tools.

__Install SSH__

Log in as root and install SSH using apt-get as follows: //**root@mh_server:/#**// sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server

Technically you probably only need the server (allows other computers to connect and control the Mh box) but sometimes I get stuck in the closet and need to connect to one of my other computers to get a file or something (which is why I also install the client). Now you can log out of the soon-to-be Misterhouse server and go work from a more comfortable spot.

__So from your desktop PC/laptop__

If you have another Linux computer on your network then all you have to do is open a terminal on that computer (hopefully one that is closer to a coffee pot) and type the following: //**user@lan_client:/#**// ssh -l [username] [ip]

Replace the numbers with your machine's ip address that you assigned in the previous step and username with the userid of the account you created when you installed Ubuntu. You will have to confirm “the authenticity of the host” but once you do this you will be able to log into the MisterHouse box and work with the command line as if you were sitting right there at the console.

If the computer on your LAN that you wish to administer the MH box from is a Windows machine, you can install a windows compatible program on your client called PuTTY. Start Putty, and enter the ip address, then the username and password.

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