Release 1.0.0
What's Changed
- Renamed: ionic sdk to import(#22c8vaw) by @disha1202 in #1
- Updated Readme with app specific instructions(#22hrju8) by @disha1202 in #2
- Implemented static UI for purchase order page(#22c8vdc) by @disha1202 in #3
- Implemented: logic to parse csv file and display in console(#22c8vdr) by @disha1202 in #4
- Upgraded to ionic 6(#22c8vcc) by @disha1202 in #7
- Improved: facilityName should be displayed instead of facilityId in store selection along with Store as label ( #21fn6e5 ). by @meet-aniket in #6
- Added firebase auto deployment configuration by @adityasharma7 in #9
- Implemented: service to prepare payload for upload and upload json file for import (#232z1wx) by @adityasharma7 in #10
- Implemented: logic to edit data #22c8vgh by @disha1202 in #8
- Implemented logic to check/uncheck products(#22xdye3) by @disha1202 in #11
- Implemented logic to update facility(#22xdyng) by @disha1202 in #12
- Implemented logic to save updated data(#2334jke) by @disha1202 in #13
- Implemented logic to display toast for success/error after upload act… by @disha1202 in #15
- Implemented logic to search products on order detail page(#22xdyku) by @disha1202 in #14
- Updated the UI by @Nihu-Sharma in #17
- Implemented logic to show alerts before save and leave page(#238mr4d) by @disha1202 in #18
- Improved markup and styling by @Nihu-Sharma in #19
- Updated logic to display physical facilities(#23ek494) by @disha1202 in #20
- Implemented revert functionality#22xdxhp by @disha1202 in #22
- Added PWA Configuration (#226cynn) by @Mayank909 in #23
- Improved: code to group the items based on the parent and improve logic to select and unselect a product(#24phanv) by @ymaheshwari1 in #26
- Updated logic to clear orders list through actions(#2335ca9) by @disha1202 in #16
- Updated the code to make date format configurable through env file(#24gtujf) by @disha1202 in #28
- Improved code to pass viewSize in all list queries (#24pfzq8) by @meet-aniket in #30
- Implemented logic to handle the case when product SKU is not present on the server (#245fb8k). by @meet-aniket in #31
- Implemented logic to handle case when the product sku is not present on server(#245fb8k) by @disha1202 in #25
- Refactored markup and styling(#245fw5p) by @azkyakhan in #24
- Improved: code to fix login error when having spaces in the fields (#20jwqu1). by @meet-aniket in #32
- Added time-outline icon for timezone in import app(#25k73ff) by @Nihu-Sharma in #34
- Removed timezone mismatch alert on login(2893rqm) by @Nihu-Sharma in #36
- Fixed: facilities not updated on login & logout(#2adma3f) by @disha1202 in #39
- Added interface popover to close it after field select(#2adm9yq) by @disha1202 in #37
- Improved: code to use enter instead of input for Timezone search (#2cj8zmd). by @meet-aniket in #42
- Improved: code to assign input field to instance variable for searchbar (#2cj8nc4). by @meet-aniket in #44
- Improved: position of toast from top to bottom(#2a7ut0j) by @Mayank909 in #45
- Improved: code to hide option to set baseURL if value available in '.env' file (#29wgkkh). by @Mayank909 in #43
- Fixed: Instance URL should be case insensitive(#2ft61zw) by @rathoreprashant in #48
- Updated the code to use hc facilityId when applying facility on PO details page(#2admaej) by @disha1202 in #41
- Implemented logic to clear order state and uploaded data on logout(#2admadb) by @disha1202 in #40
- Implemented logic to close popover after selecting option(#24wcdrw) by @disha1202 in #49
- Revert: Apply token encryption changes by @disha1202 in #54
- Improved: the app description in package file(#2quv0kc) by @ymaheshwari1 in #55
New Contributors
- @disha1202 made their first contribution in #1
- @meet-aniket made their first contribution in #6
- @adityasharma7 made their first contribution in #9
- @Nihu-Sharma made their first contribution in #17
- @Mayank909 made their first contribution in #23
- @ymaheshwari1 made their first contribution in #26
- @azkyakhan made their first contribution in #24
- @rathoreprashant made their first contribution in #48
Full Changelog: