Releases: hyva-themes/magento2-react-checkout
Releases · hyva-themes/magento2-react-checkout
What's Changed
- Tr translation by @ilker-capli in #309
- #306 Fixes missing bg-red-400 class on error message by @ilker-capli in #308
- fixes issue #310 - The current customer isn't authorized. issue after… by @ilker-capli in #311
- #310 - fix billing address save when logged out by @ilker-capli in #312
- turkish translation additions by @ilker-capli in #315
- Feature: Add hyva_react_checkout_config event to be able to alter the checkout config by @michielgerritsen in #317
- Add French i18n by @FredericMartinez in #320
- Create el_GR.csv by @spyrmp in #321
- Add NL translations by @ennostuurman in #322
- Add Spanish i18n by @andreusala in #323
- #278 Return currency code when symbol not available by @wigman in #324
- #319 Enable login button when password field is touched by @rajeev-k-tomy in #325
- #330 Initialize hyva-checkout-storage values by @rajeev-k-tomy in #332
- #331 Update outdated cartitems query; Pass quote mask id via checkout config by @rajeev-k-tomy in #334
- Update translations replacer to support multiple variables by @benoitalix in #333
- Pressing enter from coupon code field triggers place order by @rajeev-k-tomy in #314
- #231 Switch layout to checkout instead of 1column by @rajeev-k-tomy in #340
- #336 Billing same as shipping checkbox is not available in the shipping address form by @rajeev-k-tomy in #337
- #318 Default billing address is not available in case of virtual cart by @rajeev-k-tomy in #338
- Updating packages to latest version in prior to 1.1.3 release by @rajeev-k-tomy in #343
- #68 Luma theme improvements by @rajeev-k-tomy in #342
- Build for release 1.1.3 by @rajeev-k-tomy in #346
New Contributors
- @ilker-capli made their first contribution in #309
- @michielgerritsen made their first contribution in #317
- @FredericMartinez made their first contribution in #320
- @spyrmp made their first contribution in #321
- @ennostuurman made their first contribution in #322
- @andreusala made their first contribution in #323
- @benoitalix made their first contribution in #333
Full Changelog: 1.1.2...1.1.3
What's Changed
- fix for swapping setting billing and shipping by @jladmore in #286
- #279 Remove build js loading via header by @rajeev-k-tomy in #297
- #276 Add setPageLoader in BillingSameAsShippingCheckbox action by @rajeev-k-tomy in #298
- #275 Apply react hooks rules by @rajeev-k-tomy in #299
- shipping methods plugin implementation by @rajeev-k-tomy in #301
- Include @hyva/react-checkout aliasing for shipping/payment integrations by @rajeev-k-tomy in #303
- Initial Formik State Updates Carried out Through Individual Form Sections by @rajeev-k-tomy in #302
- Minor improvements by @rajeev-k-tomy in #304
- Provision to update validation schema updateValidationSchema in both shipping method and payment method section. Useful when we need to inject validation schema via third party integrations.
Full Changelog: 1.1.1...1.1.2
What's Changed
- #294 Remove lodash-webpack-plugin by @rajeev-k-tomy in #295
- This was creating abnormal behaviour in the production build and thereby in the checkout page.
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1
What's Changed
- Upgrade to React 18 by @rajeev-k-tomy in #291
- Uses tailwind 3 out of box and no longer holding tailwind configuration under
directory. - #292 Add support for automatic tailwind config merge by @wigman in #293
Full Changelog: 1.0.8...1.1.0
What's Changed
- #281 support GET HTTP request by @rajeev-k-tomy in #282
Full Changelog: 1.0.7...1.0.8
What's Changed
- #277 Implement a common hook to perform save payment using REST Api by @rajeev-k-tomy in #280
- Updating package dependencies to the latest.
Full Changelog: 1.0.6...1.0.7
What's Changed
- #263 Address cannot save for FR due to region value issue by @rajeev-k-tomy in #271
- Fetch applied taxes and subtotal incl and excl VAT by @ArjenMiedema in #268
- #216 configurable options by @rajeev-k-tomy in #272
- #269 Minor improvements by @rajeev-k-tomy in #270
- When the cart billing address is empty, the cart states
must be an empty object{}
. - Shipping charge is not shown when "Free shipping" is selected.
- Show the "Other Addresses" section if the cart address is a "new" address and the customer possesses addresses in the book.
- Guest checkout scenario & billing ≠ shipping: When we save billing address, it will make billing = shipping in the UI perspective. However, in the background, it saves billing address only and the shipping address remains intact.
- Translations seems to be missing for the below strings
- Save in address book
- Do you already have an account?
- Login
- Do you want to login?
- When the cart billing address is empty, the cart states
New Contributors
- @ArjenMiedema made their first contribution in #268
Full Changelog: 1.0.5...1.0.6
What's Changed
- Fixing checkout breakable bug: checkout config is not passing from react-container.phtml by @rajeev-k-tomy in #267
Full Changelog: 1.0.4...1.0.5
What's Changed
- Implement save in address book feature by @rajeev-k-tomy in #261
- #260 Do not show "Other Addresses" section in case of only one address in use by @rajeev-k-tomy in #262
- fix php code sniffer issue in Result/JsonFactory.php by @rajeev-k-tomy in #266
Full Changelog: 1.0.3...1.0.4
What's Changed
- Change router id to hyvaReactCheckout by @rajeev-k-tomy in #256
- Apply discount code form by @rajeev-k-tomy in #249
- Discount code form translations by @rajeev-k-tomy in #257
- Custom payment renderers integration improvement by @rajeev-k-tomy in #254
- 1.0.3 build by @rajeev-k-tomy in #258
Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3