Releases: jberet/jberet-jpa-repository
Releases · jberet/jberet-jpa-repository
What's Changed
- fix for Value too long for column EXECUTIONEXCEPTION by @amoscatelli in #19
- Upgrade hibernate-jpamodelgen and hibernate-core from 6.1.5.Final to … by @chengfang in #20
Full Changelog: 2.1.3.Final...2.1.4.Final
What's Changed
- Upgrade github actions to avoid github action warnings by @chengfang in #17
- Fixing getJobExecutions(jobInstance) by @amoscatelli in #16
Full Changelog: 2.1.2.Final...2.1.3.Final
What's Changed
- add GitHub Actions CI job by @clara0 in #10
- remove redundant maven test command by @clara0 in #11
- Fixing table name constants imports by @amoscatelli in #14
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.1.1.Final...2.1.2.Final
What's Changed
- JpaJobRepository by @amoscatelli in #1
- upgrade jberet parent from 2.1.1.Final-SNAPSHOT to 2.1.1.Final by @chengfang in #2
- moving to jakarta packages by @amoscatelli in #5
- moving javax persistence timeout to jakarta persistence timeout by @amoscatelli in #7
- add pom scm and url properties by @chengfang in #8
New Contributors
- @amoscatelli made their first contribution in #1
- @chengfang made their first contribution in #2
Full Changelog: