This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 1.x versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where xxx is the change hash. To view the diff between two versions, go to
- Fix uninstall method for components #362
- New administrator template #260
- Include Phinx migrations from extensions #318
- Make chosen look like Bootstrap input #286
- Enable sef_advance_link by default #344
- Create 404 re-direct plugin #346
- Remove the default logo in elysio template parameter #350
- Upgrade to Joomla 3.6.5 #315
- Disable frontend editing by default #339
- Redesign administrator template to Joomlatools UI #319
- Improve 404 redirect plugin #353
- Set PHP7 as minimal requirement #322
- Prepare 2.0.0 Release #242
- Users cannot login to administrator #320
- Fix the session creation in enqueueMessage() #317
- Fix "Require Password Reset" #314
- Checkbox / toolbar issue #285
- Fix tinymce editor media path #327
- Fix time-out error #329
- Changing author name not working in articles #332
- Fix language override filename #334
- JOOMLA_CACHE requires integer value #336
- Batch process failed #348
- Fix error page in backend template #357
- Fix sortable behaviour #287
- Ported security fixes from Joomla v3.4.6 - v3.4.8 #297
- Fixed PHP7 compatibility #247
- Fixed language cookie path #303
- Refactored error handling #165
- Added missing authors to #284
- Fixed Declaration of JMail::addAttachment() should be compatible with PHPMailer::addAttachment() #266
- Fixed Session fixation vulnerability #253
- Fixed Security issues in Joomla v3.4.5 #249
- Fixed Undefined variable $im when editing plugin #242
- Fixed Menu manager cannot find the view manifest #241
- Fixed Fix event dispatching inconsistencies #164
- Disabled anonymous sessions #251
- Moved legacy libraries into separate repo #258
- Improved administrator menu #248
- Do not load .env file in production #246
- Removed debug plugin #263
- Added Restructure codebase #118
- Added Set default parameters after component installation #233
- Added Legacy support #228
- Added Added composer create-project installer #229
- Added Do not create admin menu item if the component has no admin functionality #216
- Added Store config in the environment #162
- Added Use composer #120
- Fixed JTableAsset::rebuild() fails #204
- Fixed If display_errors is FALSE exception messages are still printed to the screen #168
- Fixed Use MyISAM engine for users_sessions table #223
- Changed license to GPLv3 #201
- Moved the categories extension to the platform-categories repo #209
- Moved the search extension to the platform-search repo #195
- Moved the content extension to the platform-content repo #180
- Moved the contenthistory extension to the platform-content repo #189
- Moved the tags extension to the platform-content repo #176
- Moved the media extension to the platform-media repo #174
- Moved the finder extension to the platform-finder repo #170
- Renamed 'template_styles' table to 'templates' #225
- Renamed user related database tables #221
- Renamed 'associations' table to 'languages_associations' #218
- Do not store the 'mediaVersion' in the database #197
- Do not log a warning if a component cannot be loaded #180
- Moved language files into (extension)/language directory #178
- Moved admin "my profile" functionality into com_users #154
- Moved admin login functionality into com_user #153
- Changed generator tag #151
- Removed PHP5.5 compatibility #124
- Removed mod_multilangstatus #213
- Removed mod_footer #86
- Removed mod_users_latest #107
- Removed mod_related_items #84
- Removed mod_version #63
- Removed mod_random_image #49
- Removed mod_stats and mod_stats_admin #47
- Removed mod_whosonline #45
- Removed mod_syndicate #43
- Removed tpl_beez3 #41
- Removed tpl_hathor #24
- Removed plg_system_languagecode #211
- Removed plg_content_emailcloak #207
- Removed plg_captcha_recaptcha #98
- Removed plg_authentication_ldap #60
- Removed plg_authentication_gmail #58
- Removed plg_system_cache #57
- Removed plg_content_vote #55
- Removed plg_system_p3p #53
- Removed com_ajax #34
- Removed com_massmail #32
- Removed com_mailto #30
- Removed com_wrapper #28
- Removed com_joomlaupdate #26
- Removed com_postinstall #25
- Removed com_messages #22
- Removed com_newsfeeds #21
- Removed com_contacts #20
- Removed com_banners #17
- Removed com_redirect #16
- Removed Library - phputf8 #144
- Removed Library - FOF library #94
- Removed Library - JOauth1 and 2 #90
- Removed Library - JApplicationDaemon #82
- Removed Library - JOpenstreetmap #80
- Removed Library - JMediawiki #78
- Removed Library - JLinkedin #76
- Removed Library - JGoogle #74
- Removed Library - JGithub #72
- Removed Library - JFacebook #70
- Removed Library - JTwitter #68
- Removed Library - JClientLdap #61
- Removed Library - SimplePie #39
- Removed codemirror editor #134
- Removed /tests folder #172
- Removed /build folder #115
- Removed /installation folder #113
- Removed sample data #19
- Removed sample data images #193
- Removed tag id to titles logic in JDocumentRendererHead #192
- Removed versioning support from com_categories #186
- Removed tag support from com_categories #184
- Removed partially implemented tags support from com_users #182
- Removed search term logging functionality #51
- Removed template edit functionality #110
- Removed the language override functionality #105
- Removed the extension installer functionality #101
- Removed Mass Mail and User Notes functionality #100
- Removed system info view from com_admin #99
- Removed finder CLI script. Use joomlatools-console v1.4 #167
- Removed com_checkin. Use joomlatools-console v1.4 #141
- Removed com_cache. Use joomlatools-console v1.4 #138
- Removed com_config from the site application #160
- Removed global configuration user interface #152
- Removed 'Text Filter' config settings #158
- Removed offline config settings #146
- Removed the 'root_user' config setting#157
- Removed proxy config setting #132
- Removed gzip config setting #130
- Removed error_reporting config setting #128
- Removed FTP config settings #117
- Removed $_PROFILER global #127
- Removed less compiler and generatecss build cli command #92
- Removed two factor authentication implementation #66
- Removed keychain cli command and related library #37
- Removed help #35
- Removed index.html files and add .gitignore for empty directories #88