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Releases: jordansissel/fpm


09 Dec 07:28
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What's Changed

  • deb: Add support for zstd compression (#2009, #2084; Ștefan Rusu)
  • deb: Add compression level setting, --deb-compression-level (#2036_; Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen)
  • rpm: Generate an empty rpm changelog if none is given. This should help cases where rpmlint would complain about missing a changelog entry in the rpm. (#2041_; Gordon Bleux)
  • deb: When converting from an rpm, remove package information that is not valid on Debian systems. (#2053_, #1627; Jordan Stopford, Jamesits)
  • python: Fix bug when PYTHONPATH has spaces in it (#2062_; Kristof Willaert)
  • deb: You can now choose a different systemd directory with --deb-systemd-path (#2063_; Reinier Schoof)
  • freebsd: OS version can now be specified with --freebsd-osversion: (#2064_; David Newhall II)
  • freebsd: Improve the 'architecture' value used by fpm to generate freebsd packages (#2064, #1880; David Newhall II, Matthew R Kasun)
  • deb: Timer units can be given to --deb-systemd now (#2065, #1978; phillipp, Robert Schneider)
  • rpm: When converting cpan packages, use newer perl-interpreter dependency name. To use the old dependency name perl, use the flag --rpm-old-perl-dependency-name (#2066, #2085; Kevin Duret, Nicholas Hubbard, William N. Braswell, Jr., Jordan Sissel))
  • Some errors now correctly print just an error message instead of dumping a ruby stack trace (#2067_; Jordan Sissel)
  • python: Support modules which download as zip files (#2068, #2074, #2072_; Matt Ezell, hussainbani, hbani)
  • rpm: Fix rpm build failures on Fedora 41 (#2082, #2076; Wayne Heaney, Antheas Kapenekakis, Romain Geissler)

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


01 Feb 03:50
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  • Ruby 3.2.0 now supported. This fixes error 'undefined method exists? for File' '(#1981, #1988; Nicholas Hubbard, romulasry)


14 Nov 07:31
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  • New flag --fpm-options-file path/to/file which allows you to specify additional fpm flags in an external file of your choosing. (#1905, #1902, #1827; Jordan Sissel, Will Furnell, hjpotter92)
  • deb: Periods are now accepted in package names (#1899; C. Cooke)
  • Fix bug where fpm would crash if --workdir pointed at a path that didn't
    exist. (#1959; Jordan Sissel)
  • osxpkg: this package format now supports the fpm --prefix flag(#1909, #1908; Jordan Sissel, mcataga)
  • cpan: Fix bug where fpm would fail on certain Perl modules due to their source tarball structure (#1940; Nicholas Hubbard, William N. Braswell, Jr.)
  • cpan: Fix crash on certain CPAN modules where the author field was blank (#1942, #1937, #1523, #1528; Nicholas Hubbard, William N. Braswell, Jr.)
  • deb: The distribution field of the debian changelog and changes files will now use the value set by --deb-dist (default is "unstable") (#1934; Chabert Loïc)
  • python: Fix errors in how fpm invoked pip. Previously, fpm would use pip's --build flag, but this was removed a while ago, and fpm is now aware! (#1896, #1831, #1893, #1916; Jordan Sissel, Svyatogor Chuykov)
  • pleaserun: Add --pleaserun-user flag. (#1912; Evgeny Stambulchik)
  • deb: The default --deb-priority is now "optional" instead of "extra" (#1913; Chris Novakovic)
  • Enable installation of fpm on older versions of ruby. This change removed git rubygem dependency. (#1946, #1923; Jordan Sissel, Andreas Wirooks, Ruslan Kuprieiev, jamshid, Lorenzo Castellino, Sam Hughes)
  • Enable operation of fpm on very old versions of ruby (as old as Ruby 1.9.3). This changed removed json rubygem dependency. (#1950, #1949, #1741, #1264, #1798, #1800, #1784; Jordan Sissel and many others)
  • Fix bug where subprocesses could hang waiting for input (#1955, #1519, #1522; Nicholas Hubbard, William N. Braswell, Jr.)
  • Update Dockerfile to use ubuntu:20.04 (#1935; Gnought)
  • internal: Fix a code typo (#1948; Nicholas Hubbard)
  • internal tests: Support newer versions of lintian (#1939, #1907; Jordan Sissel)
  • Improve support for Ruby 3.1.0 and newer that would previously crash with an error mentioning Psych::DisallowedClass (#1898, #1895; Jordan Sissel, Alexandre ZANNI)
  • Improve support for Ruby 3.1.0 and newer that changed the API for ERB (#1897; Jordan Sissel)

fpm v1.14.0

10 Nov 06:39
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Major documentation rewrite for this version. I hope it makes things easier to learn and find!

FreeBSD bug fix, python now uses pip by default, and a few other nice improvements listed below:


  • python: Use pip by default for fetching Python packages. This matches the Python 3 "installation" docs which recommend calling pip as python -m pip where python depends on --python-bin (default "python"). Previous default was to use easy_install which is no longer available on many newer systems. To use easy_install, you can set --no-python-internal-pip to revert this pip default. Further, you can specify your own pip path instead of using python -m pip with the --python-pip /path/to/pip flag. (#1820, #1821; Jordan Sissel)
  • python: Support extras_require build markers in python packages (#1307, #1816; Joris Vandermeersch)
  • freebsd: Fix bug which caused fpm to generate incorrect FreeBSD packages "missing leading /" (#1811, #1812, #1844, #1832, #1845_; Vlastimil Holer, Clayton Wong, Markus Ueberall, Jordan Sissel)
  • deb: In order to only allow fpm to create valid packages, fpm now rejects packages with invalid "provides" (--provides) values. (#1829, #1825; Jordan Sissel, Peter Teichman)
  • deb: Only show a warning about /etc and config files if there are files in /etc (#1852, #1851; Jordan Sissel)
  • rpm: replace dash with underscore in rpm's "Release" field aka what fpm calls --iteration. (#1834, #1833; Jordan Sissel)
  • empty: fpm -s empty ... now defaults to "all" architecture instead of "native". (#1850, #1846; Jordan Sissel)
  • Significant documentation improvements rewriting most of the documentation. New overview pages, full CLI flag listing, and new sections dedicated package types (rpm, cpan, deb, etc). (#1815, #1817, #1838_; Vedant K, Jordan Sissel)
  • Typo fixes in documentation are always appreciated! (#1842_; Clayton Wong)
  • fpm can now (we hope!) now be tested more easily from docker (#1818, #1682, #1453_; @directionless, Jordan Sissel, Douglas Muth)