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Awesome List build

A collection of awesome things.




  • stratumauth/app - ๐Ÿ“ฑ Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) client for Android + Wear OS


  • facebookarchive/conceal - Conceal provides easy Android APIs for performing fast encryption and authentication of data.
  • organicmaps/organicmaps - ๐Ÿƒ Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists. It uses crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and is developed with love by the community. No ads, no tracking, no data collection, no crapware. Please donate to support the development!
  • typesense/typesense - Open Source alternative to Algolia + Pinecone and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch โšก ๐Ÿ” โœจ Fast, typo tolerant, in-memory fuzzy Search Engine for building delightful search experiences



  • penpot/penpot - Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration


  • KRTirtho/spotube - ๐ŸŽง Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
  • Lacerte/clima - MOVED TO
  • LinwoodDev/Butterfly - ๐ŸŽจ Powerful, minimalistic, cross-platform, opensource note-taking app
  • TomBursch/kitchenowl - KitchenOwl is a self-hosted grocery list and recipe manager. The backend is made with Flask and the frontend with Flutter. Easily add items to your shopping list before you go shopping. You can also create recipes and add items based on what you want to cook.
  • localsend/localsend - An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
  • saber-notes/saber - The cross-platform open-source app built for handwriting







Jupyter Notebook

  • joreilly/BikeShare - SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web based Kotlin Multiplatform project (using CityBikes API Uses Room for local persistence
  • joreilly/FantasyPremierLeague - Fantasy Premier League Kotlin Multiplatform sample using Jetpack Compose, Compose for Desktop and SwiftUI (and Room for local persistence)


  • 2307vivek/Seeker - A highly customizable seekbar/slider library for android with support for readahead indicator, segments and more. Made with Jetpack Compose โค.
  • 2BAB/Koncat - Aggregate Kotlin Symbols from multi-modules in compile-time.
  • 47degrees/helios - A purely functional JSON library for Kotlin built on ฮ›rrow
  • 7hens/logdog - ๐Ÿถ Yet another pretty logger for android
  • AAkira/Napier - Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform
  • ACRA/acra - Application Crash Reports for Android
  • AdevintaSpain/Barista - โ˜• The one who serves a great Espresso
  • AdevintaSpain/Leku - ๐ŸŒ Map location picker component for Android. Based on Google Maps. An alternative to Google Place Picker.
  • Aditya94A/Morphing-Material-Dialogs - Material dialog โค๏ธ morphing animation. An android kotlin UI library for building beautiful animations for converting a floating action button into a material dialog.
  • AfigAliyev/Cinemax - Cinemax is a Movies & TV Shows application for Android.
  • Ahmad-Hamwi/lazy-pagination-compose - An intuitive and customizable Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform pagination composables that are built on top of lazy scrollables. Available on Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux, and Web.
  • AlexZhukovich/IntroToAndroidUITesting -
  • Alfio010/notification-listener-android - This app saves your Android device`s notifications and allows you not to miss notifications that are accidentally deleted or that are deleted by the apps themselves. Feel free to recommend new features.
  • AlinaStepanova/SeaBattle - A simple, tiny (< 1 MB size) Sea Battle 2D-game. Custom Views, Canvas. Kotlin, Coroutines, CI with Github Actions, units tests.
  • AmrDeveloper/EasyAdapter - Android Annotation Processing Library to generate your adapters only with Annotations on your model, support working with Kapt and KSP Processors
  • AmrDeveloper/LinkHub - LinkHub is a simple and effective link management application that can help you to easily manage your app with no ads!
  • AndreaBrighi/Gradle-Git-Sensitive-Semantic-Versioning-Plugin-for-Android - A Gradle plugin that forces semantic versioning in an Android project (version name and version code) and relies on git to detect the project state, based on Git-Sensitive Semantic Versioning Plugin by Danilo Pianini .
  • AndroidPoet/Dropdown - ๐Ÿ’งA Powerful and customizable Compose Multiplatform dropdown menu with cascade and animations.
  • AndroidPoet/KtorBoost - ๐Ÿš€ Simplifying Ktor for Easier Development KMM/Compose Multiplatform
  • AniTrend/android-emojify - An android project to convert short codes, emoticons, html entities, emoticons to emoji and vice-versa
  • AniTrend/support-arch - A multi-module template library that attempts to make clean arch apps easier to build
  • AniTrend/support-query-builder - A simple SQLite spec compliant query builder that integrates with room to create raw queries
  • Animeshz/keyboard-mouse-kt - A lightweight multiplatform library for interacting with global keyboard and mouse events and states from Kotlin, Java and NodeJS.
  • AnkitSuda/Rebound - Beautiful and feature rich workout log app.
  • Anthonyy232/Paperize - Paperize is a modern fully offline dynamic wallpaper changer application built for Android using Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, and Material 3
  • AraujoJordan/ExcuseMe - A polite and easy way to ask for Android Permissions
  • ArtsemKurantsou/SPI4Android - Example of SPI usage in Android project
  • Ashinch/ReadYou - An Android RSS reader presented in Material You style.
  • Automattic/pocket-casts-android - Pocket Casts Android ๐ŸŽง
  • B3nedikt/AppLocale - AppLocale is a android library to update the app language dynamically.
  • BanDev/Xplosion - Xplosion is an updated fork of SmallBang that has been converted to Kotlin
  • BetterAndroid/FlexiLocale - An easy generation Android i18ns string call Gradle plugin.
  • Bhuvaneshw/CrashHandler - A Crash Handling library for Android projects that automatically stores all crash logs in a file until intentionally cleared.
  • BobbyESP/Metadator - An Android ID3 metadata editor and music player built with Jetpack Compose and Material 3
  • Breens-Mbaka/Jetpack-Compose-Tables - ๐Ÿ A Compose UI data table library which allows developers to seamless integrate visually appealing and customizable tables to their Android apps or IOS apps.
  • CRED-CLUB/neopop-android - NeoPop is CRED's inbuilt library for using NeoPop components in your app
  • CanHub/Android-Image-Cropper - Image Cropping Library for Android, optimised for Camera / Gallery.
  • CarterChen247/AlarmScheduler - A library that helps to schedule time-exact tasks(calendar reminders, alarms, etc.)
  • Chaintech-Network/QRKitComposeMultiplatform -
  • CharlieTap/cachemap - A read optimised concurrent map for Kotlin Multiplatform
  • CharlieTap/synk - A Kotlin multiplatform CRDT library for offline first applications
  • Chesire/LifecykleLog - Android library to log out Activity and Fragment lifecycle methods
  • ChiliLabs/ChiliPhotoPicker - Photo picker library for android. Let's you pick photos directly from files, or navigate to camera or gallery.
  • ChrisKruegerDev/trakt-kotlin - ๐Ÿ“บ Modern powerful Trakt API to track, discover and share your movies & TV shows.
  • Chrisvin/BlurImageSwitcher - Android Blurred ImageSwitcher Library
  • Chrisvin/ConcentricOnboarding - Android Concentric Onboarding library
  • Chrisvin/EasyReveal - Android Easy Reveal Library
  • Chrisvin/FlipTabs - Android Flip Tabs Library
  • Chrisvin/LiquidSwipe - Android LiquidSwipe Library
  • ChuckerTeam/chucker - ๐Ÿ”Ž An HTTP inspector for Android & OkHTTP (like Charles but on device)
  • Cleveroad/BlurTutorial - Library for creating blur effects under Android UI elements
  • CodandoTV/CraftD - A Server Driven UI library
  • Codeblin/ObjectPreference - Fast and easy Shared Preferences managing with object mapping annotations for simple or complex class structures
  • D4rK7355608/com.d4rk.cleaner - Cleaner is an app that helps you to clean your phone with just one tap. It removes safe-to-delete files, such as logs, cache, temporary and advertisement files, and frees up space on your device. It also improves your privacy by cleaning your clipboard and protecting important files and folders from being cleaned.๐Ÿงน
  • Daio-io/dresscode - ๐Ÿ‘” Tiny lightweight Kotlin Android library to change theme at runtime.
  • DanielMartinus/Konfetti - Celebrate more with this lightweight confetti particle system ๐ŸŽŠ
  • Darkness4/train-station - A Full Stack demo app with gRPC and Modern Android Development/Svelte to keep up with today's standards.
  • Decathlon/vitamin-android - Decathlon Design System UI components for Android applications
  • DenisBronx/NetMock -
  • DevSrSouza/compose-icons - Popular Open Source icon packs for Compose Multiplatform
  • Devlight/CornerCutLinearLayout - Linear Layout that allow corner (parent and children) cuts, complex shadow and divider.
  • DmitryTsyvtsyn/Kotlin-Algorithms-and-Design-Patterns - This repository contains the most common algorithms and data structures written in the Kotlin language with simple and concise code.
  • DonBrody/Android-CustomKeyboard - Fully customizable Android keyboard written in Kotlin.
  • Drjacky/Avocado - ๐Ÿฅ‘ A plugin for Vector Drawable optimization tool ๐Ÿฅ‘
  • Droppers/AnimatedBottomBar - A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
  • ESchouten/CleanArchitecture - Kotlin backend based on the Clean Architecture principles. Ktor, JWT, Exposed, Flyway, OpenAPI/REST & KGraphQL/GraphQL generated endpoints, Gradle.
  • Efimj/Shkiper - Android modern notepad
  • Eli-Fox/LEGO-Catalog - A LEGOยฎ Catalog app illustrating current Android Architecture state using Android development best practices.
  • ErickSumargo/Dads - BA DUM TSSS
  • ExoQuery/pprint-kotlin - Li Haoyi's excellent Pretty Printing library ported to Kotlin!
  • Fbada006/ArtMaker - ArtMaker is a flexible and customisable library that allows users to draw anything they want on screen and has been built fully with Jetpack Compose.
  • FelipeKoga/deeplink-launcher - Launch deeplinks easily - built with Compose Multiplatform (Android, iOS and Desktop)
  • Foso/Jetpack-Compose-Playground - Community-driven collection of Jetpack Compose example code and tutorials ๐Ÿš€
  • Foso/Ktorfit - HTTP client generator / KSP plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform (Android, iOS, Js, Jvm, Native, WasmJs)) using KSP and Ktor clients inspired by Retrofit
  • FunkyMuse/KAHelpers - Kotlin Extensions (Android extensions) and Helpers for smoother Android development
  • FunkyMuse/foSho - Type-safe navigation library for Jetpack Compose on Android
  • GIGAMOLE/ComposeShadowsPlus - ComposeShadowsPlus: Elevate your Android Compose UI with stunning custom shadows
  • GetStream/avatarview-android - โœจ Supports loading profile images with fractional styles, shapes, borders, indicators, and initials for Android.
  • GetStream/butterfly - ๐Ÿฆ‹ Butterfly helps you to build adaptive and responsive UIs for Android with Jetpack WindowManager.
  • GetStream/stream-chat-android - ๐Ÿ’ฌ Android Chat SDK โžœ Stream Chat API. UI component libraries for chat apps. Kotlin & Jetpack Compose messaging SDK for Android chat
  • GetStream/stream-result - ๐ŸšŠ Railway-oriented library to easily model and handle success/failure for Kotlin Multiplatform.
  • GetStream/whatsApp-clone-compose - ๐Ÿ“ฑ WhatsApp clone project demonstrates modern Android development built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat/Video SDK for Compose.
  • GiuseppeGiacoppo/RemoteConfig - RemoteConfig is a Kotlin library that lets you manage all your remote configuration without requiring developers to manually download each configuration and integrate them into the Kotlin application.
  • Goooler/StringResExporter - A utility designed to facilitate the export and import of string resources between Android projects and XLS files.
  • GradleUp/nmcp - New Maven Central Publishing
  • GuilhE/Expressus - Kotlin Multiplatform Coffee Machine
  • GuilhE/SharedPrefs-ktx - Save and load objects from SharedPreferences in a faster and simpler way with Kotlin Extensions ๐ŸŽ‰
  • GuilhE/WhosNext - Kotlin Multiplatform Timer
  • GwonHyeok/StickySwitch - โญ๏ธ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation โญ๏ธ
  • Hamza417/Inure - An elegant and beautiful premium Android app manager for rooted and non-rooted devices with a built-in terminal, analytics, debloat, stats and various other features with an custom theme engine, developed with purely custom UI design.
  • Hamza417/Positional - An elegant and colorful location information app for Android with Compass, Clock, Level, Sun, Moon, Trail Marker and many other features.
  • Heapy/awesome-kotlin - A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java.
  • HighCapable/SweetDependency - An easy autowire and manage dependencies Gradle plugin.
  • HighCapable/SweetProperty - An easy get project properties anywhere Gradle plugin.
  • Hussienfahmy/MeFab - Movable Expandable Floating Action Button
  • IacobIonut01/Gallery - Media Gallery app for Android made with Jetpack Compose
  • ImangazalievM/CircleMenu - CircleMenu is a simple, elegant menu with a circular layout.
  • IslamKhSh/Xdimen - Easily support android multiple screen sizes
  • JavierSegoviaCordoba/kopy - Nested copies made easy in Kotlin
  • JeroenMols/FeatureFlagExample - Powerful architecture to mange feature flags locally and remotely
  • Jintin/KBuilder - KBuilder help you to generate builder pattern related class in Kotlin
  • Jintin/KFactory - KFactory is a library to build simple factory patterns easily leverage on KSP(Kotlin Symbol Processing).
  • Jintin/TypedBundle - Type safe Bundle for Android development
  • JunkFood02/Seal - ๐Ÿฆญ Video/Audio Downloader for Android, based on yt-dlp, designed with Material You
  • JuulLabs/kable - Kotlin Asynchronous Bluetooth Low-Energy
  • K1rakishou/Fuck-Storage-Access-Framework - Fuck Storage Access Framework (or just FSAF) is a handy library that hides away from you all the annoying parts of the Storage Access Framework (like DocumentTrees / DocumentIds / DocumentFiles / DocumentContracts and other bullshit) leaving only an API that is similar to good-old Java File API
  • KSSidll/Arru - An application for expenditure tracking/analysis
  • Kaaveh/sdp-compose - SDP-Compose: a scalable size unit for Jetpack Compose
  • KanuKim97/whats_eat - What's Eat? Search near by Foodrestaurant at your current location
  • Karumi/WeakDelegate - WeakReference property delegate proposal
  • Kashif-E/Compose-Multiplatform-Video-Player - This is an example of adding video player to Compose multiplatform ios, android and desktop
  • KasperskyLab/Kaspresso - Android UI test framework
  • KaushalVasava/Firestore-Listener-Flow - It is a library for simplifying Firestore listener callbacks to Kotlin flow and suspend function to easily manage and use callbacks.
  • KaustubhPatange/navigator - A small navigation library for Android to ease the use of fragment transactions & handling backstack (also available for Jetpack Compose).
  • KevinnZou/compose-webview-multiplatform - WebView for JetBrains Compose Multiplatform
  • KhubaibKhan4/Flexi-Store-KMP - Flexi-Store is an Ecommerce Application developed using Compose Multiplatform (Android,iOS,Desktop & Web). It's uses the Custom Server for it.
  • KhubaibKhan4/Flexi-Store-Server - Flexi-Store is a Sever that Contains the Rest API for the Flexi Store Ecommerce Kotlin Multiplatform Project.
  • KhubaibKhan4/Youtube-Clone-KMP - YouTube clone using Kotlin Multiplatform. It supports the Android, iOS, Web and Desktop Application. A better version of Original Applications.
  • KieronQuinn/TapTap - Port of the double tap on back of device feature from Android 12 to any Android 7.0+ device
  • KoalaPlot/koalaplot-core - Koala Plot is a Compose Multiplatform based charting and plotting library written in Kotlin
  • KodeinKoders/CuP - Compose ur Pres: A pure Kotlin Compose Multiplatform presentation system for developer presenters.
  • Kotlin/KMP-App-Template-Native - Kotlin Multiplatform app template with native UI
  • Kotlin/Storytale -
  • Kotlin/kandy - Kotlin plotting library.
  • Kraci/QuickTapQuiz - Android buzzer quiz application using Nearby Connections framework (bachelor thesis)
  • KurdTt/multimodule-android-libraries - Example of multi module Android libraries project.
  • KwonDae/ImagePicker - Compose Multiplatform ImagePicker
  • LDRAlighieri/Corbind - โšก Kotlin Coroutines binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries
  • Lemkinator/Sudoku - A Sudoku app with OneUI-Design.
  • LemonAppDev/konsist - Konsist is a powerful static code analyzer tailored for Kotlin, focused on ensuring codebase consistency and adherence to coding conventions.
  • LibChecker/LibChecker - An app to view libraries used in apps in your device.
  • LikeTheSalad/android-stem - This is a Gradle plugin for Android applications that concatenates XML strings during compilation
  • LinX64/CoinCap - Best practice (Modularization) - built entirely with Jetpack Compose. It also includes CI/CD, Renovate, Detekt and version-catalog. This project is the most up-to-date Android project.
  • LinX64/Reusable - ๐Ÿ“˜ Reusable Components Library for Jetpack Compose - Stop rewriting or copy-pasting the same code from the previous projects!
  • LinkSheet/LinkSheet - Link handling for modern Android
  • LinkoraApp/Linkora - The only link utility app you need for Android, now available on desktop.
  • LouisCAD/CompleteKotlin - Gradle Plugin to enable auto-completion and symbol resolution for all Kotlin/Native platforms.
  • LouisCAD/Splitties - A collection of hand-crafted extensions for your Kotlin projects.
  • LouisDuboscq/Jukebox - Android library that helps you focusing on your audio UI and manages independently media player under the hood
  • Lucchetto/SuperImage - Sharpen your low-resolution pictures with the power of AI upscaling
  • Lucodivo/Merlinsbag - Android application for virtualizing & organizing your wardrobe and favorite items
  • LukasLechnerDev/Kotlin-Coroutines-and-Flow-UseCases-on-Android - ๐ŸŽ“ Learning Kotlin Coroutines and Flows for Android by example. ๐Ÿš€ Sample implementations for real-world Android use cases. ๐Ÿ›  Unit tests included!
  • MM2-0/Kvaesitso - A search-focused Android launcher
  • MackHartley/RoundedProgressBar - A customizable, animated progress bar that features rounded corners. This Android library is designed to look great and be simple to use ๐ŸŽ‰
  • MadFlasheroo7/Madifiers - Madifiers is an collection of modifiers, extension function, and composables for jetpack compose to make compose development easy and straight forward
  • MalekKamel/FormValidator - A declarative Form Validation for Android, simple, clean, and customizable.
  • MarcinMoskala/ActivityStarter - Simple Android Library, that provides easy way to start the Activities with arguments.
  • MarcinMoskala/PreferenceHolder - SharedPreference usage made fun in Kotlin
  • MarcinMoskala/VideoPlayView - Custom Android view with video player, loader and placeholder image
  • MarkusAmshove/Kluent - Fluent Assertion-Library for Kotlin
  • Marvel999/Arc-Progressbar-lib - ArcProgressbar project let create Arc progressbar in android in simplest way.
  • MiSikora/laboratory - Feature flags for multi-module Kotlin Android projects
  • MobileNativeFoundation/Store - A Kotlin Multiplatform solution for working with data. Whether youโ€™re building alone or with a team of thousands, Store can help
  • MohamedRejeb/Calf - Calf is a library that allows you to easily create adaptive UIs and access platform specific APIs with Compose Multiplatform (Adaptive UI, File Picker, WebView, Permissions...).
  • MohamedRejeb/Ksoup - Ksoup is a lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform library for parsing HTML, extracting HTML tags, attributes, and text, and encoding and decoding HTML entities.
  • MohamedRejeb/compose-rich-editor - A Rich text editor library for both Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform, fully customizable, supports HTML and Markdown.
  • NeoTech-Software/Android-Root-Coverage-Plugin - A Gradle Plugin for Android developers that automatically configures Jacoco code coverage tasks for both combined and per module coverage reports, easier than ever.
  • Oleur/mistral-ai-kmp - Mistral AI SDK for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) with support for Android, iOS, Desktop and Wasm. Sample projects to show the Mistral AI capabilities.
  • OneCodeDevs/compass - Generating type safe navigation for Jetpack Compose
  • OxygenCobalt/Auxio - A simple, rational music player for android
  • PandoraMedia/BottomNavigator - Android Bottom Navigation multiple stack manager
  • PandoraMedia/variant-helper-plugin - Source for the Build Variant Quick-Selector plugin for Android Studio
  • PatilShreyas/Capturable - ๐Ÿš€Jetpack Compose utility library for capturing Composable content and transforming it into Bitmap Image๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ
  • PatilShreyas/ChaKt-KMP - โœจChaKt - A multiplatform chat-prompt based app for Android, iOS, Desktop, Web. Powered by Google's Gemini API (with Generative AI Multiplatform SDK)
  • PatilShreyas/Foodium - ๐ŸฒFoodium is a sample food blog Android application ๐Ÿ“ฑ built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger 2/Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Moshi, Material Components).
  • PatilShreyas/NotyKT - ๐Ÿ“’ NotyKT is a complete ๐Ÿ’ŽKotlin-stack (Backend + Android) ๐Ÿ“ฑ application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation๐Ÿฆธ.
  • PatilShreyas/bytemask - Android Gradle Plugin that masks secret strings for the app in the source code making it difficult to extract from reverse engineering.
  • PatilShreyas/generative-ai-kmp - โœจGenerative AI SDK for Kotlin Multiplatform (Supports: JVM, Android, iOS, Desktop, Web JS, Wasm)
  • PatilShreyas/mutekt - Simplify mutating "immutable" state models (a Kotlin multiplatform library)
  • PatilShreyas/permission-flow-android - Know about real-time state of a Android app Permissions with Kotlin Flow APIs.
  • PhilKes/NotallyX - Minimalistic Android note taking App | Notally, but eXtended.
  • PierfrancescoSoffritti/android-youtube-player - YouTube Player library for Android and Chromecast, stable and customizable.
  • PierfrancescoSoffritti/sliding-panel - Android sliding panel that is part of the view hierarchy, not above it.
  • Pool-Of-Tears/GreenStash - Simple FOSS android app to help you plan and manage your savings goals easily and establish the habit of saving money.
  • PranavMaganti/compose-material-dialogs - A Material Dialog Builder for Jetpack Compose
  • Qawaz/compose-code-editor - Display & Edit code with syntax highlighting in jetpack compose
  • QuickBirdEng/NonEmptyCollections - A type-safe implementation for collections that cannot be empty. Life is too short for emptiness-checks!
  • Qusion/android-pin-dot-view - Android library that helps you with pin insertion screens. Fully animated and highly customizable using themes.
  • Raed-Mughaus/DrawingView - RasmView is an Android drawing view; it provides a view that allows users to draw on top of a bitmap.
  • Raival-e/File-Explorer-Compose - An Android file explorer written in Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
  • Ramotion/fluid-slider-android - :octocat:๐Ÿ’ง A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected. Android library made by @Ramotion
  • Ramotion/navigation-toolbar-android - :octocat: Navigation toolbar is a slide-modeled UI navigation controller made by @Ramotion
  • Rasalexman/KDispatcher - Simple and light-weight event dispatcher for Kotlin
  • Rasalexman/KODI - light-weight KOtlin Dependency Injection (KODI)
  • Razeeman/Android-SimpleTimeTracker - Simple app that tracks time.
  • ReVanced/revanced-patcher - ๐Ÿ’‰ ReVanced Patcher used to patch Android applications
  • RedMadRobot/flipper - Flipper is a simple and useful tool to deal with feature toggles
  • RedMadRobot/gradle-infrastructure - Set of small plugins to reduce boilerplate in Gradle build scripts.
  • RhymezxCode/NetworkStateObserver - An Android library that helps you check the state of your network, if it is either available, lost, unavailable and also check the reach-ability of your network when your server is either down or your ISP is connected but no data subscription.
  • RikkaApps/Shizuku - Using system APIs directly with adb/root privileges from normal apps through a Java process started with app_process.
  • RotBolt/Flaker - A flaky network simulator for your mobile app
  • SEAbdulbasit/MusicApp-KMP - This is a music player app built using Compose Multiplatform UI and KMP that works on Android, iOS, Desktop, and Web platforms.
  • SEAbdulbasit/TravelApp-KMP - JetBrains Compose Multiplatform UI App (Android, iOS, Desktop, Web). MVVM - Kotlin MultiPlatform (KMP)
  • SEAbdulbasit/recipe-app - Recipe App in Compose Multiplatform (KMP) targeting Android, iOS, Web and Desktop.
  • SanmerApps/PI - PackageInstaller (Experimental)
  • SciProgCentre/maps-kt -
  • Shopify/android-testify - Add screenshots to your Android tests
  • ShreyashKore/wonderous_compose - Wonderous Compose is a port of Wonderous in Compose Multiplatform.
  • SimformSolutionsPvtLtd/SSCustomEditTextOutLineBorder - Same as the Outlined text fields presented on the Material Design page but with some dynamic changes. ๐Ÿ“ ๐ŸŽ‰
  • SimonMarquis/Android-Version-Distribution -
  • SimonMarquis/FCM-toolbox - ๐Ÿ“ฒ Firebase Cloud Messaging toolbox
  • SimonMarquis/InternalAppStore - ๐Ÿ“ฆ Manage your own internal Android App Store.
  • SimonMarquis/SealedObjectInstances - A Kotlin Symbol Processor to list sealed object instances.
  • SimonMarquis/SleepTimer - ๐Ÿ’ค Simplest Sleep Timer
  • SimpleMobileTools/Simple-Draw - A canvas you can draw on with different colors.
  • Skyscanner/backpack-android - Backpack Design System
  • SmartToolFactory/Compose-Colorful-Sliders - ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŒˆ ๐Ÿ˜ Colorful Sliders written with Jetpack Compose that enliven default sliders with track and thumb dimensions, and gradient colors, borders, labels on top or at the bottom move with thumb and ColorfulIconSlider that can display emoji or any Composable as thumb
  • SmartToolFactory/Jetpack-Compose-Tutorials - ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿงจ๐Ÿ“ Series of Tutorials to learn about Jetpack Compose with subjects Material Widgets, Layout, SubcomposeLayout, custom layouts, State, custom rememberable, recomposition, LaunchedEffect, side-effects, Gesture, Animation, Navigation, Canvas, UIs like whatsapp and others.
  • Smooth-E/wireless-adb-switch - An app that allows you to switch Android's Wireless Debugging feature on and off quickly. It provides several widgets and a quick settings tile to do this.
  • SnipMeDev/KodeView - Kotlin Multiplatform syntax highlighting views
  • Spendesk/grapes-android - Spendesk Android Grapes design system.
  • Spikeysanju/JetQuotes - ๐Ÿ”– A Quotes Application built to Demonstrate use of Jetpack Compose with Modern Android Architecture Components & MVVM Architecture.
  • Spikeysanju/MotionToast - ๐ŸŒˆ A Beautiful Motion Toast Library for Kotlin Android
  • Spikeysanju/ZoomRecylerLayout - ๐ŸŽข Zoom Recycler Layout Manager For Android Kotlin
  • Splitties/refreshVersions - Life is too short to google for dependencies and versions
  • StephenVinouze/KinApp - A Kotlin In App Purchase library that lets you easily manage your billing process in Android
  • StylingAndroid/Rialto -
  • Subito-it/Esito - Esito ambition is to be your return type for suspending functions.
  • Swordfish90/Lemuroid - All in one emulator on Android!
  • T8RIN/ImageToolbox - ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Image Toolbox is a powerful app for advanced image manipulation. It offers dozens of features, from basic tools like crop and draw to filters, OCR, and a wide range of image processing options
  • TakuSemba/CropMe - Extremely Smooth and Easy Cropping library for you
  • TakuSemba/MultiSnapRecyclerView - Android library for multiple snapping of RecyclerView
  • TakuSemba/Spotlight - Android Library that lights items for tutorials or walk-throughs etc...
  • TalbotGooday/Android-Oembed-Video - A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube in the WebView without the need to connect API data services
  • Tapadoo/Alerter - An Android Alerting Library
  • TayfunCesur/CurvedBottomSheet - Curved-Waved-Animated BottomSheet ๐Ÿ˜Ž It uses Cubic Bezier Curves. This project can be a good start to drawing whatever you want!
  • The-Forecaster/Rush - Event system built in kotlin, meant to be fast and thread safe.
  • TheChance101/AAY-chart - A chart library for Compose Multiplatform
  • TheChance101/beep-beep -
  • TheCodeMonks/Notzz-App - ๐Ÿ“ A Simple Note-Taking App built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, State Flow, Hilt-Dependency Injection, Jetpack DataStore, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Material Design Components).
  • Tinder/Scarlet - A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android
  • Tommy-Geenexus/exif-eraser - Permissionless image metadata erasing application for Android
  • TonnyL/Light - ๐Ÿญ The usual Snackbar, but elegant
  • TradeMe/MapMe - The Android maps adapter
  • Trendyol/StateLayout - StateLayout is a simple-use Android layout library which handles Loading, Content and Error states
  • Trendyol/medusa - Android fragment stack controller
  • Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher - GPP is Android's unofficial release automation Gradle Plugin. It can do anything from building, uploading, and then promoting your App Bundle or APK to publishing app listings and other metadata.
  • Tweener/czan - A Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform design system that allows you to easily create components and screens.
  • Umweltzone/roadsigns - A Kotlin library hosting a custom view for road signs.
  • ValterKasper/space-app - An Android app which shows timeline of upcoming rocket launches and showcases architecture of real application.
  • Vi-r-us/Meather - Weatherapp is a simple weather forecast app, which uses some APIs to fetch 5 day / 3 hour forecast data from the OpenWeatherMap and to fetch places, cities, counties, coords etc.
  • VitaSokolova/TimelineComposeComponent -
  • Vram-Voskanyan/PrevGen - PreviewGenerator: Simplifying Data class Preview creation for Jetpack Compose previews.
  • Waboodoo/HTTP-Shortcuts - Android app to create home screen shortcuts that trigger arbitrary HTTP requests
  • Wavesonics/SymSpellKt - A Kotlin Multiplatform implementation of the SymSpell algorithm.
  • WhiteDog-Apps/FoldableActivity_Android - Android library that simplifies the logic necessary to detect state changes in foldable devices
  • WindSekirun/RxSocialLogin - An Android Library that provides social login for 15 platforms within by RxJava2, Kotlin and Firebase Authentication.
  • X1nto/Mauth - A Material You Two-factor Authentication app
  • YanneckReiss/KConMapper - The Kotlin Constructor Mapper (KConMapper / KCM) automatically generates mapping functions for performing mapping between one class and the constructor of another class via the Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) compiler plugin.
  • YarikSOffice/venom - A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario.
  • YvesCheung/RollingText - Android TextView with rolling animation
  • YvesCheung/UInspector - A UI inspector to traverse a view hierarchy on Android
  • ZacSweers/CatchUp - An app for catching up on things.
  • ZacSweers/kotlin-compile-testing - A library for testing Kotlin and Java annotation processors, compiler plugins and code generation
  • Zhuinden/livedata-combinetuple-kt - [ACTIVE] Helper function to combine LiveData into tuples.
  • a1573595/SecuritySharedPreferences - A small SharedPreferences wrapper and cryptographic android library power by Kotlin.
  • aallam/openai-kotlin - OpenAI API client for Kotlin with multiplatform and coroutines capabilities.
  • aartikov/Sesame - Android architecture components made right
  • adevinta/spark-android - โœจ Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your Android Applications
  • adibfara/Lives - Lives - Android LiveData Extensions for Kotlin and Java
  • adonmo/killerbee - MQTT android client
  • adrielcafe/broker - ๐Ÿ’ฌ Publish-Subscribe (a.k.a Pub/Sub, EventBus) library for Android and JVM built with Coroutines
  • adrielcafe/dalek - ๐Ÿค– UI driven state machine for Android & JVM that will exterminate your bugs
  • adrielcafe/kaptain - ๐Ÿ‘จโ€โœˆ๏ธ multi-module navigation on Android has never been so easier!
  • adrielcafe/krumbsview - ๐Ÿž The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android!
  • adrielcafe/lyricist - ๐ŸŒŽ The missing I18N/L10N (internationalization/localization) multiplatform library for Jetpack Compose!
  • adrielcafe/pufferdb - ๐Ÿก An Android & JVM key-value storage powered by Protobuf and Coroutines
  • adrielcafe/satchel - ๐ŸŽ’ A fast, secure and modular key-value storage with batteries-included for Android and JVM.
  • adrielcafe/voyager - ๐Ÿ›ธ A pragmatic navigation library for Jetpack Compose
  • afollestad/material-dialogs - ๐Ÿ˜ A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
  • afollestad/ulfberht - ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ A small but powerful & opinionated DI library. Written in Kotlin, and powered by annotation processing.
  • afreakyelf/Pdf-Viewer - A Lightweight PDF Viewer Android library which only occupies around 80kb while most of the Pdf viewer occupies up to 16MB space.
  • agrawalsuneet/LoadersPack-Android - Android LoadersPack - a replacement of default android material progressbar with different loaders
  • airbnb/Showkase - ๐Ÿ”ฆ Showkase is an annotation-processor based Android library that helps you organize, discover, search and visualize Jetpack Compose UI elements
  • airbnb/paris - Define and apply styles to Android views programmatically
  • ajalt/clikt - Multiplatform command line interface parsing for Kotlin
  • akexorcist/Localization - [Android] In-app language changing library
  • akshay2211/BubbleTabBar - BubbleTabBar is a bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble-like tabs
  • akshay2211/ImgurSearchSample - Android Application sample based on Mvvm, Koin, LiveData, Paging, Room & Coroutines
  • akshay2211/NYTimes-Compose - An offline-first application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture, representing a minimalistic implementation of Top Stories API.
  • alejandro-rios/Boggle-Multiplatform - ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ A simple Boggle game App using Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform for Android, iOS, Desktop and Web
  • alexjlockwood/android-lint-checks-demo - A demo project that shows how to setup and write some basic custom lint checks.
  • alexstyl/contactstore - A modern, strongly-typed contacts API for Android.
  • alexstyl/warden - Android permissions as suspend functions.
  • alorma/Compose-Settings - Compose Multiplatform #Compose Settings library
  • aminography/ChoosePhotoHelper - ChoosePhotoHelper develops a component which facilitates the source code of picking photos in your Android apps.
  • aminography/WorldCitiesApp - This example project demonstrates a clean way to architect an Android application.
  • andrefrsousa/SuperBottomSheet - Android native BottomSheet on steroids ๐Ÿ’ช
  • android/architecture-samples - A collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
  • android/compose-samples - Official Jetpack Compose samples.
  • android/kotlin-multiplatform-samples - Samples showcasing the Kotlin Multiplatform Jetpack libraries
  • android/sunflower - A gardening app illustrating Android development best practices with migrating a View-based app to Jetpack Compose.
  • androidPluto/pluto - Android Pluto is a on-device debugging framework for Android applications, which helps intercept Network calls, capture Crashes & ANRs, manipulate application data on-the-go, and much more.
  • androidbroadcast/ViewBindingPropertyDelegate - Make work with Android View Binding simpler
  • androiddevnotes/awesome-android-kotlin-apps - ๐Ÿ‘“ A curated list of awesome android kotlin apps by open-source contributors.
  • anggrayudi/SimpleStorage - ๐Ÿ’พ Simplify Android Storage Access Framework for file management across API levels.
  • anilbeesetti/nextplayer - An Android native video player
  • ansman/kotshi - An annotation processor that generates Moshi adapters from immutable Kotlin data classes.
  • appmattus/certificatetransparency - Certificate transparency for Android and JVM
  • appmattus/kotlinfixture - Fixtures for Kotlin providing generated values for unit testing
  • appspell/ShaderView - ShaderView is an Android View that makes it easy to use GLSL shaders for your app. It's the modern way to use shaders for Android instead of RenderScript.
  • apter-tech/junit5-robolectric-extension - This repository aims to bridge the gap between JUnit 5 and Robolectric, enabling developers to leverage the benefits of both frameworks for unit testing Android applications. While Robolectric currently lacks a dedicated JUnit 5 extension, this project proposes a community-driven solution to achieve seamless integration.
  • arildojr7/iris-mock - A kotlin tool to intercept android network calls, modify requests/responses and mock entire APIs. Also includes a cool DSL, that helps to reduce boilerplate code and simplify development.
  • aritra-tech/ComposeCards - ๐Ÿ’ณ ComposeCards is a beautifully designed payment view library for Credit and Debit Card. Made using Jetpack Compose ๐ŸŽ‰
  • arkivanov/Decompose - Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing (navigation) and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.)
  • arkivanov/MVIKotlin - Extendable MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform with powerful debugging tools (logging and time travel)
  • arkivanov/Minesweeper - Minesweeper game implemented in Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform
  • arrazyfathan/Lerun - Lerun is a running tracking application based on modern Android tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.
  • arrazyfathan/server-driven-ui - Explore the power of Server-Driven UI (SDUI) on Android with Jetpack Compose. This GitHub repository provides a concise example of how to implement dynamic and customizable user interfaces using Composables.
  • arthur3486/android-mvvm - Android library designed to greatly simplify the implementation process of an MVVM-based application by providing all the means necessary to solve the common problems and avoid the annoying boilerplate code.
  • atick-faisal/Jetpack-Android-Starter - Starter code for Android Kotlin Project with Jetpack Compose ๐Ÿš€
  • atsushieno/compose-audio-controls - audio controls for Jetpack Compose and Compose for Multiplatform
  • auron567/Gallerit - A sample Android gallery to search images posted on Reddit, built using modern Android development tools (Architecture Components, MVVM, Coroutines, Flow, Navigation, Retrofit, Room, Koin)
  • autonomousapps/dependency-analysis-gradle-plugin - Gradle plugin for JVM projects written in Java, Kotlin, Groovy, or Scala; and Android projects written in Java or Kotlin. Provides advice for managing dependencies and other applied plugins
  • ayodelekehinde/Kicks - A Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile simple music streaming app
  • bastienpaulfr/Treessence - Some trees for Timber lib
  • bayu07750/MaterialAndroidForDevelopers - Material Android For Developers (MAFD) allows you to explore all components currently supported by Compose Material 3, side by side with the code.
  • ben-manes/gradle-versions-plugin - Gradle plugin to discover dependency updates
  • block/radiography - Text-ray goggles for your Android UI.
  • bloomberg/selekt - A Kotlin and familiar Android SQLite database library that uses encryption.
  • bluegroundltd/kfactory - Fixture factory in Kotlin
  • bmcreations/scrcast - Drop-in Android Screen Recording Library
  • boitakub/Bogadex - ๐ŸŽฒ BoardGameGeek collections explorer application using Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
  • bumble-tech/appyx - Model-driven navigation + UI components with gesture control for Compose Multiplatform
  • burnoo/compose-remember-setting - Compose Multiplatform library for remembering state persistently (based on Multiplatform Settings)
  • canerkaseler/jetpack-compose-shimmer-loading-animation - This repository targets to show native Shimmer & Shadow Loading Effect Animation with Jetpack Compose in android development.
  • canopas/compose-animated-navigationbar - Android - Cool animated navigation bars for your compose android app.
  • canopas/rich-editor-compose - Android WYSIWYG Rich editor for Jetpack compose.
  • cashapp/InflationInject - Constructor-inject views during XML layout inflation
  • cashapp/contour - Layouts with lambdas ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  • cashapp/redwood - Multiplatform reactive UI for Android, iOS, and web using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose
  • cashapp/turbine - A testing library for kotlinx.coroutines Flow
  • cdcsgit/lognote - Log viewer, Android logcat viewer for Windows, Linux, Mac
  • cdsap/ProjectGraphMetrics - Generate Graph metrics from dot file
  • cesarferreira/tempo - โŒšKotlin intuitive Date extensions.
  • chillibits/drawing-activity - Android library for getting lightweight DrawingActivity into your Android app
  • chrisbanes/haze - Background blurring for Compose Multiplatform / Jetpack Compose
  • chrisbanes/tivi - Tivi is a TV show tracking Android app, which connects to
  • cioccarellia/ksprefs - Kotlin SharedPreferences wrapper & cryptographic android library.
  • cioccarellia/lib-template-android - Android Kotlin Library Template
  • circleci-tools/Norimaki - ๐ŸŒ€ Android client for Circle CI
  • cmelchior/realmfieldnameshelper - Realm extension library used to create more type-safe queries.
  • codeandtheory/YCharts - YCharts is a graph library for Android.
  • codeandtheory/ytemplate-android - Yโ€”Template aims to build your initial setup for your Android project quickly.
  • coil-kt/coil - Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
  • colintheshots/MarkdownTwain - A Jetpack Compose UI library for editing Markdown content on Android, based on Markwon
  • commandiron/CheckPack - CheckPack is a native android checklist app for those going on vacation, written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose.
  • composablehorizons/compose-unstyled - Unstyled, fully accessible Compose Multiplatform UI components that you can customize to your heart's content.
  • cortinico/kotlin-android-template - Android + Kotlin + Github Actions + ktlint + Detekt + Gradle Kotlin DSL + buildSrc = โค๏ธ
  • cortinico/ktfmt-gradle - A Gradle plugin to apply ktfmt to your builds, and reformat you Kotlin source code like a glimpse ๐Ÿงน๐Ÿ˜
  • cortinico/slidetoact - A simple 'Slide to Unlock' Material widget for Android, written in Kotlin ๐Ÿ“ฑ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿฆ„
  • cryptomator/android - Cryptomator for Android
  • cvs-health/android-compose-accessibility-techniques - Android sample code demonstrating a variety of accessibility best practices for Jetpack Compose-based UIs.
  • cyb3rko/about-icons - Android library to easily give credit if using icons which require attribution
  • d4rken-org/octi - A multi-device manager for Android
  • dadouf/PagingImageGallery -
  • danielzeller/Blur-LIB-Android -
  • darkokoa/compose-datetime-wheel-picker - Wheel Date & Time Picker in Compose Multiplatform
  • davidtakac/bura - Modern weather app with graphs and thoughtful data visualization
  • dbacinski/Design-Patterns-In-Kotlin - Design Patterns implemented in Kotlin
  • deepmedia/Grease - Fat AARs for Android, to distribute multiple library modules in a single file with no dependencies, with relocation support.
  • deliveryhero/whetstone - Whetstone is a dependency injection framework for Android that greatly simplifies working with Dagger 2 using all the powers of Anvil
  • denisidoro/krouter - A lightweight Android activity router
  • detekt/detekt-compiler-plugin - Experimental support for detekt as a Kotlin compiler plugin
  • dev-labs-bg/transitioner - A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
  • devAchint/ShopKaro - Shopkaro is an e-commerce app that utilizes modern Android technologies, including Jetpack Compose, MVVM architecture, Retrofit, and Hilt. The app allows users to authenticate, view products, add them to the cart, and place orders using Firebase Authentication and Firebase Realtime Database. The app fetches product data from the Fakestore API.
  • devhyper/open-video-editor - Open source Android video editor, built with Media3 and Jetpack Compose.
  • devrath/Distance-Tracker - ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Tacking the user distance traveled and time taken using the google maps API
  • devrath/Material-3-Design-Kit - ๐Ÿ–๏ธ ๐šƒ๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š›๐šŽ๐š™๐š˜๐šœ๐š’๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šข ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š—๐š๐šŠ๐š’๐š—๐šœ ๐š’๐š—๐š๐š˜๐š›๐š–๐šŠ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š— ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š๐šŽ ๐šœ๐šŠ๐š–๐š™๐š•๐šŽ๐šœ ๐š›๐šŽ๐š๐šŠ๐š›๐š๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š–๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ๐š›๐š’๐šŠ๐š•-๐Ÿน ๐š๐šŽ๐šœ๐š’๐š๐š— ๐š’๐š—๐š๐š›๐š˜๐š๐šž๐šŒ๐šŽ๐š ๐š‹๐šข ๐š๐š˜๐š˜๐š๐š•๐šŽ
  • devrath/NoteApp - ๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ ๐™ฒ๐š›๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š๐š’๐š—๐š ๐™ฝ๐š˜๐š๐šŽ๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐šŒ๐šŠ๐šŒ๐š‘๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š๐šŠ๐š๐šŠ. ๐™ฑ๐šž๐š’๐š•๐š ๐š˜๐š— ๐™ผ๐š…๐š…๐™ผ-๐š‹๐šŠ๐šœ๐šŽ๐š ๐šŒ๐š•๐šŽ๐šŠ๐š— ๐šŠ๐š›๐šŒ๐š‘๐š’๐š๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š๐šž๐š›๐šŽ ๐š ๐š‘๐š’๐šŒ๐š‘ ๐šœ๐šž๐š™๐š™๐š˜๐š›๐š๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š•๐š• ๐™ฒ๐š๐š„๐™ณ ๐š˜๐š™๐šŽ๐š›๐šŠ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š—๐šœ ๐š˜๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š๐šŠ๐š๐šŠ๐š‹๐šŠ๐šœ๐šŽ
  • devrath/Publishers-Subscriber-Flow - This repository describes how to use shared flow as a publisher and subscriber pattern in android
  • devrath/droid-network-observer - M๐š˜๐š—๐š’๐š๐š˜๐š› ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š—๐š—๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š๐š’๐šŸ๐š’๐š๐šข ๐šŒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š—๐š๐šŽ ๐šž๐šœ๐š’๐š—๐š ๐šŠ ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š–๐š‹๐š’๐š—๐šŠ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š— ๐š˜๐š ๐š•๐š’๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐š๐šŠ๐š๐šŠ ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š•๐š’๐š๐šŽ ๐šŒ๐šข๐šŒ๐š•๐šŽ ๐š˜๐š‹๐šœ๐šŽ๐š›๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š› ๐š’๐š— ๐šŠ ๐š–๐šž๐š•๐š๐š’๐š–๐š˜๐š๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐š™๐š™๐š•๐š’๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š— ๐šœ๐š’๐š–๐š’๐š•๐šŠ๐š› ๐š๐š˜ ๐šˆ๐š˜๐šž๐šƒ๐šž๐š‹๐šŽ
  • devrath/droid-pure-kotlin-application - โ˜Ž๏ธ This is a complete Kotlin application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation using multi-module architecture developed using SOLID principles
  • devrath/probable-bookish-android-architectures - ๐Ÿ“– ๐š๐šŽ๐š™๐š˜๐šœ๐š’๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šข ๐š๐š˜ ๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š˜๐š—๐šœ๐š๐š›๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐š•๐š• ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š™๐š˜๐š™๐šž๐š•๐šŠ๐š› ๐š ๐š’๐š๐šŽ๐š•๐šข ๐šž๐šœ๐šŽ๐š ๐šŠ๐š›๐šŒ๐š‘๐š’๐š๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š๐šž๐š›๐šŽ๐šœ ๐š’๐š— ๐™ฐ๐š—๐š๐š›๐š˜๐š’๐š ๐šŠ๐š•๐š˜๐š—๐š ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐š’๐š› ๐šŠ๐š๐šŸ๐šŠ๐š—๐š๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š๐š’๐šœ๐šŠ๐š๐šŸ๐šŠ๐š—๐š๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ๐šœ ๐š’๐š— ๐šž๐šœ๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐š–.
  • devrath/ubiquitous-downloadmanager - ๐Ÿ”Œ ๐šƒ๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š›๐šŽ๐š™๐š˜๐šœ๐š’๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šข ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š—๐š๐šŠ๐š’๐š—๐šœ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š๐šŽ๐š–๐š˜ ๐šœ๐šŠ๐š–๐š™๐š•๐šŽ ๐š˜๐š— ๐š‘๐š˜๐š  ๐š๐š˜ ๐šž๐šœ๐šŽ ๐™ณ๐š˜๐š ๐š—๐š•๐š˜๐šŠ๐š ๐™ผ๐šŠ๐š—๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ๐š› ๐š๐š˜ ๐š๐š˜๐š ๐š—๐š•๐š˜๐šŠ๐š ๐šŠ ๐š๐š’๐š•๐šŽ ๐š๐š›๐š˜๐š– ๐šŠ ๐šœ๐šŽ๐š›๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š›.
  • didi/booster - ๐Ÿš€Optimizer for mobile applications
  • diegoojeda/wordle-compose -
  • dipien/bye-bye-dead-code - Gradle Plugin to automatically detect unused code on your Kotlin or Android project
  • dipien/releases-hub-gradle-plugin - Gradle Plugin to automatically upgrade your gradle project dependencies and send a GitHub pull request with the changes
  • dipien/semantic-version-gradle-plugin - Gradle Plugin to automatically use Semantic Versioning on your Gradle project
  • divkit/divkit - DivKit is an open source Server-Driven UI (SDUI) framework. SDUI is a an emerging technique that leverage the server to build the user interfaces of their mobile app
  • dokar3/ExpandableText - A small library to display expandable texts in Jetpack Compose.
  • dokar3/compose-sonner - An opinionated toast component for Compose Multiplatform.
  • dokar3/sheets - Another feature-rich bottom sheet for Compose Multiplatform.
  • dotanuki-labs/android-archives-watchdog - A tool to shift-left sensitive changes on your Android deployable archives
  • drawers/abecedary - A set of lint rules for ordering Kotlin enums, sealed classes, and more
  • dropbox/dependency-guard - A Gradle plugin that guards against unintentional dependency changes.
  • dropbox/focus - A Gradle plugin that helps you speed up builds by excluding unnecessary modules.
  • dropbox/kaiken - User scoping library for Android applications.
  • duanhong169/DrawableToolbox - ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ The missing drawable toolbox for Android. Create drawables programmatically and get rid of the boring and always repeated drawable.xml files.
  • dzmpr/trckr - Kotlin Symbol Processor to simplify analytics tracking.
  • ehsannarmani/ComposeCharts - Animated & Flexible Practical Charts For Jetpack Compose
  • ehsunshine/colored-time-selector - A smart colored time selector. Users can select just free time with a handy colorful range selector.
  • emirhanemmez/MultiStepsProgressBar - A customizable onboarding progressbar component
  • enginebai/AndroidBase - Android project template for Gradle Kotlin DSL + 100% Kotlin + Base module + Extensions = โค๏ธ
  • enginebai/MovieHunt - Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava, Jetpack Compose (implementing), Android Architecture Components and Coroutine (Upcoming).
  • erdo/n8 - state based navigation library
  • erfansn/NsmaVPN - ๐ŸŒŽ Access to freedom in the internet world only with one switch!
  • erfansn/SiliconeCalculator - ๐ŸŽจ Simple but attractive graphic a calculator built with Jetpack Compose
  • erikc5000/island-time - A Kotlin Multiplatform library for working with dates and times
  • erolaksoy/compose-impression - A library provides a way to track impressions of items in a lazy list with Jetpack Compose.
  • esafirm/universal-router - โ†ฉ๏ธ Router for every occasions
  • evant/compose-collapsable - A generic collapsable implementation with dragging and nested scrolling support
  • eygraber/jsonapi-kotlin - A Kotlin Multiplatform kotlinx.serialization library for working with JSON:API
  • ezralazuardy/bookstore - ๐Ÿ“š Book Store Android App intended for study purpose at Cilsy Sekolah Mobile
  • ezralazuardy/orb - Android network monitoring made easy ๐ŸŽ‰๏ธ
  • facebookincubator/dataclassgenerate - DataClassGenerate (or simply DCG) is a Kotlin compiler plugin that addresses an Android APK size overhead from Kotlin data classes.
  • farimarwat/ANR-Spy - Android ANR Spy is an android ANR sdk/library for detecting android ANR (Application Not Responding)
  • feelsoftware/FeelFine - Activity tracker app
  • fennifith/Attribouter - A lightweight "about screen" library to allow quick but customizable attribution in Android apps.
  • ferPrieto/MVVM-Modularized - A clean architecture approach (modular) using MVVM, Dagger2, LiveData and RxAndroid
  • flamingo-ux/flamingo-android - Android implementation of the Flamingo Design System
  • flavioarfaria/Catalog - Generate type-safe, user-friendly extensions to resolve Android resources.
  • flixclusiveorg/Flixclusive - A jetpack compose media3 player application
  • fondesa/recycler-view-divider - A library which configures a divider for a RecyclerView.
  • fork-handles/forkhandles - Foundational libraries for Kotlin
  • fornewid/material-motion-compose - Material Motion for Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform
  • futuredapp/donut - Doughnut-like graph view capable of displaying multiple datasets with assignable colors
  • futuredapp/sheet-happens - Gradle plugin for generating Android / KMP string resources from Google Spreadsheets.
  • gautam84/Foodike - ๐Ÿ” Foodike is a simple, easy-to-use food delivery app. It is built using Android-Jetpack Compose and is built on the principle of MVVM with Modern Android Architecture Components.
  • gcaguilar/beers-kmp - Alternative untappd client for Android and Desktop using Jetpack Compose Multiplatform & Kotlin Multiplatform
  • getspherelabs/blahblah - Blah-Blah generates fake data for robust testing and developmental purposes
  • getspherelabs/buildable - Buildable is a code generation tool that automates the creation of mappers, factories, and state classes for Kotlin
  • gmazzo/gradle-buildconfig-plugin - A plugin for generating BuildConstants for any kind of Gradle projects: Java, Kotlin, Groovy, etc. Designed for KTS scripts.
  • google/modernstorage - ModernStorage is a group of libraries that provide an abstraction layer over storage on Android to simplify its interactions
  • google/secrets-gradle-plugin - A Gradle plugin for providing your secrets to your Android project.
  • gotev/android-cookie-store - Android InMemory and persistent Cookie Store for HttpURLConnection and OkHttp, with extensions to easily sync cookies in Android WebViews.
  • gotev/android-upload-service - Easily upload files (Multipart/Binary/FTP out of the box) in the background with progress notification. Support for persistent upload requests, customizations and custom plugins.
  • grarcht/Shuttle - Shuttle provides a modern, guarded way to pass large Serializable objects with Intents or saving them in Bundle objects to avoid app crashes from TransactionTooLargeExceptions.
  • grofers/droid-dex - Classification and Analysis of Android Device Performance
  • gruffins/birch-android - Remote logger used with the Birch logging platform
  • guichristovao/poke-themes - An Android project to showcase a multi-brand design system.
  • hadiyarajesh/flower - Flower simplifies networking and database caching on Android/Multiplatform.
  • hannesstruss/unearthed - Track process deaths in Android apps
  • haroldadmin/WhatTheStack - See a pretty error screen when your Android app crashes
  • haroldadmin/lucilla - Fast, efficient, in-memory Full Text Search for Kotlin
  • hasanalic/E-Commerce - This project is an example e-commerce mobile application developed following Clean Architecture principles and using the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture.
  • hashlin/rally - Unofficial Implementation of Material Studies
  • hbb20/AndroidCountryPicker - Android Country Picker is a Kotlin-first, flexible and powerful Android library that allows to integrate Country Picker with just a few lines.
  • hexagontk/codecv - Manage your resume as structured data: CV format specification and tools to manage CV documents.
  • hexascribe/chatbot-builder - ChatBot Builder is a kotlin compose multiplatform library that you can seamlessly customize the Chat UI to match the look and feel of your application, while also having the ability to define specific instructions for the bot's behavior.
  • hi-manshu/Charty - Chart Library built using Jetpack Compose and is highly customizable. Now with Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) support!
  • hi-manshu/Kalendar - Kalendar is a powerful and customizable calendar library for Android applications. It provides a flexible and intuitive way to display and interact with calendars in your app. With Kalendar, you can easily render calendar views, handle date selection, pagination, and range selection, and customize the layout to match your app's design.
  • hieuwu/android-groceries-store - A Groceries Store app with basic order flow. ๐Ÿ• Help you learn modern Android development skills in real production environment. โค๏ธ
  • hitanshu-dhawan/McCompose - ๐Ÿ”ใ…คA McDonaldโ€™s app built with Jetpack Compose
  • hoc081098/FlowExt - FlowExt | Kotlinx Coroutines Flow Extensions | Kotlinx Coroutines Flow Extensions. Extensions to the Kotlin Flow library | kotlin-flow-extensions | Coroutines Flow Extensions | Kotlin Flow extensions | kotlin flow extensions | Flow extensions
  • iSoron/uhabits - Loop Habit Tracker, a mobile app for creating and maintaining long-term positive habits
  • iamjosephmj/Raccoon - Raccoon is a lightweight response mocking framework that can be easily integrated into the Android UI tests.
  • iamjosephmj/flinger - Lightweight library to tweak the fling behaviour in Android. This library is only compatible with Jetpack-Compose.
  • iamnaran/beetle - A Wear Os App with Jetpack Compose - beetle
  • iamnaran/firefly-compose - A Jetpack Compose Beginner Series App Android | Compose | MVVM | Hilt | Room
  • ibenabdallah/the-movie-db - The Movie BD : Android ๐Ÿ“ฑ, iOS ๐Ÿ“ฑ and wearOS โŒš application built with Kotlin Multiplatform, Compose Multiplatform with MVVM, Clean Architecture recommended by Google
  • ibrahimsn98/Freya - A lightweight, simplified form validation library for Android
  • ibrahimsn98/SmoothBottomBar - A lightweight Android material bottom navigation bar library
  • idapgroup/ArgumentDelegate - Property binding for Android Bundle arguments.
  • idisfkj/android-startup - ๐Ÿ”ฅThe Android Startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at the application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use Android Startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.
  • igorescodro/alkaa - Kotlin multiplatform app to manage your tasks
  • igorwojda/android-showcase - ๐Ÿ’Ž Android application following best practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack, Clean Architecture, Feature Modules, Tests, MVVM, DI, Static Analysis...
  • igorwojda/kotlin-coding-challenges - ๐Ÿงฉ Kotlin coding puzzle and solutions
  • infinum/Android-GoldenEye - A wrapper for Camera1 and Camera2 API which exposes simple to use interface.
  • infinum/Retromock - Java library for mocking responses in a Retrofit service.
  • infinum/android-collar - Gradle plugin which collects all analytics screen names, events and user properties for Android projects.
  • infinum/android-sentinel - Sentinel is a simple one screen UI which provides a standardised entry point for tools used in development and QA alongside device, application and permissions data.
  • inshiro/skate - Android fragment stack controller
  • int02h/primaree - A simple library for safe initialization of multi-process Android applications
  • ioki-mobility/TextRef - An abstraction over Android strings with formatting support
  • isaac-udy/Enro - A simple navigation library for Android ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ
  • ismaeldivita/change-tracker-plugin - A Gradle plugin to help analyse the dependency between modules and run tasks only on modules impacted by specific set of changes.
  • ismaeldivita/chip-navigation-bar - An android navigation bar widget
  • ismai117/DroidJobsKMP - DroidJobsKMP: Your Android job finder built using Compose Multiplatform, Koin, Androidx ViewModel, Androidx Navigation, and Material 3
  • iurysza/module-graph - A Gradle Plugin for visualizing your project's structure, powered by mermaidjs
  • j-roskopf/ComposeGuard - A Gradle plugin for detecting regressions in Jetpack Compose / Compose Multiplatform
  • j-roskopf/ModuleMakerPlugin - Android Studio / IntelliJ plugin for creating modules
  • j-roskopf/SyncSphere - Sync Sphere - Compose multiplatform project targeting iOS, Android, and Desktop for planning get togethers with friends
  • jacobras/Human-Readable - A small set of data formatting utilities for Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP).
  • jaredsburrows/android-gif-search - Gif LazyVerticalGrid MVVM using Dagger 2 + Hilt with Retrofit 2, Moshi, Kotlin Coroutines, JUnit, Espresso and Robolectric tests!
  • jarvislin/HackerNews-KMP - This is a Hacker News reader app implemented using Kotlin Multiplatform Compose for Android and iOS.
  • jasmingrbo/internet-availability - An Android library that allows for internet availability observation
  • jd1378/otphelper - open-source application that can copy OTP and codes from notifications automatically for you
  • jdamcd/material-sudoku - Sudoku made for Android
  • jeziellago/compose-markdown - Markdown Text for Android Jetpack Compose ๐Ÿ“‹.
  • jguerinet/Suitcase - Android utility classes that I use in most of my Android projects
  • jisungbin/ComposeInvestigator - Trace the recomposition of a Composable with its cause without boilerplate code ๐Ÿ˜Ž.
  • joaquim-verges/Helium - Lightweight, Intuitive Framework for Android
  • joelkanyi/FocusBloom - A Kotlin Multiplatform app that helps users enhance their productivity and time management skills through focused work intervals and short breaks.
  • joelkanyi/kompose-country-code-picker - Kompose Country Code Picker is a Jetpack Compose library based on Material 3 (M3) that provides a country code picker for Android apps.
  • jordond/MaterialKolor - ๐ŸŽจ A Compose multiplatform library for generating dynamic Material3 color schemes from a seed color
  • jordond/connectivity - ๐Ÿ›œ Kotlin Multiplatform library for monitoring network connectivity
  • jordond/transformerKt - ๐Ÿ”ง A Kotlin coroutine wrapper around Media3's Transformer API.
  • joreilly/ClimateTraceKMP - Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform project to show climate related emission data from
  • joreilly/Confetti - KMP/ CMP GraphQL based conference project with Jetpack Compose Android, Compose for Wear, Compose Multiplatform and SwiftUI iOS clients along with GraphQL backend.
  • joreilly/PeopleInSpace - Kotlin Multiplatform sample with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear, Compose for Desktop, and Compose for Web clients along with Ktor backend.
  • jwstegemann/fritz2 - Easily build reactive web-apps in Kotlin based on flows and coroutines.
  • kaleidot725/ScrcpyHub - ScrcpyHub is a GUI application to use scrcpy. scrcpy is a tool to mirror the android screen. (Scrcpy GUI)
  • karmarama/nearbyPong - Android game which uses Nearby API to play remotely with other player with no connection
  • kaszabimre/EAPlayers - EAPlayers is a Kotlin Multiplatform project utilizing Compose Multiplatform to deliver a native app experience for Android, iOS, and desktop.
  • kevincianfarini/cardiologist - Build job schedules with kotlinx-datetime and kotlinx-coroutines
  • khushpanchal/EventKT - ๐Ÿš€ EventKT is an Android tracking library that efficiently group events and implements disk caching to safeguard against crashes, providing insightful analytics for app performance and user behaviour. ๐Ÿš€
  • khushpanchal/Ketch - An Android File downloader library based on WorkManager with pause and resume support.
  • kirmanak/Mealient - An Android client for a self-hosted recipe manager Mealie.
  • kishandonga/EasyPrefs - EasyPrefs is a wrapper on the android shared preferences, also it will need only one-time initialization and used in the whole project without context, it supports encryption and decryption with extended APIs.
  • kiwicom/orbit-compose - Android Jetpack Compose components of open-source Orbit design system by
  • kizitonwose/Calendar - A highly customizable calendar view and compose library for Android and Kotlin Multiplatform.
  • klogging/klogging - Kotlin logging library with structured logging and coroutines support
  • kojofosu/PasswordValidationView - Android UI component to validate passwords.
  • kojofosu/Quantitizer - โœจ A quantity stepper for android projects
  • kojofosu/SplitButton - A dual-function menu button that offers a default action as well as the possibility of choosing a different action by selecting from a set of alternatives.
  • kool-engine/kool - An OpenGL / WebGPU engine for Desktop JVM, Android and Javascript written in Kotlin
  • kopykat-kt/kopykat - Little utilities for more pleasant immutable data in Kotlin
  • korlibs/korge - KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
  • korsumaki/wifi-radar - Wifi Radar is application which create map based on Wifi signal strength
  • kosi-libs/Canard - Kotlin/Multiplatform lightweight logging library.
  • kostasdrakonakis/android_navigator - Android Intents made easy!!!
  • kotest/kotest - Powerful, elegant and flexible test framework for Kotlin with assertions, property testing and data driven tests.
  • kotlinization/kotlin-mqtt-client - Simple Kotlin library for connecting to MQTT server.
  • kroegerama/magic-catalogs - Dependency versions for modern android applications
  • krossovochkin/chess.kt - Kotlin multiplatform chess backend
  • krud-dev/shapeshift - A Kotlin/Java library for intelligent object mapping and conversion between objects.
  • krzdabrowski/android-starter-2022 - Clean Android multi-module offline-first scalable app in 2022. Including Jetpack Compose (with tests), MVI, Material 3, Kotlin coroutines/Flow, Kotlin serialization, Hilt, Room, JUnit5, Turbine, MockK, GitHub Actions, Renovate, KtLint and Detekt.
  • kwebio/kweb-core - A Kotlin web framework
  • kylecorry31/Trail-Sense - An Android app that uses your phone's sensors to assist with wilderness treks or survival situations.
  • l7naive/pattern-lock - Awesome pattern lock view for android written in kotlin.
  • leandroBorgesFerreira/LoadingButtonAndroid - A button to substitute the ProgressDialog
  • leavesCZY/compose-multiplatform-tetris - compose multiplatform ๅฎž็Žฐไธ€ไธช Android + windows + macOS + linux ไฟ„็ฝ—ๆ–ฏๆ–นๅ—
  • leonard-palm/compose-state-events - A new way to implement One-Time-UI-Events (former SingleLiveEvent) in a Compose world.
  • line/feature-flag-android - A Gradle plugin to achieve feature flag based development for Android applications.
  • line/lich - A library collection that enhances the development of Android apps.
  • littlektframework/littlekt - A multiplatform WebGPU 2D game framework written in Kotlin. Build your own game engine on top.
  • littlerobots/version-catalog-update-plugin - Gradle plugin for updating a project version catalog
  • lopspower/CleanRxArchitecture - Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api ๐Ÿš€
  • lorenzovngl/FoodExpirationDates - ๐Ÿ“ฑ Android app to track food expiration dates ๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ›๐ŸŽ. Built with Jetpack Compose ๐Ÿงฉ, MVVM ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ, Room ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ, and Material You ๐ŸŽจ.
  • lriccardo/TimelineView - A customizable and easy-to-use Timeline View library for Android. Works as a RecyclerView decorator (ItemDecoration)
  • lukwol/navigation - Simple navigation in Compose Multiplatform apps
  • mahozad/comshot - Capture screenshot of Composables and Views (multiplatform)
  • malloth/latte - Lightweight UI testing framework for Android
  • mannodermaus/android-junit5 - Testing with JUnit 5 for Android.
  • mapbox/mapbox-navigation-android - Mapbox Navigation SDK for Android
  • marcauberer/simple-settings - โš™๏ธ Simple Settings library for Android
  • marcoscgdev/DialogSheet - An Android library to create fully material designed bottom dialogs similar to the Android Pay app.
  • mars885/hilt-binder - An annotating processing library that automatically generates Dagger Hilt's @Binds methods.
  • martinbonnin/AppReviewsToSlack - Use the Google Play developer and itunes APIs to send your app reviews to an incoming slack webhook.
  • massivemadness/Fragula - ๐Ÿง› Fragula is a swipe-to-dismiss extension for navigation component library for Android
  • massivemadness/Squircle-CE - ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Squircle CE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android
  • material-components/material-components-android-examples - Companion example apps and code for MDC-Android.
  • maxkeppeler/sheets - โญ โ€Žโ€Žโ€Žโ€โ€โ€Ž โ€ŽOffers a range of beautiful sheets (dialogs & bottom sheets) for quick use in your project. Includes many ways to customize sheets.
  • mayokunadeniyi/Instant-Weather - An Android weather application implemented using the MVVM pattern, Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, LiveData, ViewModel, Coroutines, Room, Navigation Components, Data Binding and some other libraries from the Android Jetpack.
  • measure-sh/measure - Measure is an open-source tool to monitor mobile apps. We connect the dots between user actions, app events, network calls, logs, and errors to make debugging production issues easy! Letโ€™s build better mobile apps togetherโ€”star the repo to support โญ
  • meenbeese/Chronos - A simple alarm clock focused on simplicity, usability and modern design.
  • mfwgenerics/kapshot - Kotlin Compiler Plugin for source capture
  • mfwgenerics/markout - Kotlin DSL for Markdown and file trees
  • mhss1/MyBrain - All-in-one productivity app and AI assistant with Tasks, Notes, Calendar, Diary and Bookmarks.
  • michaelbull/kotlin-inline-logger - A logger facilitating lazily-evaluated log calls via Kotlin's inline classes & functions.
  • mikepenz/AboutLibraries - AboutLibraries automatically collects all dependencies and licenses of any gradle project (Kotlin MultiPlatform), and provides easy to integrate UI components for Android and Compose-jb environments
  • mikepenz/Android-Iconics - Android-Iconics - Use any icon font, or vector (.svg) as drawable in your application.
  • mikepenz/FastAdapter - The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
  • mikepenz/multiplatform-markdown-renderer - Markdown renderer for Kotlin Multiplatform Projects (Android, iOS, Desktop), using Compose.
  • minibugdev/DrawableBadge - Drawable Badge is an Android library for adding badges to drawables.
  • minibugdev/SheetSelection - An Android library for display list and be able to select the item as BottomSheet.
  • mirzemehdi/FindTravelNow-KMM - FindTravelNow - metasearch travel application that is available both in iOS and Android store developed with Kotlin Multiplatform + Compose Multiplatform.
  • mmobin789/pixel - A lightweight image loader for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
  • mobile-dev-inc/Maestro - Painless Mobile UI Automation
  • mobilejazz/harmony-kotlin - Harmony framework for Kotlin
  • mockito/mockito-kotlin - Using Mockito with Kotlin
  • mockk/mockk - mocking library for Kotlin
  • mohitsoni48/aDp - This library is used in jetpack compose to overcome UI differences in different android devices for same code.
  • mohsenoid/Android-PiP - Android Picture-in-Picture feature helper library
  • mohsenoid/SOTI-IMEI - An Android app that receives IMEI on a SOTI managed device from MobiControl agent
  • mori-atsushi/kotlin-cacheable - An annotation-based caching library for Kotlin Multiplatform
  • mpetuska/gradle-kotlin-delegates - Various kotlin delegates to manage lazy gradle properties
  • mr3y-the-programmer/Ludi - ๐ŸŽฎ Catch up with the latest gaming news, Discover new games, and much more. ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ
  • mrHerintsoaHasina/picassiette - A light-weight library to make asynchronous call from a RecyclerView (or ListView) and receive result correctly on the item view.
  • msasikanth/twine - Twine: A multiplatform RSS reader built using Kotlin and Compose
  • msoultanidis/quillnote - Take beautiful markdown notes and stay organized with task lists.
  • mtcn/MotionLayoutExamples - ๐Ÿ†’ Motion layout animation examples
  • muchaisam/BaoBuzz - BaoBuzz: A cutting-edge Android live score app built with Kotlin, Jetpack compose, Firebase, and modern Android development practices. Features real-time updates, personalized experiences, and a sleek Material Design 3 interface. Perfect for sports enthusiasts and showcasing advanced Android development skills.
  • mueller-ma/TabletopTools - Handy tool collection for tabletop games
  • mumayank/AirLocation -
  • mustafayigitt/validator - Notify type based validation for input fields.
  • mwarning/trigger - Android app to lock/unlock/ring doors. Supports generic HTTPS/SSH/Bluetooth/MQTT and Nuki Smartlock.
  • mykola-kichatov/android-clean-template - It's a typical list-detail app. Simple Android app template utilizing Jetpack Compose, suitable for creating general Android native apps
  • nacular/doodle - A pure Kotlin UI framework for the Web and Desktop.
  • nameisjayant/composeOneScreens - Aim of this repository is to design single screen page UIS with Jetpack Compose (more focus on the complex ui's).
  • naverz/Antonio - Android library for the adapter view (RecyclerView, ViewPager, ViewPager2)
  • ncapdevi/FragNav - An Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments
  • ndenicolais/Stopwatch - Android application built with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose that allows you to time the time spent in a certain activity. Time can be started, stopped and resumed.
  • nesk/akkurate - The expressive validation library for Kotlin
  • nicolashaan/resultat - Resultat is kotlin.Result with a loading state
  • nikbulavin/flick - ๐ŸŽฌ A movie app built entirely with Jetpack Compose and Material 3
  • nikhilpanju/Tablespoon - Bind attributes easily in your custom views using annotations.
  • nikit19/ScreenshotDetector - A demo app to show how to detect screenshots taken by the user while using the app
  • nikoarap/compose-kit - An easy-to-use, essential toolkit for Jetpack Compose, built to help you create beautiful, consistent user interfaces following Material3 guidelines and styles
  • nilsjr/Snappy - ๐Ÿ“ธ Android CameraX Library
  • nitrico/LastAdapter - Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!
  • nomemory/mapneat - MapNeat is a JVM library written in Kotlin that provides an easy to use DSL (Domain Specific Language) for transforming JSON to JSON, XML to JSON, POJO to JSON in a declarative way.
  • novumlogic/BookMatch -
  • odaridavid/Design-Pattern-Samples-App - ๐ŸŽจ Exploring creational,structural and behavioral design patterns using Kotlin
  • okwrtdsh/NearByTest - Kotlin Android Example Using Nearby Connections API
  • oneHamidreza/Meow-Framework-MVVM - Develop MVVM & Material Android App Easy
  • onseok/peekaboo - ๐ŸŒ„ Kotlin Multiplatform library for Compose Multiplatform, designed for seamless integration of an image picker feature in iOS and Android applications.
  • openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-androidapp - (Legacy) Native version of Open Food Facts on Android - Coders & Decoders welcome ๐Ÿคณ๐Ÿฅซ
  • orbit-mvi/orbit-mvi - A simple MVI framework for Kotlin Multiplatform and Android
  • osamaalek/Kiosk-Launcher - Kiosk Launcher for android devices
  • oshai/kotlin-logging - Lightweight Multiplatform logging framework for Kotlin. A convenient and performant logging facade.
  • osipxd/encrypted-datastore - Extensions to store DataStore in EncryptedFile
  • oss-bandb/GraphView - Android GraphView is used to display data in graph structures.
  • ozh-dev/recycler-decorator-library-sample -
  • ozontech/kelp - Kelp is an Android Studio plugin that enhances support for custom design systems written using Jetpack Compose
  • p-lr/MapCompose - A fast, memory efficient Jetpack Compose library to display tiled maps, with support for markers, paths, and rotation.
  • p-lr/MapView - A Fast, memory efficient Android library to display tiled maps, with support for markers, paths, and rotation.
  • pandulapeter/beagle - A smart, reliable, and highly customizable debug menu library for Android apps that supports screen recording, network activity logging, and many other useful features.
  • panpf/zoomimage - ZoomImage is an gesture zoom viewing of images library specially designed for Compose Multiplatform and Android View. Supported scale, pan, locate, rotation, and super-large image subsampling.
  • patrykandpatrick/vico - A powerful and extensible multiplatform chart library.
  • pedroql/mvflow - Simple Android MVI architecture using Kotlin Flows
  • pedrovgs/Shot - Screenshot testing library for Android
  • pgreze/kyper - Functional Kotlin friendly way to create command line applications.
  • phansier/Coffeegram - Android, Desktop, iOS apps using Jetpack & Multiplatform Compose
  • plnice/can-i-drop-jetifier - Gradle plugin that checks if there are dependencies using support library instead of AndroidX.
  • popovanton0/Blueprint - ๐Ÿ“ Visualize the dimensions of your composables on a blueprint!
  • popovanton0/kira - ๐ŸŽ›๏ธ Automatically generates UI which allows users to call any function (including composable ones) with any parameter values. Useful for building demo screens in playground apps of design systems
  • prashant17d97/LogKat -
  • prof18/RSS-Parser - A Kotlin Multiplatform library to parse a RSS Feed
  • programadorthi/synthetic-to-viewbinding - A Intellij plugin to migrate Kotlin synthetics to Jetpack view binding
  • pushpalroy/JetDraggableIndicators - An Instagram-like draggable indicators for Image carousels in Compose
  • pyamsoft/cachify - Simple in-memory caching of all the things
  • radoyankov/valigator - Validation tools for EditText fields
  • rafaelfelipeac/Improov - A app for register and achieve goals developed with Kotlin, MVVM, Coroutines, Kotlin Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, Navigation) and Dagger2.
  • rafi0101/Android-Room-Database-Backup - Simple tool to backup and restore your room database in Android
  • rafsanjani/datepickertimeline - Linear date picker for Jetpack compose
  • raheemadamboev/image-compression-worker - A simple app that demonstrates compressing images coming from other apps using Jetpack WorkManager
  • raheemadamboev/image-radio-button-android - ๐Ÿ“ป Light library for custom radio button with image functionality
  • raheemadamboev/notepad-app - โœ๏ธ "Notepad" app demonstrates modern Android app development with Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Material3, Coroutines, Flows, Room based on MVVM architecture
  • raheemadamboev/pin-lock-compose - ๐Ÿ” Light library that is beautiful Pin Lock screen for Jetpack Compose
  • raheemadamboev/timer-flow - โณ๏ธ Light library that gives you timer functionality and exposes Kotlin Flow
  • rainbowcake/rainbowcake - A modern Android architecture framework built on Jetpack & Kotlin.
  • realm/realm-kotlin - Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.
  • realpacific/algorithms - A collection of solutions to the data structure and algorithm problems
  • redundent/kotlin-xml-builder - A lightweight type safe builder to build xml documents in Kotlin
  • rektplorer64/ITCS424-PJ_Diaryly - A simple Android diary app implemented using Kotlin and incorporated many modern Android implementation patterns such as MVVM, RxKotlin, Room Database, Material Design Components, Firebase, and more!
  • rektplorer64/picker-kt - Media picker library powered by Jetpack Compose.
  • respawn-app/KMPUtils - A collection of everything missing from the Kotlin Multiplatform Standard Library
  • rickbusarow/ModuleCheck - Fast dependency graph validation for Gradle
  • rive-app/rive-android - A runtime for interactive graphics and animations on Android
  • rizmaulana/compose-stacked-snackbar - Stacked Snackbar for Compose Multiplatform (Android, iOS and Desktop)
  • rjaros/kilua - Composable web framework for Kotlin/Wasm and Kotlin/JS
  • rjaros/kilua-rpc - Fullstack RPC library for Kotlin/Wasm and Kotlin/JS
  • robertlevonyan/material-expansion-panel - Expansion panels contain creation flows and allow lightweight editing of an element.
  • robertlevonyan/permissions-flow - A simple library to make it easy requesting permissions in Android using Kotlin Coroutines.
  • robfletcher/strikt - An assertion library for Kotlin
  • rodion-gudz/Android-Tool - Program, created to make popular adb and fastboot commands easier to use
  • rommansabbir/NetworkX - ๐Ÿ…ฝ๐Ÿ…ด๐Ÿ†ƒ๐Ÿ††๐Ÿ…พ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ…บ๐Ÿ†‡ An easy & handy library to monitor device internet connection status.
  • rongi/klaster - Declare RecyclerView adapters in a functional way, without boilerplate and subclassing. No compromises on flexibility. If it's possible to do something by subclassing, it's possible to do it with this library.
  • rosuH/AndroidFilePicker - FilePicker is a small and fast file selector library that is constantly evolving with the goal of rapid integration, high customization, and configurability~
  • rosuH/EasyWatermark - ๐Ÿ”’ ๐Ÿ–ผ Securely, easily add a watermark to your sensitive photos. ๅฎ‰ๅ…จใ€็ฎ€ๅ•ๅœฐไธบไฝ ็š„ๆ•ๆ„Ÿ็…ง็‰‡ๆทปๅŠ ๆฐดๅฐ๏ผŒ้˜ฒๆญข่ขซๅฐไบบๆณ„้œฒใ€ๅˆฉ็”จ
  • rozPierog/Cofi - Free and open-source coffee brew timer. Customizable time settings and an easy-to-use interface. Perfect cup every time.
  • rubensousa/Decorator - Decorator is an Android library that helps creating composable margins and dividers in RecyclerViews
  • rumboalla/apkupdater - APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed apps.
  • ryanw-mobile/FusedUserPreferences - Template data source for both SharedPreferences and DataStore implementation
  • ryanw-mobile/OctoMeter - ๐Ÿ”ฅKotlin Multiplatform Desktop/Android/iOS Energy Tracker app
  • ryanw-mobile/XLauncherIcons - Sample App: Changing Launcher Icon Programmatically
  • sagar-viradiya/callback-ktx - Extension functions over Android's callback-based APIs which allows writing them in a sequential way within coroutines or observe multiple callbacks through kotlin flow.
  • sagardhadke/LockQR - LockQR: Effortless QR Code Generation, Free and Shareable
  • saket/byte-size - Units for representing SI and IEC bytes and bits, inspired by kotlin.time.Duration and jakewharton/byteunits.
  • saket/cascade - Nested popup menus with smooth height animations for Android
  • saket/swipe - Swipe gesture actions for Compose UI
  • saket/telephoto - Building blocks for designing media experiences in Compose UI
  • saket/unfurl - Generate link previews, inspired by Slack.
  • sangcomz/FishBun - ๐ŸกFishBun is Image Picker for android.
  • santalu/maskara - A simple way to format text fields without getting affected by input filters
  • santalu/textmatcher - A simple text watcher that matches specific targets like mention or hashtag in a string by defining rules
  • saschpe/Log4K - Lightweight logging library for Kotlin/Multiplatform. Supports Android, iOS, JavaScript and plain JVM environments.
  • saveourtool/diktat - Strict coding standard for Kotlin and a custom set of rules for detecting code smells, code style issues and bugs
  • savepopulation/gadget - Gadget is a library that makes analytics tracking easier for android apps
  • scavazzini/clevent - Clevent is an Android application developed for a Research that uses NFC technology to create a prepaid system using NDEF tags
  • sczerwinski/android-charts - Charts for Android
  • sczerwinski/android-room - Extensions for Jetpack Room
  • sebaslogen/resaca - Compose Multiplatform library to scope ViewModels to a Composable, surviving configuration changes and navigation
  • seljabali/java-time-fun - java.time Kotlin extension functions library.
  • sephiroth74/Material-BottomNavigation - Bottom Navigation widget component inspired by the Google Material Design Guidelines at
  • serbelga/Todometer-KMP - A meter to-do list built with Compose UI Multiplatform, Wear Compose, SQLDelight, Koin Multiplatform, Glance, ...
  • sergio-sastre/AndroidUiTestingUtils - A set of TestRules, ActivityScenarios and utils to facilitate UI and screenshot testing under given configurations: FontSizes, Locales...
  • sergio11/fitflextv_android - FitFlexTV is a home workout app ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ offering personalized plans and progress tracking. It uses Firebase ๐Ÿ”ฅ for real-time data and secure authentication, with Clean Architecture and MVI pattern ๐Ÿ›๏ธ, and Jetpack Compose for TV ๐Ÿ“บ for a reusable UI.
  • serpro69/kotlin-faker - Port of a popular ruby faker gem written in kotlin. Generate realistically looking fake data such as names, addresses, banking details, and many more, that can be used for testing and data anonymization purposes.
  • side-codes/Android-Color-Picker - Color picker library for Android
  • sidhuparas/TickingTimer - Android Library to implement visual timer quickly, easily and effortlessly
  • siper/Youamp - Material You android player for subsonic music stream servers written with jetpack compose
  • siralam/LoopingViewPager - A ViewPager and PagerAdapter combination that support auto scroll, infinite loop and page indicators.
  • skrapeit/ - A Kotlin-based testing/scraping/parsing library providing the ability to analyze and extract data from HTML (server & client-side rendered). It places particular emphasis on ease of use and a high level of readability by providing an intuitive DSL. It aims to be a testing lib, but can also be used to scrape websites in a convenient fashion.
  • skydoves/AndroidBottomBar - ๐Ÿซ A lightweight bottom navigation view, fully customizable with an indicator and animations.
  • skydoves/AndroidVeil - ๐ŸŽญ An easy and flexible way to implement loading skeletons and shimmering effects on layouts for Android.
  • skydoves/Balloon - ๐ŸŽˆ Modernized and sophisticated tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.
  • skydoves/Chamber - โš–๏ธ A lightweight Android lifecycle-aware and thread-safe pipeline for communicating between components with custom scopes.
  • skydoves/DoubleLift - ๐Ÿฆ‹ Expands and collapses a layout horizontally and vertically sequentially.
  • skydoves/ElasticViews - โœจ An easy way to implement an elastic touch effect for Android.
  • skydoves/ExpandableLayout - ๐Ÿฆš An expandable layout that shows a two-level layout with an indicator.
  • skydoves/FlexibleBottomSheet - ๐Ÿฌ Advanced Compose Multiplatform bottom sheet for segmented sizing, non-modal type, and allows interaction behind the bottom sheet similar to Google Maps.
  • skydoves/Flourish - ๐ŸŽฉ Flourish implements dynamic ways to show up and dismiss layouts with animations.
  • skydoves/Needs - ๐ŸŒ‚ An easy way to implement modern permission instructions popup.
  • skydoves/Only - ๐Ÿ’ An easy way to persist and run code block only as many times as necessary on Android.
  • skydoves/Orbital - ๐Ÿช Jetpack Compose Multiplatform library that allows you to implement dynamic transition animations such as shared element transitions.
  • skydoves/Pokedex - ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Pokedex demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
  • skydoves/PowerSpinner - ๐ŸŒ€ A lightweight dropdown popup spinner, fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Android.
  • skydoves/ProgressView - ๐ŸŒŠ A polished and flexible ProgressView, fully customizable with animations.
  • skydoves/Submarine - ๐Ÿšค Floating navigation view for displaying a list of items dynamically on Android.
  • skydoves/TransformationLayout - ๐ŸŒ  Transform between two Views, Activities, and Fragments, or a View to a Fragment with container transform animations for Android.
  • skydoves/android-developer-roadmap - ๐Ÿ—บ The Android Developer Roadmap offers comprehensive learning paths to help you understand Android ecosystems.
  • skydoves/colorpicker-compose - ๐ŸŽจ Kotlin Multiplatform color picker library for getting colors from any images by tapping on the desired color.
  • skydoves/landscapist - ๐ŸŒป A pluggable, highly optimized Jetpack Compose and Kotlin Multiplatform image loading library that fetches and displays network images with Glide, Coil, and Fresco.
  • skydoves/pokedex-compose - ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ Pokedex Compose demonstrates modern Android development with Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Material Design based on MVVM architecture.
  • skydoves/sandwich - ๐Ÿฅช Sandwich is an adaptable and lightweight sealed API library designed for handling API responses and exceptions in Kotlin for Retrofit, Ktor, and Kotlin Multiplatform.
  • skydoves/sealedx - ๐ŸŽฒ Kotlin Symbol Processor that auto-generates extensive sealed classes and interfaces for Android and Kotlin.
  • skydoves/snitcher - ๐Ÿฆ‰ Snitcher captures global crashes, enabling easy redirection to the exception tracing screen for swift recovery.
  • skydoves/viewmodel-lifecycle - ๐ŸŒณ ViewModel Lifecycle allows you to track and observe Jetpack's ViewModel lifecycle changes.
  • slackhq/EitherNet - A multiplatform, pluggable, and sealed API result type for modeling network API responses.
  • slackhq/circuit - โšก๏ธ A Compose-driven architecture for Kotlin and Android applications.
  • slackhq/compose-lints - Lint checks to aid with a healthy adoption of Compose
  • snappdevelopment/JsonTree - A Compose Multiplatform library for pretty Json in Compose
  • snappdevelopment/Kommute - Monitor your android apps network traffic for debugging
  • sokomishalov/skraper - Kotlin/Java library and cli tool for scraping posts and media from various sources with neither authorization nor full page rendering (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok, Telegram, Twitch, Reddit, 9GAG, Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr, Coub, Vimeo, IFunny, VK, Odnoklassniki, Pikabu)
  • solrudev/Ackpine - Android package installer library
  • sparrow007/CarouselRecyclerview - Carousel Recyclerview let's you create carousel layout with the power of recyclerview by creating custom layout manager.
  • speekha/httpmocker - HttpMocker is a simple HTTP mocking library written in Kotlin to quickly and easily handle offline modes in your apps
  • sphrak/Either - โ˜ฏ๏ธ Either type for Kotlin
  • spotify/ruler - Gradle plugin which helps you analyze the size of your Android apps.
  • square/curtains - Lift the curtain on Android Windows!
  • square/logcat - I CAN HAZ LOGZ?
  • st235/ExpandableBottomBar - A new way to implement navigation in your app ๐ŸŽ
  • stantanasi/streamflix - An Android TV and mobile app to stream movies and TV shows for free
  • stefanoq21/BottomSheetNavigator3 - This library provides a navigation solution for Compose projects using Material3 BottomSheets
  • stevdza-san/MessageBarCompose - Animated Message Bar UI that can be wrapped around your screen content in order to display Error/Success messages in your app. Adapted to Material 3.
  • stfalcon-studio/StfalconFixturer-android - Utility for developers and QAs what helps minimize time wasting on writing the same data for testing over and over again. Made by Stfalcon
  • streetcomplete/StreetComplete - Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android
  • sunny-chung/hello-http - A cross-platform HTTP client desktop application for testing HTTP and REST APIs, WebSocket, GraphQL (including subscriptions) and gRPC endpoints.
  • sunny-chung/kdatetime-multiplatform - A Kotlin Multiplatform library to provide regular date-time functionality and interoperability needed with very minimal platform dependencies.
  • sunny-chung/kotlite - A Kotlin Multiplatform library to interpret Kotlite code, which is a subset of the Kotlin language, during runtime in a safe way.
  • supabase-community/supabase-kt - A Kotlin Multiplatform Client for Supabase.
  • superjobru/kotlin-permissions - An Android library, written in Kotlin, which helps avoid boilerplate code when your request runtime permissions.(KotlinPermissions)
  • svenjacobs/reveal - Reveal effect (coach mark) for Compose Multiplatform targeting Android, iOS, Desktop and Web
  • swapnil-musale/JetJoke - JetJoke App build using Jetpack Compose by following Clean + MVVM Architecture and with other Android Modern Architecture Component.
  • swapnil-musale/KDeviceInfo - Multiplatform Library for accessing DeviceInfo
  • swvl/linta - A set of useful lint checks to keep the Android app follow a solid design system
  • taewooyo/shaker - ๐Ÿ‘‹ Modifier's optimally created rotation, translation, and zoom animations are fully customizable for Android. Only Jetpack Compose is supported. ๐Ÿซจ
  • tasomaniac/DevWidget - Android app widget for developers to control their apps quickly
  • techlore/Plexus-app - Remove the fear of Android app compatibility on de-Googled devices.
  • tejado/android-usb-gadget - Convert your Android phone to any USB device you like! USB Gadget Tool allows you to create and activate USB device roles, like a mouse or a keyboard. ๐Ÿ› ๐Ÿ›ก๐Ÿ“ฑ
  • tfaki/CountryCP - Customize your country text field for Jetpack Compose
  • tfcporciuncula/flow-preferences - Kotlin Flow version of rx-preferences -- Coroutines support for Android SharedPreferences
  • thatsmanmeet/Tasky - Tasky is a highly intuitive and easy-to-use todo list application designed for those who seek a powerful yet minimalistic way to manage their daily tasks.
  • theGlenn/flipper-android-no-op - No-op dependency for Flipper Android release mode
  • theapache64/faded - โœจ Client did not pay? Add opacity to UI components and decrease it every day until their app completely fades away.
  • theapache64/rebugger - A simple Compose Multiplatform library designed to print the reason for recomposition in your console/Logcat window."
  • theapache64/retrosheet - ๐Ÿ“ƒ Turn Google Spreadsheet to JSON endpoint (for Android and JVM) for FREE (100%)
  • theapache64/stackzy - ๐Ÿ’ป A cross-platform desktop application to identify libraries used inside an android application โšก
  • theapache64/topcorn - A minimalistic movie listing app to browse IMDB's top 250 movies, built to demonstrate MVVM with latest hot-trending Android development tools.
  • theappbusiness/android-proxy-toggle - Small application to help android developers to quickly enable and disable proxy settings
  • theolm/Rinku - Deep Link Handling for Kotlin Multiplatform
  • thomaskioko/tv-maniac - Tv-Maniac is a personalized entertainment tracking and recommendation Multiplatform app (Android & iOS) for tracking TV Shows using TMDB API.
  • tizisdeepan/EventsCalendar - Events Calendar is a user-friendly library that helps you achieve a cool Calendar UI with events mapping. You can customise every pixel of the calendar as per your wish and still achieve in implementing all the functionalities of the native android calendar in addition with adding dots to the calendar which represents the presence of an event on the respective dates. It can be done easily, you are just a few steps away from implementing your own badass looking Calendar for your very own project!
  • tobiasschuerg/android-money - Simple money and currency converter library for android.
  • tom5079/FloatingSearchView - Complete Kotlin port of arimorty/FloatingSearchView
  • tom5079/Minamo - ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Zoomable, Pannable Image Composable for Jetpack Compose. Supports Large / Wide Images without OOM!
  • tommus/ktx-prefs - Shared preferences made easy. With a little bit of reactive extensions.
  • tommybuonomo/dotsindicator - Three material Dots Indicators for view pagers in Android !
  • treehouses/remote - โšก control Raspberry Pi from Android Device through Bluetooth โšก
  • trello-archive/mr-clean - Don't leak sensitive data.
  • tusharhow/Shimmerfy - Shimmerfy is a lightweight and customizable library for integrating shimmer animations into your Jetpack Compose applications. It provides an easy way to create shimmering effects on UI components, such as cards, skeletons, and more.
  • twilio/apkscale - A Gradle plugin to measure the app size impact of Android libraries
  • tynn-xyz/AString - A context aware string abstraction for Android - implemented with Kotlin for Java
  • typesafegithub/github-actions-typing - Bring type-safety to your GitHub actions' API!
  • typesafegithub/github-workflows-kt - Authoring GitHub Actions workflows in Kotlin. You won't go back to YAML!
  • uberto/pesticide - A Library To Write Domain-Driven Tests, written in Kotlin on top of Junit5
  • unhappychoice/color-hash.kt - ๐Ÿšฅ implementation by Kotlin/Android
  • usefulness/easylauncher-gradle-plugin - Add a different ribbon to each of your Android app variants using this gradle plugin. Of course, configure it as you will
  • usefulness/licensee-for-android - Turn raw cashapp/licensee report into assets/Kotlin code that can be easily consumed from an Android app
  • usefulness/project-starter - Set of plugins that may be useful in Multi-Module Android projects
  • v1tzor/TimePlanner - Mobile app for planning tasks for the day with multimodule architecture, MVI, Compose, Room, Voyager, AlarmManager, Notification, Charts
  • valkriaine/Bouncy - RecyclerView and NestedScrollView with physics-based bouncy overscroll effect
  • vanniktech/Emoji - A library to add Emoji support to your Android / iOS / JVM Application
  • vanniktech/multiplatform-locale - Type Safe Kotlin Multiplatform Locale implementation
  • varabyte/kobweb - A modern framework for full stack web apps in Kotlin, built upon Compose HTML
  • varungulatii/Kdownloader - File downloader library entirely written in Kotlin for Android
  • veepee-oss/link-router - Android routing library
  • vestrel00/contacts-android - Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability. No more ContentProviders and cursors. Say goodbye to ContactsContract. Build your own contacts app!
  • vgupta98/compose-game - A simple 2D game engine built purely in Jetpack Compose.
  • vinceglb/ConfettiKit - ๐ŸŽ‰ A Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform library to add vibrant, customizable confetti animations to your apps.
  • vinodbaste/Image-compressor - An Android Image compress library, reduce's the size of the image by 90% without losing any of its pixels.
  • vishal2376/snaptick - Snaptick is an MVVM Jetpack Compose app, offering ad-free task management with a built-in pomodoro timer to help you organize your daily plans
  • vladimirlogachov/MoviesPot - Movie Explorer: Kotlin and Compose multiplatform project for discovering movies with ease. Features Jetpack Navigation, Paging library integration, adaptive icons and a Material3-based UI that supports dynamic theme.
  • vmadalin/android-modular-architecture - ๐Ÿ“š Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
  • vmiklos/plees-tracker - Plees Tracker is a simple sleep tracker for your Android phone.
  • vovaksenov99/OverscrollableScrollView - Small custom view with smooth overscroll. You can add header with scale background
  • w2sv/Composed - A collection of utils to facilitate development with Jetpack Compose.
  • wajahatkarim3/Imagine - An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API to showcase modern Android development architecture (MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + mockK + Espresso + Junit)
  • walter-juan/compose-icon-collections - Compose Multiplatform open source icon collections
  • warting/In-App-Update-Compose - A compose friendly way to deal with in app updates on android
  • wealthfront/blend - An Android animation framework that gracefully handles interruption
  • withplum/EmojiBottomSheetDialog - A nice Android bottom sheet dialog populated with AndroidX EmojiCompat supported emojis.
  • wuseal/JsonToKotlinClass - ๐Ÿš€ Plugin for Android Studio And IntelliJ Idea to generate Kotlin data class code from JSON text ( Json to Kotlin )
  • xeinebiu/android-suspend-dialogs - A helper library for Android to display Dialogs by suspending the coroutine till finish of the dialog.
  • xmartlabs/gong - Xmartlabs' Android Base Project Template
  • xrrocha/kmemimg - Simple Kotlin implementation of Memory Image pattern
  • yairm210/Unciv - Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
  • yeocak/ComposableTimelineView - Simple Timeline View, wrote via Kotlin Jetpack Compose.
  • you-apps/ClockYou - Privacy focused clock app built with MD3
  • you-apps/TranslateYou - Privacy focused translator app built with MD3
  • yshrsmz/BuildKonfig - BuildConfig for Kotlin Multiplatform Project
  • yshrsmz/KeyboardVisibilityEvent - Android Library to handle software keyboard visibility change event.
  • z-huang/InnerTune - A Material 3 YouTube Music client for Android
  • zawadz88/MaterialPopupMenu - Shows Material popup menus grouped in sections & more
  • zcweng/SwitchButton - SwitchButton.An beautiful+lightweight+custom-style-easy switch widget for Android,minSdkVersion >= 11
  • zekierciyas/survey-compose - A Survey library of fully configurable, dynamic questions/answers and UI written in Jetpack Compose.
  • zetbaitsu/Cekrek - An android library that allows you to export any view to bitmap or image file in a convenient way.
  • zetbaitsu/Compressor - An android image compression library.
  • zhanghai/MaterialFiles - Material Design file manager for Android
  • zsmb13/requireKTX - Extensions that make it easier to deal with otherwise nullable APIs, for Android and Kotlin Multiplatform
  • zyrouge/symphony - ๐ŸŽต Lightweight, elegant music player for Android 9+.




  • codeandtheory/ychat - A Kotlin Multiplatform library that provides access to ChatGPT and Open AI APIs


  • koel/koel - ๐Ÿฆ A personal music streaming server that works.







  • okwasniewski/MiniSim - MacOS menu bar app for launching iOS ๏ฃฟ and Android ๐Ÿค– emulators
  • poviolabs/Lingua - A unified localization management tool for iOS & Android
  • tw93/MiaoYan - โ›ท Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences. โ›ท ่ฝป็ต็š„ Markdown ็ฌ”่ฎฐๆœฌไผดไฝ ๅ†™ๅ‡บๅฆ™่จ€


  • 0xMukesh/snipli - โœจ A command-line interface for quickly sharing code snippets of your local files
  • Cveinnt/LiveTerm - ๐Ÿ’ป Build terminal styled websites in minutes!
  • Malinskiy/action-android - Collection of Android-related GitHub Actions
  • OsmTravel/OsmGo - Osm Go !
  • alexjlockwood/avocado - ๐Ÿฅ‘ Vector Drawable optimization tool ๐Ÿฅ‘
  • apitable/apitable - ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ“š APITable, an API-oriented low-code platform for building collaborative apps and better than all other Airtable open-source alternatives.
  • appsmithorg/appsmith - Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API.
  • appwrite/appwrite - Build like a team of hundreds_
  • bamlab/flashlight - ๐Ÿ“ฑโšก๏ธ Lighthouse for Mobile - audits your app and gives a performance score to your Android apps (native, React Native, Flutter..). Measure performance on CLI, E2E tests, CI...
  • chroxify/feedbase - The open-source solution for collecting feedback & communicating updates.
  • crs-k/release-draft - Creates & updates GitHub release draft, automatically generates release notes, and bumps semver compliant tags.
  • daltonmenezes/aura-theme - โœจโ€A beautiful dark theme for your favorite apps.
  • ikatyang/emoji-cheat-sheet - A markdown version emoji cheat sheet
  • logto-io/logto - ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿš€ An identity and access management (IAM) infrastructure with authentication, authorization, MFA, SSO, user management, and multi-tenancy features. Supports OAuth 2.0, OIDC, and SAML. No framework restrictions.
  • luooooob/create-my-awesome - Github Actions for automatically generating the personal awesome list from all of the repositories you starred.
  • magicpatterns/catalog - The Magic Patterns Catalog is an open-source website that lists the most popular React component libraries, helping you find the perfect component.
  • makeplane/plane - ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅ Open Source JIRA, Linear, Monday, and Asana Alternative. Plane helps you track your issues, epics, and cycles the easiest way on the planet.
  • novuhq/novu - Open-Source Notification Platform. Embeddable Notification Center, E-mail, Push and Slack Integrations.
  • requestly/requestly - Local-first Developer Tool to Build, Test, Intercept & Mock API Requests. Requestly is a combination of REST API Client and HTTP Interceptor. It is simple, beautiful and powerful alternative to Postman, Insomnia, Bruno and Charles Proxy.
  • robrechtme/loco-cli - ๐ŸŒ CLI tool for uploading/downloading assets from Loco.
  • seek-oss/playroom - Design with JSX, powered by your own component library.
  • step-security/wait-for-secrets - Publish from GitHub Actions using multi-factor authentication
  • supabase/supabase - The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
  • toddcooke/namechecker - Find out if your project name is taken
  • triggerdotdev/ - โ€“ open source background jobs and AI infrastructure


  • flawiddsouza/Restfox - Offline-First Minimalistic HTTP & Socket Testing Client for the Web & Desktop



My awesome list






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