7 commits
to release-1.10
since this release
Changes by Kind
- Adds Tekton Tasks to release artifacts. (#1557, @lance)
- Fixes an issue where Node.js and TypeScript functions are not killed immediately on SIGHUP (#1570, @lance)
- Adding func config git command and subcommands to handle intial support of Pipelines as Code (#1594, @zroubalik)
- Adds support for Git-based deploy options to be configured using CLI flags (#1604, @zroubalik)
- Adds support for branches and tags when adding a template repository using
func repository add <uri>
(#1558, @lance) - Commands such as
can be referred to by their singular formenv
and vice-versa.
Commands with well-known command synonyms were added as aliases, such aslabels delete <name>
now supportslabels rm <name>
(#1578, @lkingland) - Current function values more accurately reflected in 'deploy' command help text.
Builds cache more frequently when running func deploy (#1434, @lkingland) - Enables Dapr runtime support from within Functions. Dapr control plane install required. (#1518, @lkingland)
- Enables custom health checks for Node.js and TypeScript functions (#1682, @lance)
- On cluster builds initiated from the CLI attempt to read git configuration settings from the local .git config (#1635, @zroubalik)
- Removes default endpoints from func.yaml to improve file legibility (#1555, @lance)
- Update Rust templates dependencies and UTs for Actix 4.x (#1661, @andrejusc)
- Update springboot templates to Spring Boot 3.0.5 (#1658, @andrejusc)
- Uses locally configured Git branch for on-cluster builds (#1636, @zroubalik)
**Docs** --> <!-- :book: If this change has user-visible impact, link to an issue or PR in https://github.com/knative/docs. See here for guidance on getting permanent links to files: https://help.github.com/en/articles/getting-permanent-links-to-files Please use the following format for linking documentation: - [knative/docs]: <issue or pr link> - [Feature Track]: <link> - [Usage]: <link> - [Other doc]: <link> (#1640, @manoelmarques)
--> <!-- **Docs** :book: If this change has user-visible impact, link to an issue or PR in https://github.com/knative/docs. See here for guidance on getting permanent links to files: https://help.github.com/en/articles/getting-permanent-links-to-files Please use the following format for linking documentation: - [knative/docs]: <issue or pr link> - [Feature Track]: <link> - [Usage]: <link> - [Other doc]: <link> (#1630, @manoelmarques)
API Change
- A new option "--builder" added to "run" command to be used when building.
Default is "pack" (#1614, @manoelmarques)
Bug or Regression
- Fix: build stamp computation (#1608, @matejvasek)
- Fix: s2i build when node_modules present (#1612, @matejvasek)
- Fix: s2i python build on Windows (#1641, @matejvasek)
--> <!-- **Docs** --> <!-- :book: If this change has user-visible impact, link to an issue or PR in https://github.com/knative/docs. See here for guidance on getting permanent links to files: https://help.github.com/en/articles/getting-permanent-links-to-files Please use the following format for linking documentation: - [knative/docs]: <issue or pr link> - [Feature Track]: <link> - [Usage]: <link> - [Other doc]: <link> (#1602, @manoelmarques)
Other (Cleanup or Flake)
- Fixes issue where global settings for --verbose and --confirm were sometimes not considered
Removes the --version flag; please use the 'version' subcommand. (#1564, @lkingland) -
**Docs** <!-- :book: If this change has user-visible impact, link to an issue or PR in https://github.com/knative/docs. See here for guidance on getting permanent links to files: https://help.github.com/en/articles/getting-permanent-links-to-files Please use the following format for linking documentation: - [knative/docs]: <issue or pr link> - [Feature Track]: <link> - [Usage]: <link> - [Other doc]: <link> --> (#1671, @vyasgun)
- Chore: Restructure repository dirs (#1560, @zroubalik)
- Feat: enabled s2i for python functions (#1562, @matejvasek)
- Feat: include description in JSON Schema (#1633, @matejvasek)
- Fix: TCP+TLS docker daemon connection (#1629, @matejvasek)
- Fix: rust template project listen on (#1664, @matejvasek)
--> <!-- **Docs** :book: If this change has user-visible impact, link to an issue or PR in https://github.com/knative/docs. See here for guidance on getting permanent links to files: https://help.github.com/en/articles/getting-permanent-links-to-files Please use the following format for linking documentation: - [knative/docs]: <issue or pr link> - [Feature Track]: <link> - [Usage]: <link> - [Other doc]: <link> (#1613, @garg-dhruv)
- cloud.google.com/go/errorreporting: v0.3.0
- cloud.google.com/go/logging: v1.6.1
- cloud.google.com/go/maps: v0.1.0
- cloud.google.com/go/pubsublite: v1.5.0
- cloud.google.com/go/spanner: v1.41.0
- cloud.google.com/go/vmwareengine: v0.1.0
- code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs: 835b53f
- github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azcore: v1.1.0
- github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/azidentity: v1.1.0
- github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/internal: v1.0.0
- github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go/sdk/storage/azblob: v0.4.1
- github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-go: v0.6.0
- github.com/PuerkitoBio/goquery: v1.8.0
- github.com/andybalholm/cascadia: v1.3.1
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws/protocol/eventstream: v1.4.1
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/s3/manager: v1.11.10
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/v4a: v1.0.1
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/accept-encoding: v1.9.1
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/checksum: v1.1.5
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/s3shared: v1.13.4
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/s3: v1.26.9
- github.com/bradleyfalzon/ghinstallation/v2: 8f41e65
- github.com/bwesterb/go-ristretto: v1.2.0
- github.com/cloudflare/circl: v1.1.0
- github.com/containerd/nydus-snapshotter: v0.3.1
- github.com/fvbommel/sortorder: v1.0.2
- github.com/gfleury/go-bitbucket-v1: 711d7d5
- github.com/google/go-github/scrape: 2561c07
- github.com/google/go-github/v48: v48.2.0
- github.com/google/go-github/v49: v49.1.0
- github.com/googleapis/go-type-adapters: v1.0.0
- github.com/juju/ansiterm: v1.0.0
- github.com/ktr0731/go-ansisgr: v0.1.0
- github.com/ktrysmt/go-bitbucket: v0.9.55
- github.com/lunixbochs/vtclean: v1.0.0
- github.com/mmcloughlin/avo: v0.5.0
- github.com/moby/patternmatcher: v0.5.0
- github.com/moby/sys/sequential: v0.5.0
- github.com/openshift-pipelines/pipelines-as-code: v0.17.1
- github.com/package-url/packageurl-go: 8907843
- github.com/pierrec/lz4/v4: v4.1.17
- github.com/pjbgf/sha1cd: v0.3.0
- github.com/pkg/browser: ce105d0
- github.com/skeema/knownhosts: v1.1.0
- github.com/spdx/tools-golang: d6f5855
- github.com/spiffe/spire-api-sdk: v1.5.0
- github.com/sqs/goreturns: 538ac60
- github.com/xlzd/gotp: v0.1.0
- golang.org/x/arch: v0.1.0
- k8s.io/kms: v0.26.1
- knative.dev/client-pkg: 4f052f9
- rsc.io/pdf: v0.1.1
- cloud.google.com/go/aiplatform: v1.24.0 → v1.27.0
- cloud.google.com/go/bigquery: v1.43.0 → v1.44.0
- cloud.google.com/go/compute/metadata: v0.2.1 → v0.2.3
- cloud.google.com/go/compute: v1.12.1 → v1.15.1
- cloud.google.com/go/datastore: v1.1.0 → v1.10.0
- cloud.google.com/go/firestore: v1.6.1 → v1.9.0
- cloud.google.com/go/iam: v0.7.0 → v0.8.0
- cloud.google.com/go/kms: v1.6.0 → v1.7.0
- cloud.google.com/go/pubsub: v1.3.1 → v1.27.1
- cloud.google.com/go/storage: v1.24.0 → v1.28.1
- cloud.google.com/go: v0.105.0 → v0.107.0
- github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go: v67.0.0+incompatible → v68.0.0+incompatible
- github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/adal: v0.9.21 → v0.9.22
- github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/auth: v0.5.11 → v0.5.12
- github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim: v0.9.5 → v0.9.6
- github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto: 428f8ea → cf6655e
- github.com/Shopify/sarama: v1.32.0 → v1.37.2
- github.com/alecthomas/jsonschema: edb03dc → 9eeeec9
- github.com/anmitsu/go-shlex: 648efa6 → 38f4b40
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config: v1.17.10 → v1.18.9
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/credentials: v1.12.23 → v1.13.9
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/ec2/imds: v1.12.19 → v1.12.21
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/configsources: v1.1.25 → v1.1.27
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/endpoints/v2: v2.4.19 → v2.4.21
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/internal/ini: v1.3.26 → v1.3.28
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ecr: v1.17.20 → v1.18.1
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ecrpublic: v1.13.19 → v1.15.0
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/internal/presigned-url: v1.9.19 → v1.9.21
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/kms: v1.18.9 → v1.19.2
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- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ssooidc: v1.13.8 → v1.14.0
- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/sts: v1.17.1 → v1.18.1
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- github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go: v1.44.93 → v1.44.155
- github.com/aws/smithy-go: v1.13.4 → v1.13.5
- github.com/awslabs/amazon-ecr-credential-helper/ecr-login: dc425bc → 40efa30
- github.com/bluekeyes/go-gitdiff: v0.4.0 → v0.7.0
- github.com/buildpacks/imgutil: 3252b1f → 4cf98dd
- github.com/buildpacks/lifecycle: v0.15.1 → v0.16.0
- github.com/buildpacks/pack: v0.28.0 → v0.29.0
- github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto: v0.3.0 → v0.4.1
- github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2: v2.1.2 → v2.2.0
- github.com/chrismellard/docker-credential-acr-env: e883f69 → 6a4d6ed
- github.com/cilium/ebpf: v0.9.3 → v0.10.0
- github.com/cncf/xds/go: a8f9461 → 7f1daf1
- github.com/containerd/containerd: v1.6.9 → v1.6.18
- github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter/estargz: v0.12.1 → v0.13.0
- github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter: v0.11.3 → v0.13.0
- github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3: v3.3.0 → v3.4.0
- github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto: v0.1.0 → v0.0.1
- github.com/docker/cli: v20.10.21+incompatible → v23.0.1+incompatible
- github.com/dustin/go-humanize: v1.0.0 → v1.0.1
- github.com/eapache/go-resiliency: v1.2.0 → v1.3.0
- github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3: v3.8.0 → v3.10.1
- github.com/emicklei/go-restful: v2.16.0+incompatible → v2.9.5+incompatible
- github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane: 49ff273 → v0.10.3
- github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate: v0.6.2 → v0.6.7
- github.com/felixge/httpsnoop: v1.0.2 → v1.0.3
- github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl: v1.8.6 → v1.8.7
- github.com/gdamore/tcell/v2: v2.5.3 → v2.6.0
- github.com/gliderlabs/ssh: v0.2.2 → v0.3.5
- github.com/go-git/go-billy/v5: v5.3.1 → v5.4.0
- github.com/go-git/go-git-fixtures/v4: v4.2.1 → v4.3.1
- github.com/go-git/go-git/v5: v5.4.2 → v5.6.0
- github.com/go-openapi/jsonpointer: v0.19.5 → v0.19.6
- github.com/go-openapi/jsonreference: v0.20.0 → v0.20.2
- github.com/go-openapi/runtime: v0.24.1 → v0.24.2
- github.com/gobuffalo/flect: v0.2.4 → v0.2.5
- github.com/gofrs/flock: v0.7.3 → v0.8.1
- github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4: v4.4.2 → v4.4.3
- github.com/google/cel-go: v0.12.5 → v0.13.0
- github.com/google/go-containerregistry/pkg/authn/k8schain: 570ba6c → 3624968
- github.com/google/go-containerregistry/pkg/authn/kubernetes: 892d7a8 → 3624968
- github.com/google/go-containerregistry: v0.12.1 → v0.13.0
- github.com/google/trillian: v1.4.1 → v1.5.0
- github.com/googleapis/enterprise-certificate-proxy: v0.2.0 → v0.2.1
- github.com/googleapis/gax-go/v2: v2.6.0 → v2.7.0
- github.com/googleapis/gnostic: v0.5.5 → v0.4.1
- github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/v2: v2.11.2 → v2.15.0
- github.com/hashicorp/consul/api: v1.12.0 → v1.11.0
- github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog: v1.3.1 → v1.4.0
- github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin: v1.4.5 → v1.4.8
- github.com/hashicorp/go-retryablehttp: v0.7.1 → v0.7.2
- github.com/hashicorp/serf: v0.9.7 → v0.9.6
- github.com/hashicorp/vault/api: v1.7.2 → v1.8.2
- github.com/hashicorp/vault/sdk: v0.6.0 → v0.6.2
- github.com/in-toto/in-toto-golang: fa494aa → v0.5.0
- github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap: v1.0.1 → v1.1.0
- github.com/jcmturner/gofork: v1.0.0 → v1.7.6
- github.com/jcmturner/gokrb5/v8: v8.4.2 → v8.4.3
- github.com/jenkins-x/go-scm: v1.11.19 → v1.11.35
- github.com/jhump/protoreflect: v1.12.0 → v1.14.0
- github.com/klauspost/compress: v1.15.12 → v1.15.15
- github.com/ktr0731/go-fuzzyfinder: v0.6.0 → v0.7.0
- github.com/kylelemons/godebug: d65d576 → v1.1.0
- github.com/letsencrypt/boulder: 27de4be → 85aa520
- github.com/mattn/go-isatty: v0.0.16 → v0.0.17
- github.com/mattn/go-runewidth: v0.0.13 → v0.0.14
- github.com/mattn/goveralls: v0.0.2 → v0.0.11
- github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6: v6.2.2 → v6.5.0
- github.com/moby/buildkit: v0.10.5 → v0.11.1
- github.com/moby/sys/signal: v0.6.0 → v0.7.0
- github.com/moby/term: 4eb28fa → 1aeaba8
- github.com/montanaflynn/stats: 1bf9dbc → v0.6.6
- github.com/nsf/termbox-go: ed494de → v1.1.1
- github.com/onsi/gomega: v1.20.2 → v1.27.2
- github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-go: v0.4.0 → v0.4.1
- github.com/prometheus/common: v0.37.0 → v0.39.0
- github.com/prometheus/procfs: v0.8.0 → v0.9.0
- github.com/prometheus/statsd_exporter: v0.22.8 → v0.23.0
- github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go: v1.1.0 → v1.5.0
- github.com/rickb777/date: v1.20.0 → v1.20.1
- github.com/rivo/uniseg: v0.2.0 → v0.4.3
- github.com/rogpeppe/go-internal: v1.8.1 → v1.9.0
- github.com/sagikazarmark/crypt: v0.6.0 → v0.3.0
- github.com/sigstore/cosign: v1.12.0 → v1.13.1
- github.com/sigstore/fulcio: v0.5.3 → v0.6.0
- github.com/sigstore/rekor: v0.11.0 → 4bb6f44
- github.com/sigstore/sigstore: ec922cf → v1.5.0
- github.com/spf13/afero: v1.9.2 → v1.9.3
- github.com/spf13/viper: v1.13.0 → v1.14.0
- github.com/stoewer/go-strcase: v1.2.0 → v1.2.1
- github.com/tektoncd/chains: b343534 → v0.14.0
- github.com/tektoncd/cli: v0.27.0 → v0.29.1
- github.com/tektoncd/hub: v1.10.0 → v1.11.1
- github.com/tektoncd/pipeline: v0.40.2 → v0.42.0
- github.com/tektoncd/plumbing: 3da8ce0 → 5dbcfda
- github.com/tektoncd/triggers: v0.21.0 → v0.22.0
- github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf: v0.5.0 → 3890c1e
- github.com/tonistiigi/fsutil: 4638ad6 → fb43384
- github.com/xanzy/go-gitlab: v0.73.1 → v0.79.0
- github.com/xanzy/ssh-agent: v0.3.1 → v0.3.3
- go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver: v1.10.0 → v1.10.3
- go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/google.golang.org/grpc/otelgrpc: v0.29.0 → v0.35.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp: v0.29.0 → v0.35.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/internal/retry: v1.7.0 → v1.10.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace/otlptracegrpc: v1.7.0 → v1.10.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp/otlptrace: v1.7.0 → v1.10.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/metric: v0.27.0 → v0.31.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk: v1.7.0 → v1.10.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/trace: v1.7.0 → v1.10.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel: v1.7.0 → v1.10.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/proto/otlp: v0.16.0 → v0.19.0
- go.uber.org/automaxprocs: v1.4.0 → v1.5.1
- go.uber.org/multierr: v1.8.0 → v1.9.0
- go.uber.org/zap: v1.23.0 → v1.24.0
- goa.design/goa/v3: v3.8.5 → v3.10.2
- gocloud.dev/docstore/mongodocstore: v0.26.0 → v0.27.0
- gocloud.dev/pubsub/kafkapubsub: v0.26.0 → v0.27.0
- gocloud.dev: v0.26.0 → v0.27.0
- golang.org/x/crypto: v0.3.0 → v0.7.0
- golang.org/x/exp: 6cc2880 → 807a232
- golang.org/x/mod: v0.7.0 → v0.9.0
- golang.org/x/net: v0.2.0 → v0.8.0
- golang.org/x/oauth2: v0.2.0 → v0.5.0
- golang.org/x/sys: v0.2.0 → v0.6.0
- golang.org/x/term: v0.2.0 → v0.6.0
- golang.org/x/text: v0.4.0 → v0.8.0
- golang.org/x/time: v0.2.0 → v0.3.0
- golang.org/x/tools: v0.2.0 → v0.6.0
- google.golang.org/api: v0.100.0 → v0.108.0
- google.golang.org/genproto: 94d6d90 → 31e0e69
- google.golang.org/grpc: v1.50.1 → v1.52.1
- gotest.tools/v3: v3.3.0 → v3.4.0
- k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver: v0.25.4 → v0.26.1
- k8s.io/apiserver: v0.25.4 → v0.26.1
- k8s.io/cli-runtime: v0.25.2 → v0.25.4
- k8s.io/client-go: v0.25.2 → v0.25.4
- k8s.io/code-generator: v0.25.4 → v0.26.1
- k8s.io/component-base: v0.25.4 → v0.26.1
- k8s.io/klog/v2: 9ae4992 → v2.90.0
- k8s.io/kube-openapi: 67bda5d → 1cb3ae2
- k8s.io/utils: 8e77b1f → 391b47c
- knative.dev/caching: 7a31fde → 05a86ad
- knative.dev/control-protocol: cffe208 → d9cda76
- knative.dev/eventing: v0.36.0 → v0.37.0
- knative.dev/hack/schema: c7cfcb0 → f591fea
- knative.dev/hack: c7cfcb0 → f591fea
- knative.dev/networking: db2bcbe → e5d04e8
- knative.dev/pkg: 247510c → dfad48e
- knative.dev/reconciler-test: 476a442 → 6c21623
- knative.dev/serving: v0.36.0 → v0.37.0
- sigs.k8s.io/apiserver-network-proxy/konnectivity-client: v0.0.33 → v0.0.35
- sigs.k8s.io/json: f223a00 → bc3834c
- github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy/v2: 15ea381
- github.com/docker/spdystream: 449fdfc
- github.com/gorilla/securecookie: v1.1.1
- github.com/gorilla/sessions: v1.2.1
- github.com/jcmturner/goidentity/v6: v6.0.1
- github.com/urfave/cli/v2: v2.3.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/exporters/otlp: v0.20.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/export/metric: v0.20.0
- go.opentelemetry.io/otel/sdk/metric: v0.20.0
- knative.dev/client: v0.36.0