New features:
- Improved syntax error messages #329
- SVD, LeastSquares, PseudoInverse #258, #321
- Python 3 support #317
- Improvements to Riffle #313
- Tweaks to PolarPlot #305
- StringTake #285
- Norm #268 #270
- Total, Accumulate, FoldList, Fold #264, #252
- Flatten #253 #269
- Which with symbolic arguments #250
- Min/Max with symbolic arguments #249
Dependency Updates:
- upgraded to ply 3.8 (issue #246)
- dropped interrupting cow #317
- added six (already required by django) #317
Bug fixes:
- Span issues with negative indices #196 fixed by #263 #325
- SVG export bug fixed by #324
- Django runserver threading issue #158 fixed by #323
- asymptote bug building docs #297 fixed by #317
- Simplify issue #254 fixed by #322
- ParametricPlot bug fixed by #320
- DensityPlot SVG regression in the web interface.
- main function for server.py #288, #289 fixed by #298
- ply table regeneration #294 fixed by #295
- Print bar issue #290 fixed by #293
- Quit[] index error #292 partially fixed by #307
- Quit definition fixed by #286
- Conjugate issue #272 fixed by #281