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Jackson Wood edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 26 revisions


static class in ModIO


An interface for sending requests to the servers. This class is the core class for sending requests to the servers directly. It can be used as a stand-alone class for direct manual control, or used in combination with ModIO.ModManager when necessary.

Constant Properties

Name Description
API_VERSION Denotes the version of the web API that this class is compatible with.
API_URL_TESTSERVER URL for the test server.
API_URL_PRODUCTIONSERVER URL for the production server
UNITY_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS Collection of the HTTP request header keys used by Unity.
MODIO_REQUEST_HEADER_KEYS Collection of the HTTP request header keys used by

Static Properties

Name Description
apiURL The base URL for the web API that the APIClient should use.
gameId Game ID that the APIClient should use when contacting the API.
gameAPIKey Game API Key that the APIClient should use when contacting the API.
languageCode Requested language for the API response messages.
logAllRequests Enable logging of all web requests.

Static Methods

Name Description
AssertAuthorizationDetails Asserts that the required authorization data for making API requests is set.
GenerateRequestDebugString Generates a debug-friendly string of web request details.
GenerateQuery Generates the object for a basic server request.
GenerateGetRequest Generates the object for a GET request.
GeneratePutRequest Generates the object for a PUT request.
GeneratePostRequest Generates the object for a POST request.
GenerateDeleteRequest Generates the object for a DELETE request.
SendRequest A wrapper for sending a UnityWebRequest and attaching callbacks.
SendRequest<T> A wrapper for sending a web request to and parsing the result.
SendSecurityCode Requests a login code be sent to an email address.
GetOAuthToken Requests a user OAuthToken in exchange for a security code.
RequestSteamAuthentication Request an OAuthToken using a Steam User authentication ticket.
GetAllGames Fetches all the game profiles from the servers.
GetGame Fetches the game's/app's profile from the servers.
EditGame Updates the game's profile on the servers.
GetAllMods Fetches all mod profiles from the servers.
GetMod Fetches a mod profile from the servers.
AddMod Submits a new mod profile to the servers.
EditMod Submits changes to an existing mod profile.
DeleteMod Deletes a mod profile from the servers.
GetAllModfiles Fetches all modfiles for a given mod from the servers.
GetModfile Fetch the a modfile from the servers.
AddModfile Submits a new modfile and binary to the servers.
EditModfile Submits changes to an existing modfile.
AddGameMedia Submit new game media to the servers.
AddModMedia Submits new mod media to the servers.
DeleteModMedia Deletes mod media from a mod on the servers.
SubscribeToMod Subscribes the authenticated user to a mod.
UnsubscribeFromMod Unsubscribes the authenticated user from a mod.
GetModEvents Fetches the update events for a given mod.
GetAllModEvents Fetches all the mod update events for the game profile.
GetAllModStats Fetches the statistics for all mods.
GetModStats Fetches the statics for a mod.
GetGameTagOptions Fetches the tag categories specified by the game profile.
AddGameTagOption Submits new mod tag categories to the servers.
DeleteGameTagOption Removes mod tag options from the servers.
GetModTags Fetches the tags applied to the given mod.
AddModTags Submits new mod tags to the servers.
DeleteModTags Removes tags from the given mod.
AddModRating Submits a user's rating for a mod.
GetAllModKVPMetadata Fetches all the KVP metadata for a mod.
AddModKVPMetadata Submit KVP Metadata to a mod.
DeleteModKVPMetadata Deletes KVP metadata from a mod.
GetAllModDependencies Fetches all the dependencies for a mod.
AddModDependencies Submits new dependencides for a mod.
DeleteModDependencies Removes dependencides from a mod.
GetAllModTeamMembers Fetches the team members for a mod.
AddModTeamMember Submits a new team member to a mod.
UpdateModTeamMember Submits changes to a mod team member.
DeleteModTeamMember Submits a delete request for a mod team member.
GetAllModComments Fetches all the comments for a mod.
GetModComment Fetches a mod comment by id.
DeleteModComment Submits a delete request for a mod comment.
GetResourceOwner Fetches the owner for a mod resource.
GetAllUsers Fetches all the user profiles on
GetUser Fetches a user profile from the servers.
SubmitReport Submits a report against a mod/resource on
GetAuthenticatedUser Fetches the user profile for the authenticated user.
GetUserSubscriptions Fetches the subscriptions for the authenticated user.
GetUserEvents Fetch the update events for the authenticated user.
GetUserGames Fetches the games that the authenticated user is a team member of.
GetUserMods Fetches the mods that the authenticated user is a team member of.
GetUserModfiles Fetches the modfiles that the authenticated user uploaded.
GetUserRatings Fetches all the ratings submitted by the authenticated user.
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