18318 commits
to master
since this release
Sep 9, 2018
Big thanks to the 13 contributors who made this release possible!
- [typescript] Fix ModalClasses prop type on popover (#12761) @YuriiOstapchuk
- [AppBar] Add position="relative" (#12790) @jgoux
- [Checkbox] Revert input indeterminate support (#12803) @eps1lon
- [Checkbox] Indeterminate CSS & DOM helpers (#12804) @oliviertassinari
- [Chip] Add verticalAlign: 'middle' (#12809) @akaxiaok
- [autocomplete] Fix delete chip not working on mobile (#12813) @aretheregods
- [styles] Support multiple withStyles instances (#12814) @oliviertassinari
- [SpeedDialAction] Update tooltipPlacement propTypes (#12758) @Primajin
- [ToggleButtons] normalize onChange api (#12549) @eps1lon
- [docs] Remove function call from onChange handler (#12785) @snikobonyadrad
- [docs] Unescapes character in markdown (#12778) @schalkventer
- [docs] Enable service worker by default as the latest CRA (#12775) @sharils
- [docs] New DataTable component (#12799) @mbrn
- [docs] Add AppBar demos with exapandable & primary search fields (#12695) @adeelibr
- [docs] Simpler AppBar search demos (#12806) @oliviertassinari
- [docs] Document the shrink status input limitation (#12769) @racingrebel
- [test] Use yarn offline mirror (#12763) @eps1lon
- [core] Small changes investigating issues (#12812) @oliviertassinari