1.2.0.RELEASE (2016-09-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- [admin] Remove the junit tests portlet #90
Fixed bugs:
- [all] media preview image was not shown correctly. #140
- [backend] Entity field autocomplete to provide catalog version info #104
- [admin] Implement portlet maximize button. #81
1.1.0.RELEASE (2016-06-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- [all] removing the usage of /rest/markup/results/all #136
- [cms] Allow drag-and-drop widgets between slots #130
Fixed bugs:
- [backend] Strange behaviour in backend console #137
- [backend] Entity field is always dirty #134
- [cms] Entity popup windows mask the rest of the windows #133
- [backend] Clear search form does not clear entity field. #132
- EntityPopup should support validation errors coming from Spring Data Rest endpoints #129
- [admin] Csv import portlet browse file does not work #92
1.0 (2016-04-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- [cms] Creation of new slot should be easy. #126
- Make all console projects spring-boot projects #122
- [cms] Warning if user tries to add widgets/slots from different catalog_version #118
Fixed bugs:
- [cms] make posibility to create widgets and slots and etc from the list of widgets/pages/slots/etc #127
- \[cms\] Creation of new slot should be easy. #126
- [backend] Entity is not refreshed after create. #120
- [backend] String properties are not displayed #119
- [cms] Avoid broken pages #117
- [cms] Emails in the menu are completely broken. #116
- [cms] the Pages in the menu are not populated after loading #115
- [cms] localization of cms to be implemented as in the backend console #87
- [cms] Implement Contextmenu "Add widget" #38
Closed issues:
- [cms] allow multiple entity popup windows to be open. #125
0.9 (2016-01-09)
Implemented enhancements:
- [backend] Add new field - colorpicker #105
Fixed bugs:
- [cms] Edit slot on non-existing slot does not allow you to create it #101
0.8 (2015-12-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- [backend] Search not working for collection fields. #71
- [admin] Improve the system information portlet #22
- [admin] Add spring beans portlet. #21
- [admin] Add jobs portlet #19
- [admin] Add platform health portlet #18
- [admin] Remember position of portlets in a cookie #17
- [admin] Add drop-down select menu to allow customer to add more portlets #16
- [backend] Support for multi nested result properties #10
Fixed bugs:
- [cms] Localized fields are not correctly displayed. #63
- [backend] Fields of type entity does not show value. #28
- \[admin\] Remember position of portlets in a cookie #17
- [admin] memory and CPU usage portlet doesnt scroll automatically #12
- [cms] Entity popup must refresh the iframe onsave/ondelete #113
- [backend] Entity field becomes empty when focus is lost #103
- [cms] Localizable properties are not displayed #85
- [cms] Switching between websites will pass the wrong content catalog parameter #84
- [cms] Cannot open more than one window #82
- [backend] Validation alert - access denied #79
- [backend] New blog entry does not send teaser or content fields. #68
- [backend] Create NEW functionality doesn't work. #66
- [backend] Fields are not dirty if you assign their original value. #61
- [backend] Customer entity window is not draggable. #58
- [cms] Edit widget containing media field shows no popup window. #13
0.7 (2015-11-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Implement the console login over REST #1
Fixed bugs:
- [backend] Collection fields - cannot add another item #70
- [backen] When open any blog entry no content or teaser is shown #67
- [backend] Entity of type media does not show correct tooltip. #59
- [backend] Click on the entity field button must open the real entity url #56
- [backend] If displayed collection is long there is not scrollbar or pagination #55
- [backend] Edit in a collection field does not open the entity window #49
- [backend] When creating a new entity no toast is shown #102
- [cms] Catalogable widgets do not show synchronize button #100
- [cms] Widget content is not displayed. #99
- [backend] After login asks for basic authentication #98
- [cms] Entity window shows empty #97
- [backend] Search form must submit on Enter key. #95
- [backend] Unauthorized when making a POST or PATCH request #94
- [backend] Open the same entity ends in error #78
- [backend] Right-click - edit in an entity field does not work #74
- [backend] Changing locale in the description field does not change the value. #57
- [backend] Pagination in search results does not work #50
- [backend] Entity field does not display icon type on the left side. #7
- [backend] Right-click in entity field does not show context menu. #4
0.6 (2015-10-10)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- [cms] pre-select values in the combo for site, catalogs and catalog version. #77
- [cms] localizable fields are not displayed correctly in the cms console #76
- [backend] Editor becomes small when you click view source #73
- [backend] Alert box shows scrollers #72
- [backend] export result as CSV/PDF is not working #65
- [backend] Result property catalog.uid shows nothing #52
- [backend] Focus on entity field and icon disappears #51
- [backend] Localized fields are not displayed #47
- [backend] Window resize or maximize does not work #44
- Entity window has wrong URL #43
- [backend] Entity window has no title #42
- [backend] When open an entity window and close it you cannot open it again. #41
- [backend] Search fields are duplicated if you close a tab and open it again #40
- [cms] Multiple clicks on the iframe produce multiple contextmenu #37
- [backend] 'Page size' combobox in results view paging toolbar doesn't work #31
- [backend] Collection fields does not show any value. #30
- [backend] Enum fields are not displayed. #29
- [backend] Multiple 'Create' context menu #14
- [backend] Implement localization for folder and entity names #9
- [backend] Horizontal scrollbar in the navigation tree #6
- [backend] Entity fields change width once you focus and lose focus them. #5
Closed issues:
- [backend] In FF the url in entity window's toolbar is wrong #46
- [backend] When opening url of type '.../backend/#tab-panel:product:product' the tab title is missing #39
- [backend] entity fields disappear after opening an entity, then close it and open it again #36
- [backend] Navigation Tree is not vertically scrollable #35
- Js Exception after SearchForm i closed and opened again #27
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator