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Generated IPC

Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

The change described in this text mainly aims on solving two problems:

  • Collections (and probably other stuff) will need more complex types
  • Autogeneration of bindings.

Collections might be implemented as a DAG, which could be serialised into a dict or a list of dicts, but that is not elegant. There are probably other methods that already would benefit from a more complex return value.

The bindings for statically typed langages have made it evident that it would be nice if parts of the bindings could be automatically generated.

Lets say an xml-file is used as the basis for the interface. It could look like this:

` ` `  ` `  ` `  ` `   ` `  ` `  ` `   ` `  ` ` ` ` ` `  ` `   ` `  ` `  ` `   ` `   ` `  ` ` `

Each binding would need to define how to convert the types to and from messages. And much of the boring work could be automatically generated. Oh, I said something about minimizing boring work? Then it should probably look like this:

` ``Moves a item in the playlist to another position` ` ``Position of the item to be moved` ` ``Where to move it`

The same file should be used to generate the server side.

The diffrent targets could easily be generated with XSLT. An example of similar XSLT use can be found here, and here, and of course here. Here is a stupid example that selects some data and generates something bogous.

Observe that the use of xml here is just an example. It might be better to use another format. Things that comes into mind is some magic annotation in the server c source code where the methods are defined (a bit like today, but better) and doing it in python.

XMMS_IPC_EXPORTED(playlist, list) GList * xmms_playlist_list (xmms_playlist_t *playlist, xmms_error_t *err) {  ... }


{ 'playback': XObject(methods={'start': Method(),                              'stop': Method(),                              'curr_time': Method(returns=Uint()),                              },                     signals={'curr_time': Signal(value=Uint()),                              }) 'playlist': XObject(methods={'list': Method(returns=List(Uint())),                              'move': Method(args=[Uint(), Uint()])                              }) }


In the pure lowlevel C-api this:

` ` `  ``Moves an item in the playlist to another position.` `  ``Position of the item to be moved` `  ``Where to move it` ` `

could be translated into:

/**  * Moves an item in the playlist to another position.  */ xmms_result_void_t * xmmsc_playlist_move (xmmsc *c, uint a, uint b) {    m = msg_new (c);    msg_put_uint (a);    msg_put_uint (b);    conn_send (m)    return result_new_void (m->cookie); }

The c++ bindings might use the definition file to generate something like, or what ever, I'm no c++ user.

result<_void> * playlist::move (uint a, uint b) {    r = xmmsc_playlist_move (m_conn, a, b);    return new result<_void>(r); }

Even python and ruby would probably find this useful!

Using it for serverside stuff would make it possible to get rid of lots of not so obvious hacks in xmms_object.h and ipc.c. This is actually a third motivation for this, but I have not yet decided on how it should look on serverside.

Signals and broadcasts should also be handled.

` ` `  ``uint` ` `

It should also make it easy to do a bit more highlevel c api. That has the types already unpacked in the callbacks.

void handle_list (xmmsh_error_t *err, xmmsh_list_uint_t *list, void *userdata) {    if (iserr(err)) { crap; }    while (xmmsh_list_uint_valid (list)) {          x = xmmsh_list_uint_value (list);          xmmsh_list_uint_next (list);    } }

void handle_curr (xmmsh_error_t *err, uint pos, uint mid, void *userdata) {    if (iserr(err)) { crap; }    printf ("Currently at pos %d in playlist (mid=%d)", pos, mid); }

void do_stuff(){        xmmsh_playlist_curr (conn, handle_curr, korv);    xmmsh_playlist_list (conn, handle_list, korv); }

Much more compact, but more important; stricter typehandling, handle_list and handle_curr must have the right signature, otherwise compiler will warn when it is passed to xmmsh_playlist_list.

It could also allow bypassing the conversion we do to day, by getting data direct from the message. The xmmsh_list_uint_* functions that the bindings needs to provide could work like this:

int xmmsh_list_uint_valid (xmmsh_list_uint_t *list) {    if (!list->parsed) {        msg_get_uint (list->msg, &list->len);        list->parsed = 1;        list->pos = 0;        if (list->len > 0)            msg_get_uint (list->msg, &list->curr_val);    }    return list->pos < list->len; }

void xmmsh_list_uint_next (xmmsh_list_uint_t *list) {    list->pos++;    msg_get_uint (list->msg, &list->curr_val); }

int  xmmsh_list_uint_value (xmmsh_list_uint_t *list) {    return list->curr_val; }

Examples of ruby bindings ruby.xsl, libxmmsclient.xml gives the following output.

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