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XMMS2:General disclaimer

Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

Note: This is not a legal document, and has not been approved by any legal counsel. However, we believe it outlines good-faith measures to inform users of web sites and services associated with the XMMS2 Project.

Online services

  • While the XMMS2 Project endeavours to provide correct and accurate information via its various web services (this wiki, the bug tracker, the gitweb repository viewer) in good faith, it cannot be held responsible for erroneous or malicious information set up by third parties vandalising or otherwise attacking these services.
  • The use of information posted on these services, such as (but not limited to) software configuration information, changes to your operating system and system tools and utilities - is ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. You are solely responsible for ensuring the validity and safety of any actions you carry out based on information posted here.
  • Your submission of information to XMMS2 Project web sites and services is AT YOUR OWN RISK. There is no warranty on the safety or security of submitted information. (See also: Privacy policy)


  • In general, you use software produced by the XMMS2 Project and contributors AT YOUR OWN RISK on a "NO WARRANTY" basis. For details, see licence documents and other terms and conditions attached to specific programs and scripts.


  • You may request support from (or provide support to) other members of the XMMS2 Community (XMMS2 Users, Contributors and Developers), however, there is NO GUARANTEE of such support. Members of the XMMS2 Community are not obligated (though they may be encouraged) to provide such support and may choose not to do so. Whenever support information is provided, the XMMS2 Project makes NO WARRANTY as to the accuracy or correctness of such information. As with the use of these online services, you are solely responsible for ensuring the validity and safety of any actions you carry out based on support information obtained from other community members.
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