638 commits
to master
since this release
Changelog for the upcomming release (preview)
- fixed counting of orphaned votes
- mainly performance improvements
- Added an option to allow to add polls to the navigation (default)
- Limited polls inside the navigation to 6 items
- Render the polls list in chunks of 20 items
[7.0.3] - 2024-04-05
- Archive, restore and delete polls in poll list was missing, braught the options back to the action menu
- fix a situation, where votes of a non existing poll are requested
- Fix getting group members
- Added an endpoint to the Api to be able to fetch the acl of a poll
What's Changed
🚀 Enhancements
- strip some unicodes from public username by @dartcafe in #3370
- join timestamps from options by @dartcafe in #3371
- join votes for participation check by @dartcafe in #3373
- Define user role via joined shares by @dartcafe in #3381
- add common indices by @dartcafe in #3421
- updated strings and rearrangement of admin settings by @dartcafe in #3422
- Improve API documentation by @Bagoult in #3455
- Allow to remove the poll list from the navigation by admin setting by @dartcafe in #3461
- Optimize poll loading by @dartcafe in #3460
- Count user's votes by subquery by @dartcafe in #3477
- Enable chunk loading polls in list and limit polls in navigation. by @dartcafe in #3479
- intoduce internal UserSession by @dartcafe in #3498
🐛 Fixed bugs
- Fixes and maintenance by @dartcafe in #3387
- fix PollMapper for PostgreSQL usage by @dartcafe in #3394
- Bring back registration on public polls by @dartcafe in #3400
- bring back the combo-view by @dartcafe in #3403
- bring back archive, restore and delete actions by @dartcafe in #3415
- extract keys insted of wrong usage of key() by @dartcafe in #3419
- catch error on requesting votes of non existing poll by @dartcafe in #3418
- fix: Add visual loading feedback for polls list by @susnux in #3444
Other Changes
- Ref/maintenance by @dartcafe in #3353
- Register Services by @dartcafe in #3375
- Update pr-feedback workflow by @marcelklehr in #3397
- adding an acl endpoint to the api controller by @dartcafe in #3416
- Default to "My polls" view by @artonge in #3450
- Revert "Default to "My polls" view" by @artonge in #3454
- refactoring of polls list with leaner flexbox by @dartcafe in #3458
- fix(l10n): typo fix for threshold by @roliverio in #3500
New Contributors
- @marcelklehr made their first contribution in #3397
- @susnux made their first contribution in #3444
- @Bagoult made their first contribution in #3455
- @roliverio made their first contribution in #3500
Full Changelog: v6.3.0...v7.1.0-beta3