Releases: nextcloud/polls
- fix #909
- fix #910
- add description to invitation mail #895
- fixed safari bugs #770
- added configuraton to hide the poll result #265
- poll title to window title #318
- updated timepicker and changed layout #889, #826
- NC 19 compatibility
- Delete a poll completly #801
- Alignment in poll list #828
- Anonymous poll not saved #829
- wrong z-index on datepicker #830
- Missing translations for Shift all date options #809
- Pinned navigationItem "Deleted polls" #843
- changed vote icons #844
- Autofocus and cursor pointer #827
- Button style #848
- Remove Participants from vote #736
- Add login link in public votes #857
- fix date sorting #877
- overwork navigation filters #865
- added filter for expired polls #878
- share poll via email #822
- fix notification mail contains user names in anonymous polls #871
- fix double loading of poll list #870
- allow creating of option sequences for date polls #649
- permanently delete polls #823
- fix some design / UX improvements #841, #848, #884,
- internal optimizations
- in public poll ask for username in a modal
- Allow site user to vote in hidden poll via public link (#779)
- New option: Allow admins to edit poll
- Prevent deleted poll from beeing called via public link (#773)
- Present error page, when poll cannot be accessed (#772)
- Allow site user to access hidden poll, when called via public link (#779)
- Give permant access to votes, the user voted in
- New filter: participated - Polls, where the user participated in
- delete comments (#193)
- Enter user name in public shared polls in a modal
- fixed routing error in NC16 (#787)
- load subscription on route change (#788)
- show displayNames instead of userID (#715)
- reorder vote options in text polls (#529)
Release 1.1
- autoFocus poll title in creation dialog (#757)
- only count current user, if he actually voted (#759)
- redirect old public polls routes to new route (#761)
- Avoid error on creating share (#763)
- changing popovermenu to Actions (#594 and #754 )
- updated design according to file lists
- Sorting polls in poll list, default creation date desc (#559 and #717)
- updated dependencies
- fix add user name on public share (#771)
- 12-hour clock bug bug (#780)
Release 1.0
It's finally here 🎉 A big thanks to @dartcafe who coded all this awesome stuff! 👍
- huge update of polls
- completely rewritten as a vue app
- vote, edit poll in one page
- instant persisting of votes and configuration
- changed sharing
Release 1.0 RC-2
- fixed notification via backgroud job
- workaround for white calendar icon
- refresh poll list after adding a poll
- translation nad grammar corrections
Release 1.0 RC-1
- adding clone poll from navigation and poll list
- fixed notification via cron
- fixed invitation mails
- added feedback about sending invitation mails
- list variant of the vote page is now the default view
- some minor desing changes
- ...
Release 1.0 beta3
Release 1.0 beta2
- fixed adding new date optoins
- fixed public votes
- added new view for the vote table (switch views via button)
- line breaks in poll description
- some minor fixes
Please make sure, your cache is refreshed after installation to make sure, the current installed version is loaded in the browser.
Release 1.0 beta
Beta version of the upcoming 1.0 Version.
The app ist nearly completly rewritten.
!! This is an beta version !!
Do not use in production environments or in environments, where you need your polls tables, because the migration is not fully tested. The migration works for Version 0.10.x
To dos:
- cloning of polls is to bedone
- final deleting of deleted polls is still a todo
1.0 alpha
Preview version for the upcoming 1.0 Version.
The app ist nearly completly rewritten.
!! This is an alpha version !!
Do not use in production environments or in environments, where you need your polls tables, because the migration is not fully tested. The migration works for Version 0.10.x
To dos:
- public polls - The sharing system has changed, and is not fully implemented
- some minor features are still missing
- security handling is not fully implemented to prevent data manipulation from not authorized users.