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API Documentation
Most of the @ngbracket/ngx-layout functionality is provided via Directives used declaratively in template HTML. There are three (3) programmatic features, however, that are published for programmatic usages:
- ObservableMedia: Injectable Observable used to subscribe to MediaQuery activation changes.
import {ObservableMedia} from '@ngbracket/ngx-layout';
constructor(public media: ObservableMedia ) { ... }
- BREAKPOINTS: Injection token used to override or extend the default breakpoints with custom MediaQuery breakpoints.
import { BREAKPOINTS } from '@ngbracket/ngx-layout';
providers: [{ provide: BREAKPOINTS, useValue: MY_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS }];
- BaseDirectiveAdapter: Adapter class useful to extend existing Directives with MediaQuery activation features.
import {NgClass} from '@angular/core';
export class ClassDirective extends NgClass { ... }
The features of ngx-layout are best used declaratively in template HTML. This API has two (2) significant feature sets:
- Static API: Summary of static API features.
- Responsive API: Introducing Responsive API and BreakPoints details.
As each directive (aka API) within @ngbracket/ngx-layout has its own constraints and options, the links below should be used to navigate to the specific documentation pages for each directive
This API set applies flexbox CSS stylings for DOM container elements with 1 or more nested flex children:
- fxLayout: Defines the flow order of child items within a flexbox container
<div fxLayout="row" fxLayout.xs="column"></div>
- fxLayoutGap: Defines if child items within a flexbox container should have a gap
<div fxLayoutGap="10px"></div>
- fxLayoutAlign: Defines how flexbox items are aligned according to both the main-axis and the cross-axis, within a flexbox container
<div fxLayoutAlign="start stretch"></div>
This API set applies flexbox CSS stylings for a DOM element nested within FlexBox DOM container:
- fxFlex: This markup specifies the resizing of its host element within a flexbox container flow
<div fxFlex="1 2 calc(15em + 20px)"></div>
- fxFlexOrder: Defines the order of a flexbox item
<div fxFlexOrder="2"></div>
- fxFlexOffset: Offset a flexbox item in its parent container flow layout
<div fxFlexOffset="20px"></div>
- fxFlexAlign: Works like fxLayoutAlign, but applies only to a single flexbox item, instead of all of them
<div fxFlexAlign="center"></div>
- fxFlexFill: Maximizes width and height of element in a layout container
<div fxFlexFill></div>
While the following APIs also add or remove DOM element inline styles, they are NOT FlexBox CSS specific.
Instead these are Responsive APIs used to adjust specific, non-flexbox styles when a specific mediaQuery has activated:
- fxShow: This markup specifies if its host element should be displayed (or not)
<div fxShow [fxShow.xs]="isVisibleOnMobile()"></div>
- fxHide: This markup specifies if its host element should NOT be displayed
<div fxHide [fxHide.gt-sm]="isVisibleOnDesktop()"></div>
- ngClass : Enhances the ngClass directives with class changes based on mediaQuery activations
<div [ngClass.sm]="{'fxClass-sm': hasStyle}"></div>
- ngStyle: Enhances the ngStyle directive with style updates based on mediaQuery activations
<div [ngStyle.xs]="{'font-size.px': 10, color: 'blue'}"></div>
Quick Links
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Learning FlexBox
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