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Duncan Faulkner edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

Configuring ngx-layout


ngx-layout comes built-in with several advanced capabilities that are meant to help developers seamlessly integrate Flexbox and CSS Grid utilities into their applications. However, there are times where these behaviors are not desirable, and so this library offers the ability to configure them. The specific configurable behaviors, and how to turn them off, are detailed below.


To configure ngx-layout, initialize the top-level module using the withConfig method as follows:

import { FlexLayoutModule } from '@ngbracket/ngx-layout';

FlexLayoutModule.withConfig(configOptions, [breakpoints]);

The withConfig method takes two arguments: a configuration object, and a list of custom breakpoints. This is the same as providing the breakpoints following the Custom Breakpoints guide.


The Angular Layout module can be configured with the following options:

  • addFlexToParent: whether to add flex-direction stylings to the parent of an fxFlex directive, if not present
  • addOrientationBps: whether to add the orientation breakpoints to the module
  • disableDefaultBps: whether to disable the default breakpoints from use in the module
  • disableVendorPrefixes: whether to disable the --webkit prefix from applied stylings
  • serverLoaded: whether to simulate the module being in server mode
  • useColumnBasisZero: whether the default flex-basis value should be 1e-9px (otherwise auto)

The breakpoints provided as the second argument can be either a singular BreakPoint, or a BreakPoint array

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