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fxLayout API

Duncan Faulkner edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 2 revisions

The fxLayout directive should be used on DOM containers whose children should layout or flow as the text direction along the main-axis or the cross-axis.

<div fxLayout="row">
  <div>1. One</div>
  <div>2. Two</div>
  <div>3. Three</div>
  <div>4. Four</div>


<div fxLayout="column">
  <div>1. One</div>
  <div>2. Two</div>
  <div>3. Three</div>
  <div>4. Four</div>


fxLayout Options

Shown below are the supported fxLayout directive values and their resulting CSS stylings on the hosting element container:

Value Equivalent CSS
'' (default) flex-direction: row
row flex-direction: row
row-reverse flex-direction: row-reverse
column flex-direction: column
column-reverse flex-direction: column-reverse

fxLayout + wrap

By default, flex items will not wrap in their container. Formerly published as distinct directive, fxLayoutWrap was deprecated in favor of simply adding the wrap parameter as a secondary option to the fxLayout directive.

<div fxLayout="row wrap">
  <div>1. One</div>
  <div>2. Two</div>
  <div>3. Three</div>
  <div>4. Four</div>

Note: when using wrap, developers must first specify the layout direction.

fxLayout Side-Effects

Changes to the fxLayout value will cause the following directives to update and modify their element stylings:

  • fxLayoutGap
  • fxFlex
  • fxLayoutAlign
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