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Andrey Mekin edited this page Oct 16, 2017 · 3 revisions

Omaha-server is a software update server for Windows and Mac applications. Crystalnix’s Omaha Server helps our clients to roll out complicated updates to their users and collects feedback and information about crashes silently and hassle-free.

Omaha-server provides developers the ability to manage and plan new releases of their software. Omaha-server also contains functions allowing users to analyse the usage activity and stability of their software.

Main functions of Omaha-server are the following:

  • Support of the Omaha protocol and integration with Omaha client
  • Support of appcast feeds for Sparkle
  • Channel settings allowing users to manage distributions among different audiences
  • Usage statistics
  • Partial updates
  • API to upload feedbacks and information about crashes
  • Internal monitoring dashboard

Not implemented omaha protocols features:

  • Code Red