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Kirill Yakovenko edited this page Jul 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Elastic Load Balancing supports the HTTPS/TLS protocol to enable traffic encryption for client connections to the load balancer. By default, the secure listener port is turned off.

You can modify an environment's load balancing configuration by editing Load Balancing in the Network Tier section of the environment's Configuration page.

  1. Open Elastic Beanstalk console
  2. From the Elastic Beanstalk console applications page, click the name of the environment that you want to change
  3. Click Configuration
  4. Click Load Balancing

Create security group

To turn on the secure listener port

  1. Create and upload a certificate and key to the AWS Access and Identity Management (IAM) service, see the Generate Private Key and Certificate Signing Request and Updating an SSL Certificate Using the AWS Management Console.
  2. Specify the secure listener port by selecting a port from the Secure Listener Port list.
  3. In the SSL Certificate ID box, enter the Amazon Resources Name (ARN) of your SSL certificate (e.g., arn:aws:iam::123456789012:server-certificate/abc/certs/build). Use the SSL certificate that you created and uploaded in step 1.

To turn off the secure listener port, select OFF from the Secure Listener Port drop-down list.

Controlling the secure protocol

If you turn on the secure listener port, you can specify the protocol to use. Select HTTPS or SSL from the Secure Listener Protocol list.