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Violet edited this page Nov 2, 2010 · 2 revisions


Defines the URL path to the Melody application directory.

The CGIPath configuration directive is a required setting. It is used in the construction of links to any of the various scripts which handle the system's public interfaces (e.g. comments, TrackBacks, search, etc).

This value can be output through your templates using the MTCGIPath template tag. This tag is often used in blog/website templates to refer to scripts necessary for commenting, searching, RSD file, and more. The Melody application also uses this value to reference files and URLs.

Warning: For added security, we recommend the use of the AdminCGIPath configuration directive to defining a separate domain or SSL protocol to access Melody's administrative scripts (such as index.cgi)


Value can be a absolute url:


Or a url relative to to the site root:

CGIPath /cgi-bin/mt/

There is not default; this is a required configuration directive.


If you normally access Melody with the following URL:

Then you would put this in your config.cgi




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  • Author: Six Apart Ltd, Byrne Reese
  • Edited by: Violet Bliss Dietz
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