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Evade Module Documentation

Spell Registration

Evade supports the registration of circular, rectangular, and cone-shaped spells for improved gameplay awareness and response.

Circular Spell Registration

evade.register_circular_spell(internal_names, menu_name, radius, color, danger_lvl, explosion_delay, is_moving, set_to_player_pos, set_to_player_pos_delay)

  • internal_names: Array of Strings - The internal names of the spell particles, like ["monsterAffix_FireOrbs", "anotherParticleName"].
  • menu_name: String - The user-friendly name of the spell that will appear in menus.
  • radius: Float - The radius of the circular spell area.
  • color: color - The default color used for visualization.
  • danger_lvl: evade::danger_levels - The danger level of the spell.
  • explosion_delay: Float - The delay before the spell explodes.
  • is_moving: Boolean - Indicates whether the spell moves.
  • set_to_player_pos: Boolean - If true, positions the spell relative to the player's position.
  • set_to_player_pos_delay: Float - Delay before setting the spell to the player's position.

Rectangular Spell Registration

evade.register_rectangular_spell(identifier, names_v, width, length, color, is_dynamic, danger_lvl, is_projectile, projectile_speed, max_time_alive, set_pos_to_player_on_creation, set_to_player_pos_delay)

  • identifier: String - A unique identifier for the spell.
  • names_v: Array of Strings - The internal names of the spell particles.
  • width: Float - The width of the rectangular spell area.
  • length: Float - The length of the rectangular spell area.
  • color: color - The RGBA color used for visualization.
  • is_dynamic: Boolean - Indicates if the rectangular area changes positions or dimensions dynamically during gameplay.
  • danger_lvl: evade::danger_levels - The danger level of the spell.
  • is_projectile: Boolean - Indicates whether the spell is a projectile.
  • projectile_speed: Float - The speed of the projectile.
  • max_time_alive: Float - Maximum time the spell stays active.
  • set_pos_to_player_on_creation: Boolean - Positions the spell relative to the player when created.
  • set_to_player_pos_delay: Float - Delay before setting the spell to the player's position.

Cone Spell Registration

evade.register_cone_spell(identifier, names_v, radius, angle, color, danger_lvl, explosion_delay, is_moving)

  • identifier: String - A unique identifier for the spell.
  • names_v: Array of Strings - The internal names of the spell particles.
  • radius: Float - The radius of the cone's circular base.
  • angle: Float - The angle of the cone in degrees.
  • color: color - The RGBA color used for visualization.
  • danger_lvl: evade::danger_levels - The danger level of the spell.
  • explosion_delay: Float - The delay before the spell explodes.
  • is_moving: Boolean - Indicates whether the spell moves.


Code Example

local initialized_evade_db = false

-- Main update function to register spells
on_update(function ()
    if initialized_evade_db then
        -- Prevent re-initialization to avoid duplicate registrations

    -- Example: Registering a circular spell
    local circular_spell_particles = {"fire_orb_explosion_example", "mage_fire_blast_example"}
    local circular_spell_name = "Fire Blast Example"
    local circular_spell_radius = 5.0
    local circular_spell_color =, 0, 0, 255) -- RGBA: Red
    local circular_spell_danger_level = danger_level.high
    local circular_spell_delay = 2.0
    local circular_spell_moving = true
    local circular_spell_set_to_player_pos = false
    local circular_spell_set_to_player_pos_delay = 0.5

    evade.register_circular_spell(circular_spell_particles, circular_spell_name, circular_spell_radius,
                                  circular_spell_color, circular_spell_danger_level, circular_spell_delay,
                                  circular_spell_moving, circular_spell_set_to_player_pos, circular_spell_set_to_player_pos_delay)

    -- Example: Registering a rectangular spell
    local rectangle_spell_identifier = "Charged Strike Example"
    local rectangle_spell_particles = {"warrior_charge_example", "ground_impact_example"}
    local rectangle_spell_width = 2.5
    local rectangle_spell_length = 12.0
    local rectangle_spell_color =, 0, 255, 255) -- RGBA: Blue
    local rectangle_spell_dynamic = true
    local rectangle_spell_danger_level = danger_level.medium
    local rectangle_spell_is_projectile = true
    local rectangle_spell_speed = 10.0
    local rectangle_spell_max_time_alive = 3.0
    local rectangle_spell_set_to_player_pos_on_creation = false
    local rectangle_spell_set_to_player_pos_delay = 0.5

    evade.register_rectangular_spell(rectangle_spell_identifier, rectangle_spell_particles, rectangle_spell_width,
                                     rectangle_spell_length, rectangle_spell_color, rectangle_spell_dynamic,
                                     rectangle_spell_danger_level, rectangle_spell_is_projectile, rectangle_spell_speed,
                                     rectangle_spell_max_time_alive, rectangle_spell_set_to_player_pos_on_creation, rectangle_spell_set_to_player_pos_delay)

    -- Example: Registering a cone spell
    local cone_spell_identifier = "Dragon's Breath Example"
    local cone_spell_particles = {"dragon_fire_example", "burning_wind_example"}
    local cone_spell_radius = 7.0
    local cone_spell_angle = 90
    local cone_spell_color =, 165, 0, 255) -- RGBA: Orange
    local cone_spell_danger_level = danger_level.high
    local cone_spell_delay = 3.0
    local cone_spell_moving = false

    evade.register_cone_spell(cone_spell_identifier, cone_spell_particles, cone_spell_radius, cone_spell_angle,
                              cone_spell_color, cone_spell_danger_level, cone_spell_delay, cone_spell_moving)

    -- Mark as initialized to prevent re-inserting information
    initialized_evade_db = true

Danger Zone Analysis

Is Position Dangerous


  • pos: vec3 - The position to check.


Analyzes if a given position lies within a dangerous spell zone, which is crucial for character movement decisions.

Is Path Through Danger Zone

evade.is_position_passing_dangerous_zone(pos, source_pos)

  • pos: vec3 - The target position.
  • source_pos: vec3 - The source position.


Checks if the path between two points intersects with any dangerous spell zones, aiding in pathfinding and movement strategies.

Register Dash

evade.register_dash(initialize_condition, dash_name, spell_id, range, cast_delay, enable_dash_usage_default_value, enable_dash_for_circular_spells_default_value, enable_dash_for_rect_spells)

  • initialize_condition: Boolean - Condition to initialize the dash registration.
  • dash_name: String - Name of the dash ability.
  • spell_id: Unsigned Integer - ID of the dash spell.
  • range: Float - Range of the dash ability.
  • cast_delay: Float - Delay before the dash is cast.
  • enable_dash_usage_default_value: Boolean - Default value for enabling dash usage.
  • enable_dash_for_circular_spells_default_value: Boolean - Default value for enabling dash for circular spells.
  • enable_dash_for_rect_spells: Boolean - Default value for enabling dash for rectangular spells.


Registers a dash ability with specified parameters, adding it to the evade system for usage in character movement and avoidance.


Code Example

local initialized_evade_dash_db = false;
on_update(function ()
    if initialized_evade_dash_db then
        -- only insert information 1 time

    local local_player = get_local_player()
    if not local_player then

    local spell_range = 4.5
    local cast_delay = 0.0
    local teleport_spell_id = 288106
    local is_sorcerer = local_player:get_character_class_id() == 0 -- 0 is sorcerer
    evade.register_dash(is_sorcerer, "Sorcerer Teleport", teleport_spell_id , spell_range , cast_delay, true, true, true)

    local spell_range = 6.5
    local cast_delay = 0.10
    local dash_spell_id = 358761
    local is_rogue= local_player:get_character_class_id() == 3 -- 3 is rogue
    evade.register_dash(is_rogue, "Rogue Dash", dash_spell_id, spell_range , cast_delay, true, true, true)

    initialized_evade_dash_db = true
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