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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 12, 2014 · 3 revisions

Polcs and Axis

Following the discussion that was initiated by bug 607. Historically a MeqPolc is a (up to) 2-dimensional polynomial defined on the freq/time axis. In principle this could be any axis, but since the first 2 axis are defined as freq and time this is how it is now. We probably do need the option of an N-dimensional polynomial, but the Max rank=2 polc has some advantage in speed. Suggestion, a hierarchy of:

  • Polc0,
  • Polc2,
  • GenPolc
    To allow the possibility for a Polc0/Polc2 to be defined on any Axis, either the freq/time policy from the Axis-definition should be removed, or the Polc should get an extra field that determines what the first and second axis is.
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