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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 5 revisions

Here we look at the detailed code for a node. Here we do some custom programming and add specialized values to the output record. First, here is the header file.


#include <MEQ/Node.h>
#include <MEQ/VellSet.h>
#include <MeqNodes/TID-MeqNodes.h>

#pragma types #Meq::VisTest

// The following pragma allows us to create the labels XX and VisData
// that will be used when we form the output data record (See the
// C++ code for the implementation below.) In the python meqbrowser,
// these labels will appear in lower case.

#pragma aid XX Label VisData

namespace Meq {

class Request;

class VisTest : public Node
  virtual ~VisTest();

// This inline function is important. The parameter `TpMeqVisTest'
// is created and put in the updated TID-MeqNodes.h header when
// you run the `make aids' command. When the tree is constructed
// the node will not get constructed if this function is absent
// or improperly defined.

  virtual TypeId objectType () const { return TpMeqVisTest; }

  virtual int getResult (Result::Ref &resref,
                         const std::vector<Result::Ref> &childres,
                         const Request &req,bool newreq);
  virtual void setStateImpl (DataRecord &rec,bool initializing);
  HIID label_;

} // namespace Meq

The most important thing to note from the header is that any specialised node class inherits from the basic `Node' class. You can view the complete source code for Node.h and in the ~/Timba/MEQ/src directory. There is quite a bit of code there, but all we have to do ourselves is develop our own specialization of the 'getResult' and 'setStateImpl' methods.

Most of the code in the header is boilerplate. by the name of your own node. One local modification is the stuff after the pragma aid definition. The comments above the pragma aid definition explain how this pragma is used.

Now, here is the corresponding C++ code.

#include <MEQ/Request.h>
#include <MEQ/Vells.h>
#include <MEQ/Function.h>
#include <MEQ/MeqVocabulary.h>
#include <DMI/DynamicTypeManager.h>
#include <DMI/DataList.h>
#include <MeqNodes/VisTest.h>
#include <MeqNodes/Condeq.h>
#include <MeqNodes/ParmTable.h>
#include <MeqNodes/AID-MeqNodes.h>
#include <casa/Arrays/Matrix.h>
#include <casa/Arrays/Vector.h>

namespace Meq {

using namespace VellsMath;

const HIID FLabel = AidLabel;

  : Node(-1,0,1), // The third parameter tells the node that
                  // at least 1 child must be present.
    label_(AidXX) // The default label will be "XX". This may
                  // get overridden when the state is set in the
                  // call to setStateImpl


// called from the init() and setState() methods of the Node class.
// This is meant to update the internal state in accordance
// with the 'rec' definition. If initializing==true (i.e. when
// called from init()), rec is a complete state record.
void VisTest::setStateImpl (DataRecord &rec,bool initializing)

// The method where we do operations unique to this particular node
int VisTest::getResult (Result::Ref &resref,
                       const std::vector<Result::Ref> &child_result,
                       const Request &request, bool newreq)
// The following line attaches a new Result object to the countedref
// resref (for returning to caller), and inits a local variable
// to point to it. 0 means there are 0 VellSets in it
        Result & result = resref <<= new Result(0);

// Use cells of first child to test for shape. They ought to be the
// same across all children - we can check later on - but if they're
// not the same, someone's put the tree together wrong. We will verify
// shapes only below, it's faster and easier
        const Cells &res_cells = child_result[0]->cells();
        const LoShape &res_shape = res_cells.shape();

// Now, we probably want to keep all collected data in a sub-record of
// its own (e.g. "VisData" or AidVis|AidData in C++, "visdata" in
// Python/Glish), since this will make it easier for other collector
// nodes down the line to figure out what's already in there.
// The code below creates a new DataRecord which is attached
// to the result that will be returned with label "VisData".
        DataRecord &visrec = result[[VisData]] <<= new DataRecord;

// The results of the processing we do in this node will be
// stored in a new DataList. This DataList will be stored as
// an element of the 'visrec' DataRecord. The label_ variable
// is a class member (type HIID) which is initialized in the
// constructor and from the node state record, in setStateImpl().
// In our case this will end up of having the equivalent of
// being set to "XX"
        DataList &list = visrec[label_] <<= new DataList;

// Put whatever stuff we want to in the list. There are two
// examples here. The first one (commented out) would create
// a list consisting of the main value from the first vellset
// of every child's result.

//      for( int i=0; i<numChildren(); i++ ) {
//              const Vells &val = child_result[i]->vellSet(0).getValue();
                // make sure that at least the shape is sensible
//              Assert(val.isCompatible(res_shape));
//              list[i] <<= val.getDataArray();
//      }

// Our second example would just use a VellsMath operator to get
// the mean of each child's first VellSet and put it in the list

        for( int i=0; i<numChildren(); i++ ) {
                const Vells &val = child_result[i]->vellSet(0).getValue();
                Vells res_mean = mean(val);
                list[i] <<= res_mean.getDataArray();

        return 0;

} // namespace Meq

Hopefully the detailed comments in the code above are reasonably self-explanatory. Again most of this stuff is boilerplate and can be adapted to the development of any new node. The two examples near the end of the code should show you the way to develop your own node operations or calculations. Good luck with MeqNode development!

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