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Expression and Spreadsheet

Zheng, Lei edited this page Nov 28, 2021 · 7 revisions


Starting from version 0.9, there is a major upgrade of FreeCAD Expression Engine and Spreadsheet Workbench. This article highlights the difference and enhancement made in my branch comparing to the upstream. It assumes that the reader is already familiar with the basic usage of expression and spreadsheet. If not, please check out the links above first, and also this book chapter.

Here is a brief list of the enhancements,

  • Expression syntax has been greatly extended to become a full blown scripting language. The syntax is borrowed from Python with a few extension to support FreeCAD unit system, document object reference, etc. It is mostly backward compatible with upstream syntax with very few exceptions.

  • Because of the extended syntax, expression can now evaluates into any type of Python object. And the expression engine has been extended to support binding to any type of property. See here for more details.

  • Both the PropertyExpressionEngine and PropertySheet has been modified to behave similarly as a link property that supports external objects. This means,

    • The external referenced document will be automatically opened together with the owner document;
    • Supports the new Topological Naming (with the new syntax)
  • New alternative edit mode support in Spreadsheet, including button, combo box, and label, which makes it possible for user to create simple customized GUI using spreadsheet.

  • Support relative and absolute cell and range reference when copying and pasting spreadsheet cell(s). See here for more details.

For those who do not care much of the details, and would like to jump straight into the business, you can skip to here for a demo.

Security Concern

The syntax of the expression language is borrowed from Python, minus the class definition stuff. One thing worth mention before we get into the details is that although the scripts look like Python, it is not interpreted by the Python interpreter. For security reason, the FreeCAD expression classes and parser are refactored to interpret the script by itself. This way, we have more control to what the script can or cannot do. By default, the following Python built-in functions are blocked,

  • eval()
  • execfile()
  • exec()
  • __import__()
  • file()
  • open()
  • input()

No Python module is allowed except the following,

  • builtins (or __builtin__ for Python 2)
  • math
  • re
  • collections
  • FreeCAD (i.e. the App module)
  • FreeCADGui (i.e. the Gui module. However, Gui.docommand() is blocked)
  • Base (FreeCAD built-in Base module)
  • Units (FreeCAD built-in module)
  • __FreeCADConsole__ (FreeCAD built-in Console module)
  • Selection (FreeCAD built-in module)
  • Sketcher (FreeCAD built-in module)
  • Spreadsheet (FreeCAD built-in module)
  • Part (FreeCAD built-in module)
  • PartDesign (FreeCAD built-in module)
  • freecad.fc_cadquery (A bundled and modified version of CadQuery)

User can manually white (and black) list modules by adding a boolean parameter under BaseApp/Preferences/Expression/PyModules with the absolute module reference as the parameter name, as shown below. And because of its special purpose, this parameter group is protected against writing using expressions.

Update: In early releases, the white/black list only applies to direct module import using the import_py statement. There is no restriction calling any method of an existing object. With the current release (2020.11.24), the list is enforced before invoking any callable. A white or black (when the boolean parameter is set to False) listed entry applies to the given module and any of its sub modules. That also implies to creating instance of module classes, as the class is a type of callable object. Note that attribute read and write access is not restricted.

Even with all the above precautions, the new power of Expression may still expose potential danger to the end user, because it can now call into other Python code, which may have unknown security risk. There will be more security measure implemented in the future, possible candidates are,

  • Explicitly showing every expression usage to the user before loading a file
  • Implement more granulated access control, such as,
    • No extended scripting allowed (but still allow upstream like expression usage),
    • No import allowed,
    • No callable allowed,
    • No property writing.
  • Support digital signature of files, which not only can deny execution of untrusted files, but also make it more convenient to grant more access right to trusted ones, like those with user's own signature.

Python Syntax Mode

Great effort has been made to make the extended expression syntax mimicking that of Python and yet backward compatible with upstream FreeCAD. However, there are exceptions. At the time of this writing, the only one I am aware of is that in as the unit inch is no longer recognized, as it badly conflicts with Python keyword in. You can still use " for the unit inch.

The extended syntax is fully defined in this file.

By default, all upstream keywords (except in) are recognized, which includes those for units, built-in functions and constants. It adds up to about a hundred keywords, and therefore greatly interfere with Python-like script code. And not to mention the awkward way to quote string using << and >> because ' and " are taken up by unit foot and inch. To alleviate this problem, a pseudo statement is introduced to switch syntax to Python compatible mode


Although it looks like a Python comment, it is recognized by the expression parser as a statement, just like pass or return, so you must honour the usual Python indentation rules. In addition, this statement only takes effect in runtime, not parse-time. This means that if you add this statement outside of a function definition, the code inside of the function may not be run in Python mode depending on its calling context.

Once inside Python mode,

  • Units keywords are no longer recognized;

  • Expression built-in functions are still recognized, but can be overload by variables and your own function definition.

  • Variable name lookup will include Python builtin module, and take precedence over expression built-in functions.

  • String literal now supports the usual ' and ". Note that << and >> as well as the long string ''' and """ are always supported regardless of the current mode.

  • , can no longer be used as decimal separator. In default mode, expression 1,2 is interpreted as decimal 1.2, while 1, 2 means two integers. In Python mode, they are both interpreted as two integers.

  • Python comments work as expected. However, in default mode, comment is only recognized if # is followed by at least one space. This is to allow external object referencing syntax, document#object. One thing to note that, after you entered the script into a spreadsheet cell, it is immediately parsed with all comments stripped away. So there won't be any comments left if you edit the script again. You can always use the string expression as comment, which will be kept untouched after parsing, especially the ''' or """ long string. However, since string expression is considered a statement, it must obey the usual indentation rules. If you really want to use and keep the normal comments, you can enter the script as plain string (by starting the script with a single ', instead of =). You can then run the script using the built-in function eval() (which is not the Python eval, but FreeCAD's own implementation), or func(). See here for more details.

To end the Python mode,


Note that the mode switching statement is not counted, so it can be ended by a single #@pyend regardless how many #@pybegin ahead. When writing expression inside a spreadsheet, you can use the new spreadsheet property Python Mode to control the default mode.

Syntax Difference vs. Python

As mentioned above, the extended expression syntax is borrowed from Python, Python 3 to be exact. This section highlights the difference between the two.

Here is a diagram showing the relation between Python syntax, extended expression syntax, and the upstream Expression syntax.


  • #1: Python-syntax-mode
  • #2: This is the default mode ("Compatibility mode") while entering an expression, unless
    • Python Mode is set to True for a spreadsheet
    • #@pybegin; isn't prepended to an expression
  • #3: Currently none.
  • #4: not-implemented, security-related

Not Implemented

Here are the things Python has, but not implemented (yet) by FreeCAD expression parser,

  • No support of class definition, decorator or annotation.

  • No implementation of async, yield, with or assert statement.

  • No bitwise or matrix operator. The reason for not supporting bitwise operator is because the shift operator << and >> conflicts with expression string quoting.

  • Limited string literal prefix. Only support r and u, in other words no support of binary or formatted string literal.

  • Limited string escaping support. Only support \t, \r, \n \\, \', \". And because expression supports quoting string with << and >>, \> is also supported. There is no support for octal, hex or Unicode escaping.

  • Variable declaration and assignment can only be used inside a function body or by a script invoked through eval() or func(). This restriction also applies to implicit variable assignment with for statement, but not applicable to list/set/dict comprehensions, which can be used anywhere.

  • The global variable scope is defined as the variables defined in top level statement. And local means the current executing function or eval(). The variable scope, or more specifically, the evaluation stacks are isolated from the Python interpreter running inside FreeCAD. The global, local, nonlocal and del statements are supported but with altered definition of scope described above.

  • from ... import ... statement only supports absolute import.

Anything not mentioned above should be supported by the extended expression syntax, and works about the same as in Python.


In default mode, FreeCAD expression supports over 60 unit keywords. And you can create more unit by doing arithmetics with them, such as m/s. The full list of supported units can be found here. These are mostly the same as upstream FreeCAD.

Function Definition

Named function is defined just like in Python, with def name(args...). However, unlike Python, this statement returns a Python callable object, similar to lambda expression. This is to make it easy for the user to turn a spreadsheet cell into a callable, which can be accessed by others just like a newly defined instance method. Moreover, if a cell contains nothing but a single function definition, the function name will be automatically used as the alias of the cell.

Another subtle difference from Python is that if a function reaching the end of control without a return statement, it will return the result of the last statement instead of None. However, it is always better to use an explicit return statement to avoid any surprises. For example, if the last statement is a string expression, it will return None instead of the string. This is an optimization for using string expression as comment.

Document Object Property Reference

FreeCAD expression has dedicated syntax for referencing a property of a document object. The word identifier used below is defined as usual in most programming language, that is, a text string starting with an alphabet or _, followed by any alpha numericals or _. There are a few new additional referencing scheme supported comparing to upstream, all of which are described as follows,

  • identifier. A single identifier can be used to reference a property of the owner document object of the expression, which we shall call it reference to a local property. However, when inside a function body, or in a script invoked by eval(), name lookup will first be conducted from the inner local variable scope, all way up till global scope. And when in Python mode, the builtin modules will also be searched if no matched variable is found. If still no match is found, then the owner object's property list will be searched at last.

  • .identifier. A new syntax is introduced to make it easy for user to directly reference a local property without ambiguity, by preceding the identifier with a ., similar to Python's relative import syntax.

    As a convenience, there is a list of pseudo properties defined as below, which can be use on any object referencing scheme, not limited to local property reference.

    • _shape, using Part.getShape() to obtain the referenced object's Shape. Part.getShape() supports getting shape from many objects without having a property of Shape, including App::Link, App::LinkGroup, App::Part and App::Group.

    • _pla, using DocumentObject.getSubObject() to obtained the accumulated placement of a sub-object reference.

    • _matrix, same as above, but return as a App.Matrix

    • __pla, similar to _pla, except that if the sub-object is an App::Link, then it will use DocumentObject.getLinkedObject() to accumulate the linked object's placement as well.

    • __matrix, same as __pla, but return as a App.Matrix

    • _self, refers to the object itself. Because none of the referencing scheme can refer to an object without property, the user can use this pseudo property to access non-property attributes of any object.

    • _app, refers to the App module.

    • _gui, refers to the Gui module.

    • _part, refers to the Part module.

    • _re, refers to Python regex module.

    • _py, refers to Python builtins module.

    • _math, refers to Python math module.

    • _coll, refers to Python collections module.

    • _cq, refers to the bundled CadQuery module.

  • <<label>>.identifier. Referencing an object using its user changeable label. Note that the label must be a string with FreeCAD expression quoting style. In case the referenced object's label is changed, this expression will be automatically updated. This syntax has no ambiguity, unlike the one below.

  • idenfifier1.identifier2. This is a troublesome syntax inherited from upstream FreeCAD, because there are many ways to interpret it, as shown below

    • local_property.sub_property
    • object_name.property_name
    • object_label.property_name
    • And because of the extended syntax, it could also be a reference to a local variable.

    In order to reduce ambiguities, the new expression parser will try to resolve the identifier at parsing time, and possibly change the input expression to an alternative and less ambiguous form, with the following rules applied in listed order,

    • If there is an object with internal name of identifier1 and having a property named identifier2, then there will be no runtime variable lookup.

    • If there is an object with label of identifier1 and having a property named identifier2, then the expression will be changed to <<identifier1>>.identifier2

    • If there is a local property of name identifier1 then the expression will be changed to .identifier1.identifier2

    • If none of the above rules is applicable, then a runtime search among all defined variables will be performed.

  • identifier1.<<subname>>.identifier2, a reference to a sub-object using a subname reference, where identifier1 is referencing the parent object by its internal name, and identifier2 is the sub-object's property name. You can use label reference inside subname by preceding the label with $, and the labels will also be auto updated if changed by user. In addition, you can also include geometry reference inside subname, and it will be auto updated if the referenced geometry model is updated, thanks to the new Topological Naming feature.

    For example, an expression of Assembly.<<Parts.$Fusion.Edge10>>._shape will give you a Python edge shape object transformed into the global coordinate space. The $ inside means that the fusion sub-object is referenced by its label. So if user re-label the object to, say, Fuse, then the expression will be auto updated to Assembly.<<Parts.$Fuse.Edge10>>._shape. And if the fusion object is modified, say, refined, and Edge10 is shifted to Edge9, then the expression will be auto updated accordingly, too.

    Note that the expression completer tries to auto correct some common mistakes in subname reference and will try label interpretation if the named object cannot be found, which unfortunately creates some ambiguity of subname reference that contains only geometry element reference, such as Box.<<Face1>>._shape. To resolve this ambiguity, you should always proceed a geometry element reference with a ., i.e. Box.<<.Face1>>._Shape

  • <<label>>.<<subname>>.identifier, same as above, except that the parent object is referenced by its label.

  • identifier1#identifier2.identifier3, this syntax is used to reference a property identifier3 of an object with internal name identifier2 that belongs to an external document labeled identifier1. Unlike upstream, you have to save both the referencing and referenced documents at least once before using this type of reference, otherwise exception will be thrown. Whenever a document containing this type of reference is opened, the referenced external document will be automatically opened together.

    identifier1 and identifier2 can also be a quoted string to reference the document and/or object by their label. And there can also be subname reference. For example, <<asm>>#<<top assembly>>.<<Parts.Body.Pad>>.Length.

Cell and Range Reference

FreeCAD has a Spreadsheet Workbench, which allows the user to create spreadsheet similar to Microsoft Excel or Google Sheet. The cells inside a spreadsheet are named with the same convention, that is one or two alphabets to refer to a column, and an integer starting from one to refer to a row, e.g. A1, AB1234. The maximum supported row index is 16384.

The cell naming conforms to the definition of an identifier. And also because the spreadsheet object will create a property for each non-empty cell, the cell can be referenced in an expression like any other properties. There is a new feature implemented to support the concept of relative vs. absolute cell reference. The normal cell references are all treated as relative, meaning that when you copy the cell (or a range of cells), and paste into some other cell location, all relative cell reference will be offset accordingly. For example, if cell B1 references to A1, and the user copies B1 to B2, the A1 reference will but auto changed to A2.

If auto offset is not wanted, the user can use the absolute cell reference, by preceding either the column, or row, or both with $. For example, $A1 means absolute column A, but relative row one, while $A$1 refers to an absolute cell. Although the absolute reference does not conform to the usual identifier definition, it is specifically allowed to be used inside an object property reference just like relative cell reference.

A range of cell can be referred to like A1:C2. Some of the built-in functions accepts range reference directly as input argument, like sum(A1:C2), etc. However, a range cannot be used inside object property reference. It can, however, be unpacked into a list or tuple, like [*A1:C2], or (*A1:C2,). The same unpack syntax can be used to pass a range of cell into normal function as arguments, such as test(*A1:C2).

Range Reference from outside of the Spreadsheet

The above range reference only works for referencing the Spreadsheet's own cells. You'll need a different way to refer to a range of cells from outside of the Spreadsheet, or from another Spreadsheet.

Each Spreadsheet in FreeCAD is just like any other objects that have a bunch of properties. The Spreadsheet automatically expose any non-empty cells as property using the cell address as its name. That's how you can reference a cell from outside of the Spreadsheet using the normal syntax like Sheet.A1. Spreadsheet stores all its cells also in a property, of type PropertySheet, and name cells. And this special property offers a way for the other object to dynamically reference to a range of cell with the following syntax.

# return a list of cell content in order A1, B1, A2, B2. Empty cells will correspond to a None item.

# return the contents of row A starting from A1 until the first empty cell

# return the contents of column A starting from A1 until the first empty cell


In addition to normal dict, expression supports another convenience form called idict, meaning identifier dictionary, with the following syntax

{ identifier=obj, ... }

The key must be a valid identifier, and the value can be anything. The expression evaluates to a normal Python dict with string keys. This convenience form is provided to save user from having to quote the key using awkward << and >>.

Special Built-in Functions

In addition to all built-in function in upstream FreeCAD, here are some additional ones.


Not to be confused with the Python built-in with the same name, this function evaluates scripts with FreeCAD expression extended syntax. The reason why Python's eval() is dangerous is because Python's system modules gives the script access to user's local system. And eval() allows an attacker to run any script code. FreeCAD expression engine, by default, does not have access to user's local system. So allowing eval() exposes no more danger than allowing user to enter expression in a spreadsheet cell.

The usage of eval() is,

eval(cmd, ...)

cmd can be a single string or a sequence of strings. You can pass in one or more optional input arguments as predefined variables before script evaluation. The argument supports positional and keyword argument, as well as sequence and dictionary unpacking. Positional argument is named as _index_, where index is the argument's position starting with one. For example,

# suppose
c = [ 3, 2 ]
d = { 'g':4 }

# calling eval with the following arguments
eval(cmd, 5, 6, a=[1,2,3], *c, **d)

# is equivalent to pre-defining the following variable
_1_ = 5
_2_ = 6
a = [1,2,3]
_3_ = 3
_4_ = 2
g = 4

One advantage of eval() over function definition is that the script is stored as string, and all comments inside are kept untouched.


func() and func_d() has the exact same call signature as eval(). The difference is that func/func_d() returns a callable object instead of evaluating the input scripts. You can think of it compiles the script, but not running it. The d in func_d means delayed, that is, the argument passed into func_d() is not evaluated at compile time, but delayed until runtime,


Similar to Python's __import__() function, import_py(name) returns a module object of given name. The difference is that import_py() only allows to import modules that are explicitly enabled by user with a boolean parameter with the same name as the module, defined in BaseApp/Preferences/Expression/PyModules.


href() stands for hidden reference, which accepts a single argument containing an property reference. This function hides any object reference inside the argument to work around cyclic dependency error. You need to be careful when using href() because skipping dependency checking may result in unstable recomputing order, and thus given unexpected result. As a rule of thumb, it will be safe if href() is referring (directly or indirectly) to some property that will only be changed by user instead of calculated by the object (e.g. with other expressions). When used right, href() can be a powerful tool. You can, for example, expose module parameters in a parent container (such as an App::Part or PartDesign::Body), and refer to these parameters inside any child features, e.g. href(Part001.Length).


dbind() stands for double binding. It accepts a single argument containing an property property reference and let you bind to that property in both ways. Unlike normal one-way expression binding, where it only reads value from the bound property, dbind() allows you write to the bound property as well. In other word, it lets you link properties from many different objects, and put them in the same place (which can be any type of object, not limited to a Spreadsheet) for easy configuration. At the same time, you can still edit the property in the original object, and the changes will be reflected on the other side. Like href(), the property reference is hidden from dependency checking.

If used in a Spreadsheet, you will need to choose one the cell edit mode for editing. If used in normal objects, the property view will allow you to edit the property even through it is bound with an expression, as shown below.

Expression Binding

Because of the extended syntax, an expression can now evaluates to any type of Python objects, which in turn allows binding of any type of property. The property view has been modified to enable just that.

By default, the property view will only show some of properties of the selected object, among which only some types of properties allow expression binding, by clicking the small blue f(x) button shown below.

Now, you can reveal all properties by right clicking anywhere in the property view and select Show all. As shown below, you can even use an expression to generate a shape and bind it to the Shape property, by using the Expression... menu action. Be careful though, some properties are hidden for a reason. Consider this as an advanced feature, and make sure you know what you are doing.

The other menu actions are used for dynamic access control of properties. See here for more details. One property status that is particular important to ExpressionEngine is the Output status. When an object is recomputed, its ExpressionEngine will compute all non-Output property expression binding first, then calls object's execute() function, and finally computes any Output property expression binding. In other words, the Output property status controls the order of expression binding evaluation within an object.

Spreadsheet Binding Rang of Cells

Each spreadsheet cell natively supports expression binding. In addition, it also allow you to bind a range of cells to another range of cells in the same or another Spreadsheet using the Bind... action in the spreadsheet context menu. Once bound, the cell in target range will mirror what's in the source range. Bound cells are shown with blue border, and are not editable. Double clicking any bound cells to edit or discard the binding.

Spreadsheet Edit Mode

Apart from the aforementioned relative cell feature, another important new feature of spreadsheet is the introduction of alternative edit mode, which enables user to build simple customized GUI using spreadsheet. Simply right click the cell and choose one of the edit mode in the context menu to activate this feature. Normal mode is the default mode, which directly edits the cell content. Persistent is an add-on option for all the other edit modes to always show the edit control, or else, the edit control is only shown when you are editing the cell, by double clicking for example. Other modes are described as follows.

Button Edit Mode

Any cell that defines a function can be switched into button edit mode, where a button widget is shown in the cell's position. The button text is looked up in the following places in the given order,

  • Function doc string,
  • Function name,
  • Cell alias,
  • Cell address.

The function is invoked when the button is clicked, after which the whole current document is recomputed.

Combo Box Edit Mode

The ComboBox edit mode requires a cell with a list or tuple expression of two or more items. If the first item is a mapping of string to anything, then the second item must be a string key of the mapping. If the first item is a sequence of string, then the second item can be either a string or an integer index of the sequence. When the ComboBox edit mode is activated, the cell will only show the second string item as the content. When the cell is edited by double clicking, or keyboard enter, it shows a ComboBox widget populated with the first item's string keys if it's a mapping, or simply the first item if it's a string list. When the user choose an item, the second item will be assigned the selected string. If there is a third callable item in the cell expression, it will be invoked on value change with arguments callable(sheet, cell_address, seq), where sheet is the spreadsheet, cell_address is the current cell address in text form, and seq is the cell's evaluated list or tuple object.

Label Edit Mode

The label edit mode requires a cell with a list or tuple expression of at least one item. The first item must be a string. The rest of the items can be any thing, and are not touched. When activated, the cell only shows the first string item as its content, and can be edited as usual. The other items are hidden and not used. See the following demonstration for an example usage of this mode.

This edit mode can also be used to edit string property from other object using the double binding function, e.g. dbind(Box.Label2).

Quantity Edit Mode

This edit mode provides an easy way to edit values with unit using a SpinBox. It is similar to how the property view lets you edit the object's quantity property, but offers more customizations with expression.

This mode expects the cell to contain either a simple number, a quantity (i.e. number with unit) or a tuple/list(quantity, dict). The dict contains optional string keys 'step', 'max', 'min', 'unit' to configure the SpinBox. All keys are expects to have double type as value, except unit which must be a string. If no unit setting is found, the display unit setting of the current cell will be used. Note that, the unit setting inside the expression does not have any effect on cell display when not editing. You can of course turn on the Persistent edit mode to always display the cell content in SpinBox.

CheckBox Edit Mode

Edit the cell using a CheckBox. The cell is expected to contain any value that can be converted to boolean. If you want the check box to have a title, use tuple/list(boolean, title).

For all edit modes, besides the cell expression mentioned above, they also accept an calling expression to special function dbind(). As mentioned before, dbind() works similarly as App::Link at the object level. It can be used to link to a property. And the edit mode can be used to forward the editing to the linked property.


Here is a demonstration that uses spreadsheet to populate a simple BOM list. The spreadsheet offers the user to select the document and assembly, and then populate the list with the parts information from the selection.

To reveal the script of a cell with non-default edit mode, you can right click it and select Edit mode -> Normal. And then you can edit the cell as usual. Alternatively, you can right click the spreadsheet object in the tree view, and select Expression actions -> Copy selected. You can then paste the scripts to your favorite text editor. This gives you expressions of every cell in the spreadsheet. Other actions in Expression actions can let you copy expressions of the active document or all opened documents, from not only the spreadsheet, but also all expression bindings in any objects. You can modify the script in your editor, and copy back using Expression actions -> Paste. You can paste only part of the scripts, as long as you include the ##@@ marker of the expression you want to change. Make sure your copied text starts with one of the ##@@ marker.

Here are the script,

##@@ A1 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
<<Please select document:>>

##@@ A2 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
<<Please select assembly:>>

##@@ A3 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell alias="getDocuments" />
def getDocuments():
    docs = {}
    for name, doc in ._app.listDocuments().items() :
        if doc.Label != name:
            name = '%s (%s)' % (doc.Label, name)
            name = doc.Label

        docs[name] = doc

    return docs

##@@ A4 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell foregroundColor="#ffffffff" backgroundColor="#000080ff" editMode="3" editModeName="Label" />
[<<Document>>, ._self.column(), lambda obj : obj.Document.Label]

##@@ B1 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell alias="curDoc" editMode="2" editModeName="Combo" editPersistent="1" />
[.getDocuments(), <<bom>>]

##@@ B2 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell alias="curAssembly" editMode="2" editModeName="Combo" editPersistent="1" />
[.getAssemblies(.curDoc), <<None>>, .getParts]

##@@ B3 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell alias="getAssemblies" />
def getAssemblies(docMap):
    objs = []
        doc = docMap[0].get(docMap[1])
        for obj in doc.Objects :
            if str(getattr(obj, 'Proxy', None)).startswith('<freecad.asm3.assembly.Assembly '):

    if  not objs:
        return {'None':None}

    return { obj.Label : obj for obj in objs }

##@@ B4 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell foregroundColor="#ffffffff" backgroundColor="#000080ff" editMode="3" editModeName="Label" />
[<<Label>>, ._self.column(), lambda obj : obj.Label]

##@@ C1 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell alias="Refresh" editMode="1" editModeName="Button" />
def Refresh(asm=.curAssembly):
    .getParts(None, None, asm)

##@@ C3 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell alias="getParts" />
def getParts(_obj, _addr, asm, template=.template):
    rstart = 5
    r = rstart
    count = 0
        while ._self.get('A' + str(r)) :
            count += 1
            r += 1

    if count:
        ._self.removeRows(str(rstart), count)

    r = rstart
        asm = asm[0].get(asm[1], None)
        if  not asm:
            ._app.Console.PrintError('No parts found\n')

        parts = asm.Group[2]
        for obj in parts.Group :
            for _, col, func in template[1] :
                addr = col + str(r)
                ._self.set(addr, "'" + func(obj))

            r += 1
    except Exception as e:
        ._app.Console.PrintError('Failed to get parts: ' + str(e) + '\n')

##@@ C4 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell foregroundColor="#ffffffff" backgroundColor="#000080ff" editMode="3" editModeName="Label" />
[<<Part No.>>, ._self.column(), lambda obj : .partInfo(obj, 0)]

##@@ D3 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell alias="template" editMode="3" editModeName="Label" />
[<<template>>, [*A4:D4]]

##@@ D4 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell foregroundColor="#ffffffff" backgroundColor="#000080ff" editMode="3" editModeName="Label" />
[<<Description>>, ._self.column(), lambda obj : .partInfo(obj, 1)]

##@@ E3 bom#Spreadsheet.cells (Spreadsheet)
##@@<Cell alias="partInfo" />
def partInfo(obj, idx):
        res = obj.Label2.split(':')[idx]
        return res ? res : '?'
        return '?'

The third row of the spread sheet is used to define several helper functions to enumerate documents, assemblies, parts, and so on. You can optionally hide this row for better presentation as shown in the screen cast. Simply right click the row index and select Toggle rows. The reveal the hidden rows, select Show all rows.

The Part No. and Description is filled by function partInfo(), which reads the part object's Label2 property, i.e. the text shown in tree view Description column. As shown in the screen cast, you can edit the tree view column by pressing F2 key. The demo code simply split the string with separator :. You can of course use more complex data structure, or add dedicated property to the part object for more details.

The BOM list columns (A4:D4) are defined using Label edit mode, where the first item of the list is the column heading, the second item stores the current column address, and the third item is a lambda to extract the corresponding part information.

D3 (i.e template) is defined as a convenience to consolidate all column definition. It is using Label edit mode to reduce cell display verbosity.

Once thing to note is that B1 containing a list of currently opened documents for user to select. There is no auto recompute mechanism in case of new or deleted document. The button Refresh defines a function of the same name to re-scan all open documents, and re-populate the assembly list of the current document.