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Experimental Builds

Ryan Guy edited this page May 16, 2023 · 6 revisions

Update: As of November 2022, a separate experimental builds package has no longer been needed. Experimental features are now distributed within the stable and demo versions of the addon and are disabled/hidden by default under the FLIP Fluids Preferences > Enable Developer Tools option.

This documentation page will provide up-to-date and important information about using our experimental builds which contain the latest features, fixes, and improvements. We recommend reading this page before installing the experimental versions.


Before using the experimental builds, we recommend having:

  • FLIP Fluids addon experience - Having prior experience using the FLIP Fluids addon is highly recommended. If you are new to the FLIP Fluids addon, it would be recommended to start with the latest stable version of the addon. Without prior experience, you may experience frustration during learning due to bugs and unexpected outcomes.
  • A GitHub account (optional) - Bugs can be reported on the GitHub issue tracker or sent to support[at] Please read our Bug Reporting Guidelines carefully.

Accessing the experimental builds

The experimental build package can be found in the marketplace downloads and will be labeled as Experimental_Builds_(unzip)_(date_updated).zip. (See current product downloads).

You will need to unzip this file to access the package contents. Inside the package you will find installation files and any example scenes specific to the experimental features. (Click here for package contents).

Limitations, Warnings, and Guidelines

This section will highlight limitations, warnings, and guidelines when using the experimental builds.

  • Not for production use - Our experimental builds are not considered stable and are not meant for productions use.
    • Blend files may break. Backup your files regularly.
    • Blend file and simulation cache compatibility may break between experimental versions.
    • You will likely experience bugs and unexpected behavior.
    • Use at your own risk, these builds should only be used for fun and for testing.
  • Reduced Support - Scene Troubleshooting Support will not be offered for the experimental builds. We will need to limit our support time for the stable versions only in order to set aside adequate development time for complete integration of experimental features.
  • Discussion - Feel free to discuss the experimental builds on our FLIP Fluids Blender Artists thread or send us a message at support[at]
    • We may not have time to answer all questions or respond to feedback in a timely manner, but we will be closely monitoring the thread.
  • Bug Reports - Please report any bugs to the GitHub Issue Tracker or submit a report to support[at]
    • We are usually quite lenient with our bug reporting guidelines, but in order speed up development, we may be more strict with our guidelines for experimental builds. Please read our Bug Reporting Guidelines carefully.
  • Not all features will be available - Not all up-to-date features and changes will be released into the experimental builds. Some features will spend some time in internal development and testing before they will be considered 'ready' for experimental testing. Only the more stable features/changes will be included in order to avoid confusion and potential issues.
  • Enable Developer Tools - Depending on your previous FLIP Fluids addon installation preferences, you may need to enable the Developer Tools option in the FLIP Fluids Preferences Menu to activate certain features.

Release Notes

Click here for experimental version release notes.

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